The next day we got together after eating to discuss what we're going to do today, I said we should rest today and only go to the Dungeon the next day, but Ivan said it would be better to destroy the Dungeon of the Undead as soon as possible.

He said that the miasma on floors after 50 had a very high concentration of miasma and that's why the number of monsters we faced yesterday was so large.

Ivan said that the number of monsters was so large that there could be a wave of natural monsters in that dungeon, this would be very bad since all monsters in this dungeon are Undead difficult to kill, in addition, there are many monsters that spread diseases or that can cause an epidemic.

Diana said the city of Valen would not be able to handle this wave of monsters as nearly half of the adventurers died in the last wave of monsters.

From what Ivan was saying that miasma was accelerating the appearance of monsters, in addition, he said he felt some kind of presence in that miasma, but so far he can't identify what that presence is, but it could also be a natural occurrence this wave of monsters.

Ivan said that new dungeons appearing cause a wave of monsters, Diana thought the Skeletons and Zombies she faced in the special mission she participated in a few months ago were a wave of monsters caused by the appearance of a new dungeon, but it looks like that was just the beginning. of the monster wave, Ivan said that the reason nothing happened yet is because Carlos sent adventurers to explore the dungeon and eliminate monsters frequently, until he entered the dungeon and did that, because of that the monster wave was delayed increasingly.

But it seems like the more time passed, the stronger monsters on the deeper floors were only accumulating more and more, now it's at a point where the monster wave could happen at any time.


Once again I'm thrown into trouble when I least expected it, but even though I'm frustrated with this situation all I can do is keep exploring the dungeon, hopefully, our group can clean up this dungeon tomorrow.

I planned to tell Mari or Carlos about our findings, but Érica and Kira stopped me, they said we have no evidence and we can't present any evidence either, the only way would be to take someone from the Guild to the deeper floors to see for themselves, but that's impossible since not even a Grade S adventurer like Carlos can resist the miasma of the deepest floors of the Undead Dungeon.

Knowing that we can't even take a day off, I tell everyone to get ready and then we head out towards Dungeon.

As soon as we entered the dungeon we went straight to floor 58 and we started exploring from there, our progress was slow because of the horde of Undead that each floor had, floors 58 and 59 were cities in ruins in the desert, it was Its hell to explore such a place with so many places full of traps and monster ambushes that hide in the buildings of the ruins.

The worst thing was always feeling like I was in a horror movie when I saw Zombies coming out of buildings heading towards me, I was in a ruined city in the middle of a desert at night with the Undead everywhere, they should congratulate me on getting to be in the most bizarre situation ever when all I wanted was to go home and eat delicious food.

If there wasn't something in this dungeon that I want it would have been gone a long time ago, but since it would destroy this dungeon one way or another, it doesn't hurt to do this soon to avoid another wave of monsters.

So we continued to explore the dungeon taking hours on each floor, the stairs to the next floor were always in the strangest places like the basement of a simple house or the back room of a destroyed gun shop.As the stairs were not traps I couldn't detect them, all we could do was explore every inch of each floor and be lucky to find the place where the stairs are at the beginning of the exploration of each floor, but the luck seems far away for me, that's why we always waste a lot of time exploring which makes us face a lot of monsters, so we have to spend even more time in the safe rooms on each floor to recover and make sure we're in good condition to continue to explore the next floor.

With these types of situations happening we finally arrived at floor 60 which turned out to be a giant city in ruins, this city had more buildings than the others and seemed to be in better condition, as if it had just been destroyed, as we always started trying to get there. to the city center where we think this might be where the boss of this floor might be.

When we arrived in the center of the city there was a big square that was covered in blood and bodies everywhere, the bodies were decomposing and some were still moving even with the dismembered bodies.

I was completely surprised by such violence and brutality to see a giant creature picking up a Zombie nearby and hammering it into the ground several times, now I understand why we didn't find almost any monsters on this floor, they were destroyed by this thing.

"Careful master, this is a Berserk Zombie, this thing is pure brutality and attacks anything that moves no matter who or what it is." (Ivan)

"Let me handle this, but then I'm going to need Miss Vanessa's help." (Ivan)

"Are you confident in winning alone?" (I)

"Yes, but it would be difficult for me to kill this monster, so after I immobilize it I will need Miss Vanessa to deliver the final blow." (Ivan)

"Fine by me." (Vanessa)

"You are the strongest among us so I guess I don't need to worry." (I)

"Thanks so I'm on my way." (Ivan)

Ivan starts walking up to Zombie Berserk who has ripped a stone column out of a building and is hitting some dismembered Zombies with it.

While walking Ivan started to emit dark energy that surrounds his body and then transforms into an evil-looking full body black armor, so he takes a sword that belongs to him from the safe room where I found him.The sword seems to be a magic weapon as it starts to catch fire as soon as Ivan holds it before Ivan gets too close the Zombie Berserk turns around and without wasting time runs towards Ivan still holding the stone column that seems light in your big hands.

When Zombie Berserk is close enough to Ivan I can finally understand his size, he is over five meters tall and his whole body has gray sore skin all over his body, his giant body moves at an incredible speed that it looks like Kira's, it surprised me to see something so big move at that speed.

As soon as the giant is close enough to Ivan he raises the stone column to hit him, at that point Ivan's image seems to blur to me and the next thing I see is Ivan spinning around and kicking Zombie Berserk in the head. which goes flying to the right like a cannonball and destroys a building covering a distance of tens of meters.


When I thought the fight was over I see several giant boulders being thrown at Ivan from the place where Zombie Berserk was, then I see something fly out of that destroyed building and fall next to Ivan who cut all the boulders like they were made of paper with his sword.

The one that landed next to Ivan was the Zombie Berserk that started attacking the moment it landed, I notice that the Zombie Berserk is missing his jaw just his tongue hanging out as he runs towards Ivan.

This time Ivan runs towards him dodging the attack of his arms and slashing his arms with his sword, then Ivan runs past the Furious Zombie's legs and cuts one of his legs, causing the giant monster to lose his balance and fall to the ground causing a small tremor.

When I thought it was over I saw that dismembered monster use its one leg to stand up and then throw himself at Ivan who jumps into the air dodging his attack as he spins and cuts off the last leg of the Zombie Berserk.

"< Bones Prison >" (Ivan)

As soon as he lands on the ground Ivan uses his ability to create a circle around the monster's giant body, then big sharp bones come out of the ground and hold the monster firmly in place, it looks furious struggling to get free.

Meanwhile, Ivan is walking towards us making his armor back to black energy, and enters his body.

"Now it shouldn't be any problem to finish him off, so I advise using only Light magic, don't waste Holy magic on a defeated monster, Miss Vanessa." (Ivan)

"It was a beautiful fight, Mr. Ivan." (Vanessa)

"I'm impressed with your technique." (Diana)

"Looks like you've been holding back longer than we thought during training." (Irius)

"You're pretty strong for a pile of bones." (Layla)

Everyone was surprised to see the strength Ivan showed, just seeing the body of that monster was enough to know that a normal sword would not even cut its skin, but Ivan managed to dismember him with great ease.
