I put away my sword and dagger, then look at the others who were also in an attack stance and nod my head to show that everything is fine before returning to my spot on the couch across from Vanessa.

"(My reaction was hasty and aggressive, I apologize for that.)" (I)

"(Okay, any Vampire would react like that when hearing someone introduce themselves as a member of the Church of Light.)" (Vanessa)

"(To be honest I don't fully trust you yet, the reason I keep talking to you like this is because of my promise to the Goddess Selene.)" (I)

"(I understand, your reaction was even weaker than I expected, I thought you or one of your followers would try to attack me before you were willing to listen.)" (Vanessa)

"(You talk like it's easy but you're covered in powerful magic items.)" (I)

"(My mom is very protective of me for some reason.)" (Vanessa)


"(As a matter of fact the Goddess left some instructions on how I can help you, she also left something with me that I can use to help in some way.)" (I)

"(I'm very happy with this, I miss so much to move freely, see or speak, I've been just sleeping to protect myself for centuries.)" (Vanessa)

"(Don't cheer up yet, if I use my skills on you, then a master and servant bond will be formed between us.)" (I)

"(You must decide whether you want to do this or not, it's your choice, what will it be?)" (I)

"..." (Vanessa)

She doesn't respond right away, but I feel she's thinking carefully about it even though she can't see her face, so she responds.

"(Okay, in the end, there will be no different as I want to become a priestess of the Goddess Selene, that's the same as becoming a subordinate or servant of the Goddess, so serving you who are her son directly only brings me closer to her .)" (Vanessa)

"(Also from the way the people behind you look at me I can see they care a lot about you, so it shouldn't be bad serving as your subordinate.)" (Vanessa)"(Since this is your decision then eat some and rest from your trip, you will need to be in the best condition.)" (I)

After talking to Vanessa I left her eating the appetizers and drinking the juice in front of her, I noticed she didn't take off the mask but lifted the mask a little enough to show her mouth to eat, I could see the fangs of a Vampire in her mouth, so she was telling the truth by saying she was a Vampire.

While Vanessa ate a little and rested I gathered with the others to explain what I talked to Vanessa, everyone had different reactions, there were those who didn't believe what she said, there were those who decided to be careful with her until they were sure of her intentions. and there were the brothers who were surprised to hear her name and her story.

When I asked if they knew anything they replied that they had heard some stories of a priestess who was hailed as a saint and was loved by the people, she was someone beautiful who was the symbol of the Church of Light, but the stories say that Vampires a kidnapped and corrupted her making her turn against the religion she loved, images of her face were spread throughout all the Churches of Light around the world with orders to arrest her and bring her back to be purified or ultimately to kill her to release her from her suffering.

Irius and Irina said that this is a story from centuries ago, but to this day believers in the Church of Light are taught about it and the orders are handed down to each generation, they never understood why, but they know that story seems made up, they more than others understand how much darkness exists in the depths of the Church of Light.

They said they don't know much about the subject but they know she had the potential to become a true Saint, the Church of Light would never let her get away and they said that the big chance her story is true, they also say the Blessing of the God of Light can become a curse to Vampires, Undead, Demons, and Demis.

After listening to her story and telling all this to me, I can see the brothers' eyes looking at her with sympathy and sadness.

Hearing what Irina and Irius said I was more comfortable with accepting her in our group, the others weren't against it anymore either, so overnight I took Vanessa to the ballroom where I've been doing this since I moved to this mansion. , I asked everyone to move closer to the walls and not interfere.

"(Are you ready Vanessa?)" (I)

"(Yes.)" (Vanessa)

"(Very well, I will start.)" (I)

I go to her with a goblet full of my blood and give it to her to drink, among the information the Goddess Selene gave me she spoke of the skills I should use in the person she sent me.

After seeing Vanessa lift the mask just enough to drink the contents of the entire goblet I put the goblet away and step back from her.

I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to concentrate on what I should be doing, so I activate my abilities, start activating [ Aura of judgment: 4 ] and [ Aura of chaos: 4 ], then I see my Auras intertwining and merging around me and with a little bit of control I make my Auras involve just me and Vanessa, but right now I feel a problem, I can't get my Auras into her body no matter what I try.As my Auras weren't being so useful I activated in one hand the skill [ Servant Vampire: 2 ] and activated in the other hand the skill [ Blood Servant: 3 ] two red energies come out of my hands and merge as they go to Vanessa, upon reaching her the two energies start to merge with my Auras and I see a red glow starting to appear from within Vanessa, this glow that must belong to my blood seems to attract my Auras and the red energies making them little by little enter Vanessa's body began to shake.

The process is being even more difficult than I expected, I feel like I can't lose concentration for even a second, after who knows how long later I finally feel that Vanessa's entire body has been filled with my Auras and energies. red, then I feel my mana, Ki, spiritual power and my blood leave my body forming a cloud of energy that goes to Vanessa and starts to enter her body, at this moment I feel like something wrong is happening, I feel an energy inside her start pushing everything out, I try to control it but nothing seems to take effect.

As a last resort, I use [ Blood Pact ], when using this ability I feel something move inside me, then a black claw comes out of my chest and tries to reach Vanessa, a golden barrier comes out of her body and tries to block the claw, but it is useless as the claw goes through the shield even though it slowly makes the golden shield crack and then breaks into pieces, then the claw goes through Vanessa's chest and a black flame covers her body making her float little by little.

At this moment I realize too late that the golden shield fragments turn into golden swords and try to attack me, at this moment I see scarlet crystals come out of me and destroy the golden swords completely before turning into scarlet energy and entering into mine body again.

"(Do you dare try to steal my Santa, Selene!?)" (Male voice)

At that moment I hear a furious voice coming from inside Vanessa and golden and white light is lit inside the black flame where she is, just hearing the voice made me dizzy and almost fall to my knees by a pressure that fell on me out of nowhere.

"(Don't be afraid my child, I'm here and I allow you to unleash your full potential.)" (Goddess Selene)


<[ The seal of the [ Astral Body ] ability has been temporarily released ]>




<[ Ability [ Blood Pact ] automatically activates the Ability [ Astral Body ] ]>

At that moment I hear the voice of the Goddess Selene in my head and a great amount of black energy leave my body, soon the shadow being formed above me, the same one that appeared when I helped Layla in the past.

I see the shadow being with one of its outstretched arms tucked inside Vanessa, then he reaches out the second and stabs her too, so I can hear the Goddess Selene's voice once more, this time it's not directed at me, but at the voice inside Vanessa.

"(You no longer have authority over her Baldr, she abandoned you upon realizing your distorted teachings, now I will release her from the curse you placed.)" (Goddess Selene)

"(Your hateful Rogue didn't make it in the past and this child yours won't make it now.)" (God Baldr)

"(I won't let you steal someone so talented from me, Witch of Carnage.)" (God Baldr)
