After I entered the mansion with Layla and Vanessa, I gathered everyone, it's time to fight that Basilisk and it's going to be tomorrow was what I told them.

I tell everyone about the plans and strategies I thought to fight Basilisk, the group that will fight will be composed of Ivan, Érica, Diana, Kira, Irius, Irina, Ibuki, Freya, and me.

During this month I took Freya to the Dungeon several times to get used to fighting with us and I found out how good it is to have a fast and accurate ranger in the group, Ivan has never fought with us in the Dungeon, but he has more Battle experience than all of us and is the strongest member who will be responsible to fight Basilisk head-on together with me.

Because Ivan is an Undead the poison attacks are useless against him, also because he is an Undead it will be difficult to get hurt as he only has bones and still has the ability that gives him beautiful evil-looking armor.

I was doubtful about taking Ibuki, but she can already use some spells and is good at fighting melee, she is ready to evolve and everyone agreed that her chances of becoming an Oni are very high.

After discussing the strategies we'll use in battle, I told Nira to distribute the antidote and paralysis resistance potions to everyone.

I told Vanessa to stay behind as it would be very dangerous to take her along, that's because she's not used to her current body and doesn't have any kind of team training with us, even Ivan knows how we fight since at least we train together, that's why I told Vanessa to stay this week training to get used to her body soon.


With everything resolved, we went to eat, and then I told everyone to go to bed since we're leaving early tomorrow.

I was alone in my room being accompanied only by Layla who is a little tired from spending the day repairing the mansion's hiding barrier, so she lay down on the bed and blacked out.

I wanted to go to sleep, but first I'm going to synthesize some skills and start drinking Dragon's blood, among the information the Goddess Selene gave me was how much I could drink a day since I don't know what will happen when I drink the Dragon blood I will leave to do this last.

I walk out onto my bedroom balcony and sit in a chair, then go over the skills I already have so I know which ones I'm going to pick before I start.


<[ Activating Synthesis ]>



<[ Searching for selected targets ]>



<[ Targets found ]>



<[ Do you want to synthesize skills?

• [ Poison spit: 6 ]

• [ Spit of paralyzing poison: 1 ]

• [ Spit of necrotic venom: 1 ] ]>


<[ Yes / No ]>

"(Yes)" (me)


<[ Choose the energy you want to use for synthesis:

• Mana: -90

• Ki: -150

• Spiritual power: -220


I choose to use mana.

Ding!<[ Starting synthesis ]>

At this moment I feel the skills inside me blending together, this feeling is strange but it's not harming me and it soon ends, after using the synthesis so many times I'm getting used to it, the skills synthesis is much easier than the lineage synthesis at least.


<[ Summary completed ]>



<[ [ Poison spit: 6 ] X [ Paralyzing poison spit: 1 ] X [ Necrotic poison spit: 1 ] = [ Poison spit (paralyzing/debilitating/necrotic): 1 ] ]>

Now I'm going to choose one more synthesis, so after seeing again the skills I choose the ones I want to synthesize now.


<[ Activating Synthesis ]>



<[ Searching for selected targets ]>



<[ Targets found ]>



<[ Do you want to synthesize skills?

• [ Vampire Bite: 1 ]

• [ Paralyzing Bite: 1 ]

• [ Poisonous Bite: 1 ] ]>


<[ Yes / No ]>

"(Yes)" (me)


<[ Choose the energy you want to use for synthesis:

• Mana: -100

• Ki: -155

• Spiritual power: -270


,m I choose to use mana.


<[ Starting synthesis ]>

Once again I feel the synthesis melding my abilities within me.

Ding!<[ Summary completed ]>



<[ [ Vampire Bite: 1 ] X [ Paralyzing Bite: 1 ] X [ Poisonous Bite: 1 ] = [ Deadly Vampire Bite: 1 ] ]>

I'm going to stop here today, I have to start thinking better about the skills I'm going to synthesize, I've been trying to synthesize similar skills, but that won't always work, so I want to consider the compatibility between skills to get good results.

Now that I'm done with the skill synthesis it's time to drink the Dragon Blood I've been saving for months.

