After Ivan defeated the Zombie Berserk we started to collect everything we could, Freya went to the boss of this floor to get the core and various useful parts of this monster, while the others started looking at the hundreds of zombie bodies scattered across the square in this city. destroyed to collect their core and any intact equipment they have.

Kira and I head towards the chest that appeared after the boss was defeated, Kira checks to make sure there are no traps, after that, I open it and see a purple-bladed dagger, 20 gold coins, a scroll, and a ring green.

I gather everything up to check later and then help the others gather what we can from the Zombies on the ground.


After an hour we reached the stairs to the 61st floor which was inside one of the buildings near the square where we faced that Zombie Berserk.

We took some time to rest in the safe room before continuing to explore this floor, what we discovered was a city that was being destroyed by storms and a tornado during the night, the city was also full of the Undead in simple clothes and some in white clothes. soldiers.

It was a little difficult to pass this floor as the environment itself was trying to kill us, it took a long time to explore this floor because we were avoiding getting caught in this apocalyptic climate.


To make matters worse, all the monsters on this floor were Grade A, they were numerous, so Layla, Irina, and Vanessa had to do a lot of area attacks from the Light element to be able to explore this floor.

There was a situation where we found a chest with traps inside a building that resembled a store, while Kira disarmed the traps a tornado hit the building causing the whole store to collapse while we were still inside, Irius thought fast and used his defense skill to protect everyone until the tornado goes away.

After this situation, we stop looking for treasure or wasting time dismantling the monsters we killed and walk to find the stairs to the next floor.

Our exploration of this floor took more than five hours and we were without any energy, we had to rest and recover our energy in the safe room which took two hours.

When we were in better condition, we started exploring this floor before ending today's Dungeon exploration.

But it surprised me to see this floor, it was a beautiful city in perfect condition with a beautiful starry sky in the sky, the city was so beautiful and well cared for that it was as if there were still people living in it.

As we explored we discovered that this town was full of Grade A Undead that attack in large numbers, these monsters were all over the place.

As we explored and killed monsters the hours passed and I began to understand this city better.

Two things caught my attention, the first one was the large Palace near the city walls on the other side compared to where I entered, the Palace was surrounded by a large number of Zombie-type Undead in full armor and several Skeleton Mages with Mage equipment such as robes, wands, books, and staffs.

There were hundreds of enemies standing like an army protecting the royal castle of their Kingdom, it seemed impossible to get through without having to defeat them all first.

The second thing that caught my attention was that we found the place where the miasma was leaving, when we got to this floor we realized that the miasma was much more concentrated than on any other floor, another thing Ivan noticed was that every time we went closer to the center of the city the miasma became stronger.

As we explored the city further, we ended up reaching the center of the city where we found a large church painted in black with various skeleton designs is a mural with carnage drawn, from the main doors of this bizarre church there was a huge amount of miasma coming out that flowed into the rest of the city.Ibuki and Kira were ready to go in and explore this Church, but Byakko, Ivan, and Vanessa stopped them saying we shouldn't go there, between them I could see that Ivan looked terrified and when I asked him why he couldn't answer, he just said that is too scared to approach this bizarre church.

We decided to do away with the Undead exercise that guarded the castle, so first, we cleared the town of the Undead scattered around.

After that I came up with the idea of ​​setting traps all over town which took hours, those responsible for the traps were Irina, Kira, Vanessa, Layla, and me.

After everything was ready I attacked the Undead army with powerful light magic and ran to the city being followed by the Undead army.

As I ran through the city I passed all the traps we made which reduced the size of the army by more than half, the army didn't stop following me or trying to attack me throwing spells, arrows, or spears, but as I was far away from them and had Layla sitting on my shoulder protecting myself from any attack that came too close I finally arrived in a narrow city street where after I passed I was attacked with light, fire and Holy magic by the rest of my group who were on top of the roofs waiting for the moment of the ambush.

With that, we were able to exterminate the entire army of Undead, but we were without any energy, those who still had energy began to collect everything they could from this army of Undead such as armor, weapons, wands, staffs, tunics, etc.

Meanwhile, I and those without energy continued to rest to recover, after that we went to the castle, when entering the castle grounds we started to explore and we found two things, one was the place where there was a three-meter high golden gate and the another had a black gate five meters high.

It was at that moment that we realized that we were on the top floor of the Dungeon, these gates were the entrance to the Dungeon Boss Room and the entrance to the Treasure Room that will only open when the Boss is defeated.

Upon discovering this I warned everyone to get out of here, even though we have recovered our energy we are still very tired physically and mentally, we are not in a condition to face a Grade S monster.

With that decided we went to the safe room and went back to the first floor, when we left the dungeon I realized that it was already night, the guards who watched the entrance of this dungeon said that it was dawn, it seems that we lost track of time this time.

We walked back to the mansion where everyone was worried about our delay, after saying that we lost track of time while exploring Caryna gives us some delicious food that she had to reheat for us.

After that everyone takes a shower and goes to their rooms, I ask Vanessa to accompany me to my room to keep an eye on me as usual, so I drink more Dragon blood.


<[ Your bloodline has become stronger and purer [ True Dragon: 30% > 35% ] ]>

I was getting used to the level of pain I get from drinking Dragon's blood, even though it was unpleasant and horrible, it was starting to become bearable, but I know part of the reason was because Vanessa healed me quickly, so I didn't suffered for a long time.

After all this, I go to sleep giving myself up to sleep and tiredness accumulated by this long day.




The next day I wake up with vom Nolan calling me, it seems Caryna left to wake me and the others later since we went to bed very late yesterday.

After a delicious meal, I call Vanessa, Diana, and Ivan to talk.

"Yesterday we were very tired so I didn't say anything about it, but you know what I want to talk about, don't you?" (I)

"That black church, right?" (Ivan)

"Exactly." (I)

"I don't know anything about that master, I've never heard of anything like that before." (Diana)

"I've heard of something like this in the past, but I never thought I'd see something like this inside a dungeon." (Vanessa)

"Do you know what this is, Vanessa?" (I)

"There are records of Temples and Churches belonging to Demon Gods or Evil Gods who spread miasma around." (Vanessa)

"But I didn't expect to see this in a dungeon." (Vanessa)

"You mean a god did this?" (I)

"Maybe it could also be the result of an artifact of that God causing this." (Vanessa)

"If it's a divine artifact doing that, then I have no doubt it must be Evil or Cursed." (Ivan)

"What do you want to do about that bizarre church?" (I)

"Whatever this Church is there or whatever is in there doesn't matter, I felt something really bad when we were around there, I don't think we should approach this place again." (Ivan)

"I agree with Ivan." (Vanessa)

"There's no reason to take any chances going there, all we need is to defeat the Dungeon Boss and destroy the dungeon core." (Diana)

"If we do that the Dungeon will disappear and That Church with it." (Diana)

"That would be for the best." (Ivan)

"Then I think it's decided, let's do it this way and we'll head to the dungeon in two hours." (I)

"Be prepared to face the boss of this dungeon." (I)

"Today is the last day of this dungeon." (I)
