Diana Pov:

The master asked me to invite Carlos and Mari to dinner today, but that's easier said than done.

If it were just Carlos it would be easy, but Mari won't let him go out to have fun while he still has work to do, nor will she rest until all work is done, she has always been demanding with her work, even too demanding.

As I go to the Guild I try to think of how I'm going to convince her, then I notice something, something the master said today.

I'll use the same argument with Mari, maybe it will work, I want them to get some rest too.

As soon as I get to the Guild I go straight to the second floor which should be empty today, no adventurers will have the strength to take quests today, I do this because the first floor is full of adventurers.

After talking to a receptionist she takes me to the Guild Master's office, on the way she says that Mari has been working with Carlos all morning.


After we reach Carlos' office doors the receptionist knocks and then opens the door when Carlos says to come in, after opening the door Mari sees me and tells the receptionist to go back to work while I go in and close the door.

Carlos is signing several unread documents at his desk while Mari is reading and separating the documents with extreme speed, because her eyes are glowing I think she used some skill or magic to speed up the work.

"Didn't expect to see you here today." (Mari)

"Me too, knowing you, I thought I'd spend the day drinking beer and eating." (Carlos)

"You guys make me feel so welcome." (I)

Mari stops reading the documents and looks at me as she lets out a tired sigh.

"Today I don't have much time to talk Diana, she tells me what you want." (Mari)

"I'm here to let you know that you're going to the mansion tonight to eat and drink beer with me and the others." (I)

"You said beer..." (Carlos)

Carlos stops signing the papers when I mention the word beer, so he slowly turns his head towards me stiffly as he looks at me with eyes full of hope, a hope that shatters soon afterward when Mari turns to him with a look. for real.

"Did I say you could stop?" (Mari)

"..." (Carlos)

"Keep signing." (Mari)


"Yes dear..." (Carlos)

"..." (I)

"(What a heavy atmosphere.)" (I)

As soon as Mari tells Carlos to go back to work and then she gives me a tired look.

"I'm sorry Diana, but we have a lot of work to do, we can't go." (Mari)

"I'm sorry to have to turn down yet another invitation from her." (Mari)

"This time it was idea Mast's... I mean, it was Zenos's idea." (I)"He told me to tell you guys to come tonight, there'll be beer and pizza, whatever that is." (I)

"Pizza!?" (Mari)

"Didn't expect to hear that name here." (Mari)

"You know what it is?" (I)

"I ate it once, this is a dish created by Outsiders, it is quite famous in the villages of the Elves." (Mari)

"As the Elves live a long time we already met many Outsiders, we have many recipes from them, I ate this dish over twenty years ago." (Mari)

"Then come eat today." (I)

"Unfortunately I can't, as you can see we have a lot of work." (Mari)

"You know you two can't go on like this." (I)

"You've been working almost tirelessly since the appearance of the Dungeon of the Undead." (I)

"Even if you are high-level adventurers doesn't mean you can work non-stop for more than a month, look at your condition and Carlos." (I)

"..." (Mari)

Mari looks at Carlos and then back at me she seems to be thinking, I can't pass up this opportunity.

"If you two take some time to rest and relax for a few hours and get a good night's sleep, then you'll be in better shape to work tomorrow." (I)

"Even Zenos told no one to work or train for the next two days for everyone to recover not only physically, but also mentally from the battle against the wave of monsters." (I)

"You guys should do the same for at least one night." (I)


Mari lets out a sigh and seems to think a bit with her eyes closed, so she opens her eyes before talking to me.

"You and little Zenos are right, it's not healthy to go on like this, I've also noticed that our work rate is slowing down the last few days." (Mari)

"Fine we will, but only after the Suns are gone." (Mari)

"Hahahahaha...." (Carlos)

"Very well Diana, I'll make it up to you later." (Carlos)

"No rewards for useless things, now get back to work, let's try to get the job done as much as possible until tonight." (Mari)

"Leave it to me." (Carlos)

Carlos was filled with motivation and started to work with a big smile on his face, Mari also showed a slight smile and went back to work.

"I won't keep bothering you then until tonight." (I)

After saying goodbye I leave the Guild and go back to the mansion.

"They're really tired, they haven't even noticed that I've evolved." (I)----------

Zenos Pov:

I spent the rest of the day in the kitchen testing to make pizza, the last time I made one was when I was in the orphanage in my previous life, I still know how to make it, but the problem is that the ingredients here are different, so it was a test and error to figure out how to make a pizza

I was lucky that the flour was the same as in my old world, so I only had to test different types of ingredients, the only one I couldn't find was tomatoes, I couldn't find anything like it, so I used a different sauce that Freya recommended.

Apart from the problem with the sauce, I got cheese and a few other things and started testing different types of pizzas until the night.

Ding! Ding!

<[ You learned the skill [ Basic Cooking: 1 ] ]>




<[ Your skill leveled up [ Basic Cooking: 1 > 2 ] ]>

I was happy to have achieved this skill, thanks to this skill I was able to make pizzas faster and felt that the taste improved a little.

When it got dark I went to take a shower, when I get out of the shower I see that everyone is back home, we stayed outside the mansion talking while we ate some fruit that Caryna and Leo brought back.

After almost an hour we felt the presence of someone at the gates and I advise Nolan to go open the gate along with Alice and bring our guests.

I don't like formal things, so everyone is dressed casually to the dismay of Tânia and Érica who insisted on dressing us better to receive guests, but I don't mind.

After they arrived I could see they were looking very tired, but I could see an expectant glint in the Guild leader's eyes for some reason.

I told everyone to come in so I go to the kitchen with Freya and Caryna to make some pizzas, Caryna really liked the recipe and even gave some suggestions for another flavor, the pizzas I made during the day were devoured as soon as they were ready by Ibuki, Diana, Anton, Sophia, and Irius.

I didn't have any ready soon as they could be devoured before the Guild Master arrived, I also wanted them to start the pizza while it was still hot.

We had a very pleasant evening, I found I was right to ask to buy beer, Anton and the Guild Master drank a keg of beer by themselves.

Everyone will eat and drink as they please, the Guild Master and Mari were very surprised when they saw that everyone had evolved, I explained that many of us were close to evolving, but Mari saw that the three Elves evolved, I could see the look of suspicion in her eyes, but she said nothing and then started drinking and eating until she passed out.

After a very fun night out, Carlos walked out with a big smile on his face carrying his wife as he walked back to their house.

I was able to become more familiar with him during the celebration, so he told me to do the same thing as Diana and call him by name instead of continuing to call him Guild Master.

After Carlos and Mari left at dawn, Nolan, Leo, and Irius went to clean up while the girls went to take a shower.

After that everyone went to sleep, this time I went to lie down just me and Layla in my bed, I want to have a peaceful night without having to wake up with a punch, kick, or being smothered by someone else.

Today was a really fun day, I lay in my bed with a smile on my face, before I go to sleep I make Layla comfortable and cover her up so I close my eyes giving myself up to sleepiness.





I'm woken by a loud bang of thunder and wake up, as soon as I open my eyes and look around I see I'm in that nightmare again, but this time something's different, the room is torn apart with claw marks and blood everywhere, the bed I'm lying on has a pool of blood where I'm lying.

To make matters worse, the place is dark with almost no light, with some strong bursts of light when the rays fell, the rain was deafening it was so hard and a black mist of miasma spread across the floor everywhere, this environment was terrifying.

"Three times the same dream, I can't believe it." (I)

I put myself on alert for everything around me and get out of bed.

"This is not a dream." (I)
