We rested for thirty minutes and then drank our antidote and petrification resistance potions that I asked Nira to buy me the other day, the effect of the two potions will only last thirty minutes and each person has two more of each potion in store in case the fight breaks out. prolong too much.

Before entering we also asked Irina to use her white magic to strengthen us before making her drink a MP potion to recover before we decided to enter.

"I'm opening the door." (I)

​ Everyone is in combat formation with me and Ivan in the lead, I go to the gate and push lightly, then the gate opens almost by itself showing a long dark corridor with a light in the background.

"We will." (I)

We started walking in formation to the end of this corridor and saw the gate close behind us, it only took us a few minutes to reach the other side, Diana told us the stories of the Grade A adventurers who once fought the Basilisk, so I know what this ruin is for real, but it still amazes me to see it with my own eyes.

This place is a gigantic coliseum, the stands are fifteen meters high, the arenas are in ruins and there are statues and broken walls on all sides.


I and the others tried to look around while trying to find the location of Basilisk.

"Look in all directions and stay together." (I)

"Freya and Irina be prepared for my signal when Basilisk appears." (I)

"Yea!" (Irina/Freya)

We continued walking through the coliseum looking out around us, I used my detection skill to find the Basilisk and started walking towards it.

In a few minutes, we found him curled up sleeping on top of one of the most intact arenas in this coliseum, the Basilisk measured over twenty meters in length and had a body thickness of two meters, he was gigantic, his head didn't look like a snake, it looked like more like a dinosaur's head, just seeing its body made me understand how tough its scales must be, its scales look like shiny iron plates.

"(Am I really going to have to fight this thing?)" (I)


"(Can't retreat now, this is the best time to attack.)" (I)

"Ivan now!" (I)

"< Bones Prison >" (Ivan)

Ivan raises one of his hands which starts to glow green and black, then puts his hand on the ground and a black circle appears around where the Basilisk is and from the ground, inside that circle, big sharp bones start coming out to wound and trap the body of Basilisk.

Unfortunately, Basilisk opens his eyes just as the circle appears around him, he with a speed that should be impossible with this large body jumps five meters tall escaping Ivan's confinement ability.

From above the Basilisk uses its tail to hit the bones underneath it breaking everything and making the ground shake almost throwing us to the ground."What a monstrous force is this!?" (I)

"Irina and Freya get ready, you'll only have one more chance." (I)

"Ivan, get ready to do the same attack again after me." (I)

I activate all four of my Aura skills at the same time and do cover all surroundings this will strengthen all my allies, it can also damage Basilisk, I also activate the Deadly Intimidation skill which will be strengthened because of my Auras, and with that Basilisk is temporarily immobilized.

"Your turn Ivan!" (I)

"Take this chance too, Freya!" (I)

"< Bones Prison >" (Ivan)

"< Harden >" (Irina)

"< Enchant Element: Light >" (Irina)

"< Double Shot >" (Freya)

In the brief moment when Basilisk was immobilized Irina increased the power of Freya's arrows before she shot Miranda in Basilisk's eyes, one of the arrows hit one of the eyes, but the second arrow was blocked by Basilisk's tongue which managed to defend the other eye.

In the pain of losing an eye, the Basilisk broke free of my intimidation, but before it can dodge like the last time, a huge amount of bones grow out of the ground and hold half of the Basilisk's body in place, so Freya makes a second attack with assistance from Irina.

I see Basilisk is using his tail to try to free himself from the bones, but there's no time, he tries to move his head but I've been waiting, I use my skills [ Magic Enhanced Line Production: 2 ] and [ Control and Manipulation of line: 3 ] to tie the Basilisk's big mouth and attach the lines to three statues that are on either side of him, this should be enough to keep his head in place enough for Freya to finish off the other eye and how his mouth is. closed by my lines Basilisk cannot use its tongue to defend itself again.

After Freya landed his blow and the Basilisk was blind he went into fury mode, he broke the bones that held him and broke the lines that held his jaw, he was blind but sent a poison breath attack in our direction.

