I always felt like I was in a horror movie every time I had this nightmare, but each time it feels worse.

Happening three times like this can no longer be considered a recurring dream, I know the history of this mansion and the history of the previous residents as well.

Something is happening here, I can't tell if it's someone's memories, if there's a curse affecting me or if there's someone messing with my brain, but definitely, something is happening here.

I get up and go to the bedroom door, this time I don't need to open the door because it's destroyed.

After going out into the hallway I see a scene of horror, the walls and furniture are destroyed with holes and car marks all over the place, there are also bodies scattered all over the hallway.

There is a maid stuck to the wall with a piece of wood that goes through her head and fastened to the wall on the other side, there are also the bodies of maids and servants on the floor, all with faces filled with horror and fear at the time of their deaths.

Most of the bodies are dismembered and with bite marks and claw marks on their bodies, I start walking and soon I start seeing bodies in metal armor ripped by claws as well.


"... ... ..." (voice)

I'm hearing a voice, coming from the room of the first dream, I'm walking there little by little, trying to ignore the bodies and blood around me as I pay attention to any movement around me.

As soon as I approached the door I started to hear a conversation, so I stop to listen, I do this to see if I can find anything since if I open the door I shouldn't find anyone there like at other times.

"I already got what you wanted, but you're sure you're going to use it." (mysterious man)

"Yes, that was the last item I needed, all we need to do now is prepare for the ritual." (Mysterious woman A)

"I don't like this plan, there's a reason no one has ever used this item before, I could feel malice coming from it." (mysterious man)

"It's just remnants, it doesn't matter later, you also know I won't let her die." (mysterious woman A)

"I know, if it wasn't for your potions she wouldn't even be alive right now, thanks dear." (mysterious man)

"I shouldn't have taken that item, that was my second mistake..." (mysterious voice)

I was listening to the conversation behind the door when a distorted voice seems to come from all directions around me, I try to look around but find nothing.

"... ... ..." (voice)

Once again I hear a sound coming from the library downstairs, so I go there without letting my guard down and always paying attention to my surroundings.

On the way I found half the body of a guard hanging from a chandelier with his guts falling to the ground, that was just one of the horrors I've been trying not to see.With this vision of hell all around me, I slowly make my way closer to the library door where I can hear someone talking.

"Today is the day, I don't know if I can save her, but I will do everything I can to save my precious daughter." (mysterious man)

"I won't let her die as long as I have the slightest chance of her living." (mysterious man)

"You're here again talking to yourself, why dear?" (mysterious woman B)

"You're welcome, I'm just reaffirming my desire to save my daughter before the ritual." (mysterious man)

"We've been researching for over a year in preparation for this moment, you don't have to worry honey, we're sure the plan will be a success." (mysterious woman B)

"Even if something goes wrong, we're prepared to let her sleep until we find a way to save her, but that's only if the ritual works, that's the only way." (mysterious woman)

"So come on, I'll stay by her side until she's awake, that was my promise to her and I'll never break that promise..." (mystery man)

"That was my third mistake, I should have stopped the ritual, if I had done that then everyone would still be alive..." (mysterious voice)

Once again I hear the mysterious voice coming from everywhere, I can feel a deep sadness in that voice.

"... ... ..." (voice)

This time I hear a voice talking downstairs, but if I'm not mistaken the ballroom is right below me.

I start down the stairs again heading to the Ballroom, I feel someone watching me but I can't feel where he's hiding.

I reach the doors and open it entering the ballroom, what I found there was something grotesque, it had claw marks everywhere and bodies so destroyed that I can't even tell how many there are.

In the center of the ballroom I see a very large glass cylinder with a green liquid in it, I can't see what's inside, but the strangest thing is there's someone with a hood and black clothes with their hands on the big glass cylinder, he had his back to me, whining as he said something without logic.

"Because it had to happen, all I wanted was to save my daughter, so because it had to happen to all the people I care about..." (mystery man)

"What should daddy do now my dear? I'm not able to help you anymore and everyone else is dead but don't worry, daddy will take care of you and find what you need even if I have to sell my soul to save you, my precious daughter." (mysterious man)

I was standing watching the hooded man lamenting as I hear that distorted voice once more.

"My first mistake was not letting my daughter rest in peace, my fear of losing her, my sadness that I would never see her again, and my pride that made me believe I would be able to save her..." (Mysterious voice )"But this time everything I did cause me to lose everything I cared about and prolonged my daughter's suffering..." (mysterious voice)

This time I can find the place where the voice is coming from, while this voice was talking I realized it was coming from the person with the black hood, he who was the mysterious voice, little by a little while speaking the voice becomes that of the mysterious man.

"I found a way my daughter, I'll get what you need one way or another, no matter the cost." (mysterious man)

The person turns slowly showing that it was a skull under the hood, I can also see two red flames in the place of the hole where their eyes were.

At that moment when I see him the darkness took over everything around me, there was no more place to run, the skeleton didn't move, he just stood in front of me, soon the darkness made everything around disappear leaving only me and the skeleton facing each other in a completely black space.

"I've waited a long time, I've kept her waiting a long time, but finally the time has come." (mysterious skeleton)

"Who are you? Why are you inside my dream?" (I)

"Who I am doesn't matter, what matters is you, if you want to know more you'll have to find me, we have little time here." (mysterious skeleton)

As I talked to the skeleton he approached me little by little, but I didn't feel malice or bloodlust coming from him, just looking at him makes me feel sad for some reason.

As he approaches me he reaches out with his scrawny hands and places a bone finger on my remains, I feel some information and an image of someone walking through the mansion heading straight for a hidden place in the basement.

"Come to me." (mysterious skeleton)

Suddenly darkness takes over the skeleton as well and it disappears, I am left alone in this dark place for a while, then I feel my consciousness slipping away until I lose consciousness.


I open my eyes and see that I'm on my bed again, I sit up and look at my hand that's still shaking, then I get out of bed and go to the window to look at the sky.

"It's dawn now." (I)

I look at my bed to see that Layla is still sleeping, so I go out onto the porch so I don't make any noise that might accidentally wake her up.

I sit down on the floor to lean back on the porch balcony and place a hand on my chest where my heart is still beating like a race car engine.

"Damn skeleton, when I find you I'm going to rip your head off you bastard." (I)

"I really was an idiot for buying a mansion that clearly came out of a horror story." (I)

"What did I have in mind when I thought this would be a good idea?" (I)


"All I wanted was to rest and relax these days, I had such a fun day yesterday, why can't I get a peaceful night's sleep too?" (I)

I remember everything that happened in the nightmare, I also remember the last sentence of the mysterious skeleton.

("Come to me.")
