A month has passed, I'm close to evolving again, I could have done it today, but I can save it for tomorrow as the person the red-haired Goddess spoke of hasn't arrived yet.

I didn't want to evolve now because I'm having a little problem I found out yesterday, I'm standing on the balcony of my room looking at the big mansion's land, I'm seeing a lot of bright things like fireflies flying across the land and many come close to me to fly around me before flying back across the manor's grounds.

,m I look at the culprit of all this sitting on top of my head right now and picking up one hand to place over the porch railing.

"Now that I'm a little calmer, try explaining to me again what's going on here." (I)

"Are you sure you're calmer?" (Layla)

"Because yesterday you chased me around the mansion for hours with a sword and a dagger in your hands." (Layla)

"Don't worry I was just a little annoyed as I nearly lost a leg in the dungeon when we came back and saw these lights I wasn't expecting that response from you." (I)


"I still hope I got it wrong so please explain again now!" (I)

The little fairy gets more and more restless as she listens to me, she seems embarrassed by the whole situation.

"You can't blame me for that, my memory is still fuzzy and I didn't remember all the details before, you also approved the plan to harmonize the mansion's miasma." (Layla)

"I approved because you said we wouldn't be in trouble, you assured us we were just cleaning up the malice in the miasma and replacing it with dark elemental mana, but clearly you forgot to mention a lot of things." (I)

"For my defense, most of the blame is not mine, the miasma attunement only allowed them to enter unharmed, but it is the Aura of a certain someone that is attracting so many of them." (Layla)

"Do you still dare say it's my fault?" (I)

"You little... I will..." (me)

The little fairy flies away from the balcony and looks at me from afar.

"You said you wouldn't do anything, remember?" (Layla)

I take a few deep breaths and try to calm myself, then look seriously at the little winged Demon in front of me.

"I've calmed down, now come back here and explain everything right this time, don't make me have to run after you again." (I)

"..." (Layla)

Layla flies back to me and stands on my porch railing turning to see these shiny things flying around."To begin the explanation I must say that these are Spirits and Fairies in their most childish forms, they don't have a mind or power, much less are able to reside in a body like mine or Byakko's." (Layla)

"They spread through natural areas without being bothered by people and monsters, they are born from the mana and spiritual energy of the world itself and feed on the magical and spiritual energy that is released by all living things like trees, people, monsters, etc. .." (Layla)

"As they don't have a mind of their own they are only driven by their instincts and emotions, they are harmless and innocent beings, they can become Fairies or Spirits after centuries or even a thousand years if they are lucky." (Layla)

"I understand what they are, now explain to me what they're doing here and why it seems to have more than yesterday?" (I)

"I only remembered this yesterday when I saw them, but the power that Fairies and Higher-level Spirits have to harmonize an area is usually used to create a place where they can gather and live safely." (Layla)

"It's usually a slow thing to do, I was only able to do it so quickly with the help of the master and because the miasma conditions all over the mansion's grounds gave me many advantages thanks to my pure dark element, but The reason they gather here is that they are very sensitive to Auras, even though the master is hiding their Aura they can still see and feel their normal Aura." (Layla)

"For them, it's like someone calling them here, another thing is that because we train frequently and release spells, techniques, and abilities, the mansion's land is full of energy traces that dilute with time in the environment, but for those brilliant beings this is a great feast they are happily eating, not only that but the endless miasma itself in that place can be eaten and absorbed by them." (Layla)


I drop to the ground and stare blankly at the overcast sky.

"All I wanted was to have a quiet house and not attract unwanted attention, but now I have a glowing sign saying there's something weird going on here, I can't even imagine what might happen now." (I)

"Normal people can't see them, only people who have contracts with Fairies or Spirits can see them and only one of the two, the master is only able to see them because of their titles, after all, most people in the mansion don't can see them." (Layla)

"As far as I know only Freya, Kira, Nira, Ivan and I can see them, Kira can only see less than half of them that must be Spirits, Nira and Freya can see most that must be Fairies and I as well as Ivan can see all." (I)

"Exactly, only Spirits and Fairies would be able to see them normally or people with special sense, detection or sight abilities like Mari." (Layla)

"Other than that they cannot be seen, felt or touched, they are formless beings, they are basically a pile of living energy." (Layla)

"They are called Infant Fairies and Infant Spirits." (Layla)

"Actually it was just for Fairies to be attracted here as it was a Fairy who created this place, but I think your Aura is attracting the Spirits as well." (Layla)


"Can't you scare them away or lure them elsewhere?" (I)

"No, they will continue to gather here attracted to this place or to you, but it's not all bad master, as I harmonized this place I have a certain level of authority over the Fairies that stay here, as I get more strong this effect increases." (Layla)

"And what does that help us?" (I)"This can help build a sanctuary for the Faeries in the future, it will increase the Faeries relationship with the master lord as these places are very important to us Faeries and are difficult to create, this will also make me stronger as this sanctuary will be connected with me." (Layla)

"What is this sanctuary of fairies?" (I)

When I ask this question she looks like she's going to answer but stops in her tracks and her face takes on a puzzled expression before she looks at me again.

"I don't know, I just remember that it's important and that the Fairy linked to the sanctuary becomes stronger, but I don't remember the details." (Layla)

"Once again your memory is as reliable as stepping on thin ice safely." (I)

I'm happy that every day it seems that her memory gets better, she's already better than Byakko who doesn't seem to care about her memory that never comes back.

I look around knowing I'll have to accept this situation for now, just hope they stop showing up.

I pray that this situation doesn't cause any more problems and doesn't draw attention to myself or others.

"Don't make that face master, I can't stop them from coming here, but I can make it harder for them to find this place, I'll use the dark element we put in the miasma to use a concealment spell throughout the mansion, but that won't stop they pass, it will also serve to hide what is happening here from outsiders." (Layla)

"So do it." (I)

"I will need your help for this, transfer all your mana to me like we did when I was trying to harmonize this place, and bringing together our pure dark elemental affinities will make the evils concealment barrier strong and difficult to perceive." (Layla)

"Alright, let's do it now." (I)


Pov of a ghoul mage:

It's been a month since Dora and I have been in this forest, I was lucky enough to find a nice cabin at the entrance to a cave, I used this place as a base while we worked here, I put up two magic barriers here, one to scare off the monsters and the second to scare away the monsters. hide this place from prying eyes.

Hiding this place turned out to be a good decision as there are many adventurers in this place, I also encountered more monsters than were reported to be here.

Dora is being more helpful in the search than I am, I've searched almost the entire forest for blood but we haven't found anything so far, I'll look for another week and if I don't find anything I'll go back to the village, I won't waste my time on this plane that doesn't I agreed from the beginning.

"Jana, I found something." (Dora)

Dora flies in through the window and comes straight towards me with a big smile.

"Find something?" (I)

"I met Fairies and Child Spirits going to town, I also felt something in town that seemed to be pleasant, that must be it." (Dora)


"Just as we feared, we will have to search the city." (I)

"Let's plan a little bit today, we've wasted too much time here." (Dora)

"I totally agree, we have to act within this month." (I)