"< Light Shield >" (Irina)

"< Guardian's Shield >" (Irius)

Irina and Irius made two shields to protect us, Irina's ear breaks with the pressure of the attack but Irius' shield barely resisted, when it was starting to crack the attack was over, but when I looked around there was purple mist spread around the surroundings, I know this is poison so I raise my hands to use a mid-level wind element spell.

"< Windstorm >" (I)

With this magic, a powerful gale spreads with me like the center dispersing the poisonous mist.

Basilisk didn't wait, not knowing where we were he started running in circles hitting everything around, we had to take this opportunity as the reason to aim his eyes was to avoid his ability to petrify his eyes.

"Attack from a distance!" (I)"Freeze him, Layla!" (I)

While giving orders I used a Beginner water spell and put 200 MP in order to wet Basilisk's entire body.

"< Ice Tornado >" (Layla)

Layla put her four hands forward and they started to glow with a bluish-white light, then a big tornado with sharp ice fragments comes out of her hands and grows bigger and bigger until reaching the Basilisk, unfortunately, the ice fragments didn't hurt her resistance body, but that attack served to freeze his body.

"Attack now!" (I)

Irina uses her chains of light to bind the Basilisk's neck while trying to use her ability to corrode the chains, Irius runs to the Basilisk with the blade of his sword glowing white and shoves it into the wound in one of Basilisk's eyes, Érica puts a purple magic circle on the Basilisk, Diana, Ibuki, and Sophia begin to hit the Basilisk with everything they have, Freya is joining her wind power into an arrow preparing a mighty attack, Layla uses her space magic to try to cut the same multiple times place and Kira with the help of Byakko uses a spiritual technique that hits the Basilisk with a powerful bolt while I do the same as Freya and prepare a powerful attack for when he breaks free of the ice.


After receiving so many attacks in a few seconds the Basilisk breaks free from the ice and knocks everyone away, Irius who was the closest was almost crushed if not for Ivan who was already dressed in his armor and held the Basilisk's attack with his body.

"< Piercing Arrow >" (Freya)

At that moment Freya shoots a powerful and very fast arrow that manages to open a large wound on Basilisk's head.

"< Explosion >" (I)

I use a beginner spell that dumps half of my mana creating a big red sphere that flies up to the Basilisk and explodes throwing it backward, at which point two giant ice spears hit where his eyes were while Byakko in his tiger form is in the top of Basilisk's head with open mouth pointed at the grate wound that Freya caused.

From Byakko's mouth comes a continuous beam that hits the wound causing the Basilisk to scream and thrash around hitting its head on a giant statue crushing Byakko there.

Without missing this opportunity Ivan and I run to Basilisk I thrust my sword full of my poison into the burned wound that received Byakko's attack while Ivan uses his superior strength to deliver a powerful blow that hammers the sword into Basilisk's head which lets out one last scream before falling to the ground causing a small shudder.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I ignore the notifications now and run to see how Irius and Byakko are doing, Irius has a broken arm while Byakko has returned to his small form and is unconsciously being hugged by Kira.

"How's Byakko doing, Kira?" (I)

"He's hurt but he's going to be fine, he turned his skin to iron before the impact that used up all the spiritual energy I put into him, so he didn't take as much damage, he just needs some rest." (Kira)

"So everyone is fine, Irius' broken arm will heal with a HP potion and some healing spells from Irina." (I)

"It was easier to kill Basilisk than I thought." (Érica)

"I said we could do it, I said the master was being too careful." (Diana)

"Maybe you're right, but this was only possible because we already knew Basilisk's capabilities, so we were at an advantage from the start." (I)

"But it doesn't change the fact that the fight only lasted ten minutes, maybe less." (Sophia)

"(I'm glad no one was seriously hurt, I made sure to think about these attacking strategies together with Diana, almost all of them worked well.)" (I)

"Now let's see what we've gained." (I)
