The concealment barrier that Layla used was already showing its effects, I had been looking around all day and the number of Spirits and Fairy Infants didn't increase anymore, which is a relief.

Most of them are outside the mansion, but there are always a few that fly in through the mansion, but it seems that Freya, Diana, and the others don't mind.

It was night and everyone went to sleep, but I stayed outside, went to a tree, and sat there to watch those spheres of light of various colors flying everywhere.

I hadn't realized before why I was angry with Layla and worried that this situation might give away our secrets, but I didn't stop to realize how beautiful they are.

I lean back against the tree and see these spheres of light of various colors flying in a disorderly way all over the place, maybe it's because I'm calm now, maybe it's because it's night and its glows are more enhanced by the darkness, or maybe it's because I finally see that these things are not a pest that will get me in trouble, but simple living creatures that just look for a place to live and eat in peace, now I see their beauty.

I see a light fly from my bedroom window at high speed and fly towards me, I don't need to look to know it's Layla, she stops at the top and looks in several directions before flying towards me and landing on my shoulder, me and her we don't need to exchange words because we can communicate through our minds and understand each other.

After listening to what Layla wanted to tell me I get a serious face before I calm down, so I turned my eyes to pay attention to those bright lights again.


"This is the first time I've seen something like this, looking at them flying in all directions like this at night it's like they're dancing stars." (I)

"There are so many concerns in everyday life that sometimes we forget to enjoy the little things." (I)

I keep watching the Fairies and Infant Spirits dance in the air, there's beauty in the way they fly without order, I raise my hand and let out a slight fluctuation of Aura that draws some to me, I can see them flying around my hand and trying touching the Aura, to my eyes they look like children playing.

"I was worried that they would attract unwanted attention, but they are such simple beings, their naivety is actually fun, it's like watching children play." (I)

I stop exposing my Aura and drop a Mana Sphere that attracts all the Fairy Infants that start to spin around the sphere that shrinks in size each time it's tapped.

I look to the side and see that there are spheres of light that don't reach the mana I threw, so I raise my hand again and release a small amount of spiritual energy, I still don't know how to control it, all I can do is release it like turn on a faucet or let it inside my body, I still don't have control over my spiritual energy and my Ki, I can only train one thing at a time after all.

I see the spheres of light that were standing still go into the spiritual energy that was spreading around, they are slowly absorbing it but they seem to be enjoying themselves, I stop and let the two groups of glowing spheres enjoy themselves while they eat.

"I didn't think this was going to get me in trouble anytime soon." (I)

"I know you're watching, but you can show yourself now." (I)

Soon I see a blur and something big is beside me, he walks in front of me and sits down, but even sitting he is much bigger than me.

"To what do I owe your unexpected visit, Carlos?" (I)

"..." (Carlos)

Carlos looks around and then stares at me with a serious face before starting to speak.

"You surprised me this time Zenos, I didn't expect to feel so many Spirits and Fairies around, is this something that weird Fairy on your shoulder or that white cat that Gray Elf?" (Carlos)

"This is because of a mistake a certain someone made." (I)"If I made a mistake then so did you, remember you helped." (Layla)

"You Vampires are always surprising me." (Carlos)

I try not to show any reaction on my face, but my heart starts beating wildly at what I just heard.

"(How does he know?)" (I)


"How long have you known?" (I)

"Since the first time, I saw you walk into my office with your group to talk about the monster wave." (Carlos)

"I thought I was hiding so well." (I)

"You're doing fine, I can't feel your Aura, energy, or even your strength." (Carlos)

"Your presence is also very weak, I don't know how you are hiding so well, but my sincere congratulations." (Carlos)

"Thanks for the compliment, but if you're not attacking me does that mean you don't care that I'm a Vampire?" (I)

"I've met Vampires many times, I recognized you by pure instinct, I always trust my instinct as it was what kept me alive to this day." (Carlos)

"Just like you said, I don't care about your race, there are even Vampires who are masters of Adventurer Guilds elsewhere, why would I care about you then." (Carlos)

"Mari knows too?" (I)

"No, she trusts her eyes too much, but I don't think she or anyone else notices." (Carlos)

"That's a relief." (I)

"You surprise me walking in daylight, but I've seen so many strange things in my life, you're just another one." (Carlos)

"But let me ask you a question, how did you really meet Diana, the story I read in the report Mari gave me seems realistic, but it doesn't explain why Érica became a Demon since by the report she should be dead." (Carlos)

"..." (I)

"(I thought he was just another muscle head, but it looks like I was wrong.)" (I)

Sigh"How did you find her too?" (I)

"I met Érica a few times as she was always with Diana months ago, she may have changed her appearance and race, but her way of acting, walking, behaving and talking is still the same." (Carlos)

"Don't get me wrong, her disguise was good too, but I've seen other Fiends use this human transformation spell, I recognized it as soon as I saw the tattoo on her arm." (Carlos)

"But if you really wanted to hide her then you should have changed her name instead of keeping the same name." (Carlos)

Hearing how he found out about these things will help me hide it better next time, he knows that and is telling me to help him.

"You don't seem to want to fight, nor do I think you want to do harm to me or others, otherwise you would have done something a long time ago." (I)

"Then I'll tell you how I met Érica and Diana." (I)


After a while talking to him about how I found Diana and Érica in the cave trapped by Goblins, I also explained that I used an awakening ability on both of them, so Érica turned into a Demon.

I explained this to him, but I didn't mention my race on that occasion, I'll let him think I've always been a Vampire.

"So that's what happened, thanks for rescuing them, I also heard rumors that using awakening skills on someone full of negative feelings can turn that person into a Demon or a monster, but I never thought it was true until now." (Carlos)

"No need to worry about anything, I won't tell anyone, it doesn't look like you're doing anything wrong anyway." (Carlos)

"Thank you for understanding." (I)

"Alright, they seem to be happy and that's what matters to me, but I must warn you to be careful with Prince Drago since he saw you in the Guild he's pretty sure it was you who saved him." (Carlos)

"He was so anxious that he started asking questions about you while making excuses, it was kind of funny to see that, but we just gave him your name and classification." (Carlos)

This prince Drago could become a problem, I have to think about how to fix it.

"Now let's change the subject, the reason I came today was to ask for help with something, but it distracts me with these Fairies and Spirits flying around here continually alerting my senses." (Carlos)

"Can't you see them?" (I)

"No, I can only feel them around, I'm not an Ago or a Spiritualist, neither do I have my wife's eyes nor a contract with Fairies or Spirits, but I'm proud of my instincts and senses trained in countless life and death situations. " (Carlos)

"The conversation shifted again, I'm sorry I'm a little distracted." (I)

"You said you were going to ask me for help, what do you need?" (I)

Carlos is someone easy to talk to, I was thinking about letting Kira and Diana know about our Family connection, but as I didn't feel any bad intentions from Carlos and if he wanted to do something I don't know if I would be able to stop it, by the time he spoke that he already knew about us he could have done something, but he didn't do anything which shows I can have some level of trust in him, so I didn't let anyone know.

"As you may already know, we are short on adventurers since the monster waves, the dungeons are also difficult as the monsters are spread all over the floors." (Carlos)

"Yes, I already know all that." (I)

"I must say your group did a great job with the Great Serpent Dungeon, it would save me a lot of trouble." (Carlos)

"But what I need you to do is enter a dungeon." (Carlos)
