I was in a very bad situation now, I could feel pressure trying to crush me but being held back by a presence that doesn't belong to me coming from within my body, without me seeing or understanding, a battle was taking place between the wills of the Goddess Selene and the God Baldr with me in their midst.

"(It's time to free this girl from you Baldr, you don't deserve a talent as pure as hers.)" (Goddess Selene)

"(Selene, this time you managed to piss me off, do you know how many centuries I've been without a Saint because of you stealing her from me?)" (God Baldr)

"(She is someone who accepted my Blessing and spread my teachings in the past, after recovering her I will make her be once more, even if it is in her next life.)" (God Baldr)

Every word this God says feels like I'm being hit, I feel like I'm being beaten up without being able to defend myself.

While I am in this situation I still try to maintain my concentration, thanks to the Astral Body I feel that I am managing to push this white and golden energy out of Vanessa.

"(It's time to end this Baldr.)" (Goddess Selene)


With Goddess Selene's words, I feel something come out of my chest and float in front of me, it was the crystal that Goddess Selene gave me during my evolution.

After the crystal has appeared it explodes and scarlet energy enters the black flame where Vanessa's body is, then the color of the flame changes from black to scarlet and the white and golden energy inside Vanessa's body is no longer being pushed out. and yes being burned by the scarlet flame little by little within it.

"(Damn you Witch of Carnage, you are a constant impediment to the salvation of this world.)" (God Baldr)

"(You even use your blessing to take mine from this priestess, even if you take her you will only be condemning her to be hunted by my believers until the end of days.)" (God Baldr)

"(You don't scare me Baldr, do what you like, but from now on your influence will no longer harm this priestess.)" (Goddess Selene)

With the words of God Baldr, I feel blood coming out of my eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, my whole body is weak not only from this constant pressure around me but also from the amount of vitality and energy that is still coming out of my body and going to Vanessa, I'm already way beyond my limit, as a last resort I activate the ability [ Overcome limits: 1 ], I thought I would feel better, but I don't feel any change, I just feel like I'm able to hold on longer this one suffering now.

Soon the white and golden light coming from the energy inside Vanessa completely disappears and I feel the pressure disappear as the presence that protected me from the pressure disappears as well.

At this moment I feel my Auras, red energies, mana, Ki, spiritual energy, vitality, and black energy that emanated from the Astral Body completely invade Vanessa's body at the same time that the scarlet flame also entered her body.

Ding! Ding!

<[ Vanessa (Vampire) chose to submit to her will ]>




<[ Pick a power to grant Vanessa (Vampire) ]>




<[ Trying to create a spiritual connection with the soul of Vanessa (Vampire) ]>



<[ Spiritual connection successfully formed ]>



.<[ Choose a power to form a spiritual bond with Vanessa (Vampire) ]>

After her body is completely filled I'm once again surprised by the information of Abilities and Bloodlines I can grant Vanessa, I use the [ Shadow Thinking: 10 ] ability to choose the two powers I'll grant Vanessa.

"(Give her the power of darkness and blood.)" (Goddess Selene)

I hear a whisper from the Goddess Selene in my mind saying what I should grant Vanessa, as this all happened due to my promise to her I decided to take her advice.

I chose to grant the abilities [ Blood Elemental Affinity: 1 ] and [ Dark Elemental Affinity: 1 ].

After choosing I see two lights come out from inside the hood of my astral body coming from the chaotic space that you see inside the hood, one of these lights is red and the other is black, the two lights go flying and enter Vanessa's body. begins to glow in a dense scarlet light.

Ding! Ding!

<[ Grant of power completed ]>



<[ Successfully created spiritual bond ]>




<[ Three bloodlines have been found and will be fused using the Blessing of the Blood Goddess Selena using her power ]>


<[ Do you accept? ]>


<[ Yes / No ]>

I feel like the effect of the ability to push boundaries is almost gone and I'm barely getting to my feet, so why does this Goddess still want to use me as an energy source to do this?


Okay, I've come this far, so what does it cost to go a little further.

I choose to accept.

At this moment I feel every gram of my energy and almost all my vitality leave my body and go towards the scarlet light where Vanessa is, little by little the scarlet light disappears and in its place I see a scarlet crystal cocoon pulsing with a silhouette of a woman inside.