I take the storage ring I always keep with me and take out one of the bloody barrels, now that I've become stronger and have sharper senses I know this isn't a simple barrel, its wood looks very strong and I can feel several magic circles drawn from the barrel. inside of it.

Before opening the lid I get a metal cup that is the exact size I need, being prepared I open the lid of the barrel and a strong smell of blood fills my room, I still feel the sense of fear I felt in the past, but it's a little smaller and I'm also feeling hungry, my mouth is full of saliva and my belly starts to rumble.

I take a glass of this blood that feels fresh as if it was taken from a living body now, with my senses I can feel the strong vitality in that blood and the great amount of energy, after taking the glass full of blood I close the barrel and I put it away again before drinking the entire contents of the glass at once.


Blood runs down my throat like magma, Wild energy runs through my body causing a terrible amount of pain, I lean against the wall to keep from falling as I feel my vision darkening.

"Ahhh!!!" (I)

I do everything I can to resist, I don't want to be unconscious again, after what seems like an eternity the pain stops and I can hear the noise of the notification as I sink to the floor in exhaustion.


<[ You have acquired the lineage [ True Dragon: 05% ] ]>

I knew this blood wasn't normal, but I didn't expect to have such a big reaction, for a moment I thought I was going to die, now I understand why Goddess Selene said I could only drink that much a day, I would die if I was going to drink more than that.

At this rate, it will take about 20 days to have a complete pure lineage, but I'm in no hurry, I'm just sad for having gone through so much pain and not even getting a skill, but I know that as long as I keep drinking this blood sometimes I'll get a powerful skill.

"That blood may have made me suffer now, but it was delicious, certainly the best I've been able to drink so far." (I)

I lay on the floor resting for a while before going back to my bed, as I forgot to put the barrier of silence the others in the mansion heard my screams, but I calmed them down saying it was nothing, meanwhile Layla was thrown on the bed sleeping like a stone.

I throw myself on the bed too and go to sleep.





The next morning Caryna comes to wake me up while Freya is preparing the food, everyone packs their gear in preparation for the Basilisk fight.

After eating we go to the Guild to get the quests referring to the materials that we can take from Basilisk's body, we didn't get all the quests as many of the materials will be delivered to Anton, Tânia, and Lyra when we get back.

After picking up the quests we head to the Great Serpent Dungeon, while we are on our way Diana repeats some basic information for us to understand.

"As she said before, when entering the Dungeon Chief's room there is no escape, the exits only open when the Chief dies or we do." (Diana)

"So it's the same with the other floor bosses, we just need to kill them, don't we?" (Ibuki)

"Many adventurers are afraid to enter the floor boss room as if they fail to kill the boss they will die, but for a dungeon boss it's even worse." (Diana)

"Monster races can be divided into three levels, normal races that are found all over the floors of a dungeon, variant races that are a variation of the same race, are stronger and have more vitality like the floor bosses that appear to every ten floors, lastly there are the unique races that have power over the variants and even have special abilities these are the dungeon bosses." (Diana)

"Even with the strategy we put together it can take a long time to kill him if he doesn't hit any vital points." (Érica)

"Leave this to me and Byakko, as soon as I find a good opening to his vital point we can end the fight." (Kira)

"For people who have never faced a Grade S monster, you guys seem pretty calm." (Ivan)

"We are calm because we already have a lot of information about the monster and already have strategies ready to face him, we even have you who will fight with us." (Irina)

"Don't get too confident, unforeseen things can happen and with my luck, I can't afford to be too confident." (I)

"I'll do my best to support you guys from the back after the first attack." (Freya)

With this type of conversation, we arrive at the Dungeon of the Great Serpent, as soon as we enter we go straight to the top floor, as soon as we leave the safe room we find ourselves enveloped in the middle of a forest, this floor even has its own sky with a single moon, I use my detection skills to avoid the monsters as we head towards the Basilisk that we already know is in the middle of the forest.

It takes us three hours of walking to get to the middle of the woods, there we see walls of ruins over fifty meters with vines growing on them, these walls are cracked and chipped and they look terrible, but we know there's no way to break them.

We started around the walls to the entrance to the ruins which is a large door over twenty meters high that appears to be made of black iron with details of snakes and Serpents carved directly into the iron.

"We've arrived, make your last preparations before entering." (I)