As I see this amazing vision of the crystal cocoon floating in front of me, my Astral Body becomes a mist of black energy that returns to my body, I feel that the effect of the ability to overcome limits is over and my entire body is screaming in pain, my vision is getting blurry and my head feels like it's going to explode any minute.

Ding! Ding!

<[ Three bloodlines become one and the bloodline [ Fallen Celestial Vampire: Original ] has been successfully created ]>



.<[ You gave Life to a new race of Vampires and earned the title [ Holy Vampire ] ]>



<[ Title [ Holy Vampire ] will be sealed until you reach the necessary power requirements ]>

I could no longer pay attention to what all these notifications said and I didn't care, I felt my consciousness slowly darkening, but before falling completely into unconsciousness I see the crystal cocoon blurringly explode and a silhouette of a woman with wings enveloped in scarlet light coming towards me was the last thing I saw.


Pov Goddess Selene:

I opened my eyes a little tired from this brief battle of wills with Baldr, but I finally managed to free the little priestess of her influence, now she is free to become an even more talented and devoted priestess for me, she will be very important in the future, Baldr was blind to seeing her only as a future saint, he didn't pay attention to her personality and what she could become with a little help.

Thanks to Baldr not seeing what I really wanted, I now have one more talented person besides Zenos, I'm afraid I've pushed him too far beyond his limits this time, but I believe he'll handle it.

"You went too far today Selene." (Goddess of Fairies)

Being a little tired and lost in my own thoughts, I hadn't noticed her presence before.

"What are you doing here, Aine?" (I)

"I'm here because your little confrontation with Baldr drew too much attention." (Goddess Aine)

"You didn't want to hide Zenos? Why are you making Baldr pay attention to him now?" (Goddess Aine)

"To hide him better, the best hiding place is in plain sight." (I)

"Your schemes are too risky." (Goddess Aine)

"Today Baldr has not met Zenos, he has only met one of my children, he will treat him as an enemy, but he will not act directly and will not even realize who he really is." (I)

"With Baldr's pride and arrogance that may be true, but anyone he sends after Zenos will be enough to kill him with his current strength." (Goddess Aine)

"Don't worry about it, Baldr's believers are busy with a conflict against an Evil God, he will not send anyone, at most he will make his believers on the Morror continent do something, Zenos will be able to do something about it himself." (I)

"The other Gods won't pay attention to Zenos either, they'll only pay attention to my confrontation with Baldr and the priestess we both wanted." (I)

"They will treat Zenos only as a means I used to bestow my Blessing on that Priestess." (I)

Her face is still worried, which surprises me as I didn't expect this level of concern from her.

"Why are you so worried about Zenos?" (I)

"You may not have realized, but he and his Fairy Layla managed to build a good haven for Fairy Infants, a Cradle of Fairies that with time and a little effort can even become a Temple of Fairies, this is very important to me ." (Goddess Aine)

"I see, you don't need to worry, he'll be fine for now, I'm doing this for him after all." (I)

"But I must admit that I also wanted to help that girl Vanessa, it's not often that someone with such a pure heart and an open mind like hers comes along." (I)

"I'm glad she accepts my Blessing and becomes my Blood Priestess." (I)

"I don't see that much value in her for the Fairies so I don't mind, but try to be more careful next time, now his soul is more hurt than last time." (Goddess Aine)

"I don't even know how his soul was able to resist that." (Goddess Aine)

"It will make your soul more resistant in the future, I was already planning to help your recovery if need be." (I)

"Don't bother, I'll take care of it, I was planning to give him my Blessing anyway, it will make the process of creating a new fairy temple faster and easier in the future." (Goddess Aine)

"Thank you for your help then." (I)

"Get some rest, I'm on my way out now that I know you're alright, I'm going to go take care of your precious son." (Goddess Aine)

With these words she points her finger and a sphere of light comes out and makes the space in front of her ripple like water, she enters and disappears inside, then the portal disappears.

I step off my throne and go to the windows looking at the memories of the past and the events of today.

"Now we will see what you will do with your freedom, my Blood Priestess." (I)
