After the conversation, I had with Ivan, Vanessa, and Diana, I decide not to take any unnecessary risk out of curiosity, so I'm going to ignore that bizarre Church and just do what I was already going to do in that dungeon.

With everything resolved I let the others know the decision was made, so after we spent two hours going over strategies that we can use during the fight against the Dungeon Boss everyone will get ready, so we all leave for the Dungeon.

I ask if we shouldn't tell Carlos and Mari about this Church on the top floor of the Dungeon, but Irina says it's best not to, if we talk to Carlos about it he'll have to investigate about it, and to investigate he'd have to get help with the Church of Light, that would be a very bad thing for us, so we decided not to say anything about it, anyway it won't matter as that dungeon will disappear after today.

When we arrive at the Dungeon it's past noon, we head straight to the 62nd floor which is the top floor, and then start heading towards the castle inside the city.

On the way, we encountered a lot of monsters, but luckily that army of Undead wasn't there again.

After resting and making sure we're in top condition for this battle I head to the Door, when I put my hand on the door it opens on its own showing a dark room where I'm not able to see anything inside but a red carpet that follows. from that door to the front.

"Be prepared." (I)


We enter the room in formation with Ivan in front and Irius and Kira in the rear taking care of the rear, as soon as we pass through the door it closes quickly behind us and then crystals light upon the walls lighting up the entire room and shocking me.

The room had a beautiful beautiful throne in front of us with a red carpet that goes from the throne to the black door behind us, this room is completely closed with no windows or doors beyond this one behind me, I see two hideous murals on either side of me on the walls of the throne room.

One mural represents a battle scenario filled with death and carnage, the second mural represents a wave of Undead destroying a city and killing the entire population.

The two images represent brutal scenarios full of suffering, pain, fear, violence, and death.

But what scared me the most was to see that on the throne was what could only be described as a mummy with a dry body with skin stuck to the bones sitting on the throne, this mummy was wearing a black and gold robe reminiscent of the clothes of a priest, he also holds a staff that appears to be made of the spinal columns of several intertwined people, and on top of the staff is a large black skull with an open jaw and a green crystal inside the mouth attached to the jaw.

Worst of all was that there was a being with transparent green skin wearing black armor and who had four arms, the top two arms held spears and the bottom two arms held giant swords, this Armored Knight had a height of 2, 5 meters, the mummy was only 2 meters tall as far as I could tell.

As soon as the doors closed behind us and the lights lit up in this throne room we were held in place by two powerful Auras, one filled with hate and death, the other filled with violence and brutality.

These Auras made me feel fear and pain, I felt like I was getting weaker and also like I was being hurt in some way feeling pain all over my body.

Wasting no time, I start using one by one of my Aura abilities, at first I could only protect myself with one of my Auras, but with each Aura I used I was able to push the two enemy Auras away and envelop the party, with my Auras protecting and strengthening everyone, after using all four Auras, I managed to spread my Auras all over the throne room.

All this happened within seconds of entering the throne room, but even though I used my Auras to fight the enemy Auras the two monsters didn't stay still, the four-armed warrior ran to me and tried to pierce me with his two spears, he was very fast and attacked when I wasn't paying attention, so I wasn't able to completely protect myself from the attack, I used my sword to deflect one of the spears while trying to dodge the second, but I was still hit in the shoulder and thrown to behind."The fight has already started, don't stand still!" (I)

"MASTER!!" (Layla)

"< Ice Hammer >" (Layla)

The rest of my group was distracted by the attack from the two enemy Auras the moment we entered, but as soon as I was attacked and I yelled to get them to focus on the battle it was Layla the first to see me flying backward with a bloodied shoulder, she used ice magic to create a large ice hammer and tried to crush the four-armed warrior but he used his two swords to cut the ice hammer into four pieces.

"These are a Death Knight and a Lesser Lich, be careful as they are unique monsters." (Vanessa)

As I fly backward I resist the pain of the wound and spin in the air to regain my balance and land on the ground already using my skills to recover, at that moment I hear what Vanessa said.

"Ivan, Irius, Diana, Ibuki, and Kira take care of this Death Knight, in the meantime, I and the others will attack the Lesser Lich!" (I)

"Vanessa prepare her Holy magic to use on the Lich!" (I)

"< Light Spear >" (I)

"Yea!!!" (all)

Once I understand the situation, I start ordering everyone around while attacking the Lesser Lich with a mid-level Light element spell.

Without noticing the Lower Lich had already risen from the ground and was creating a big black magic circle, when my magic was almost hitting the Lich it hits a barrier creating some cracks that disappear soon after.

Without giving me or the others time to use any magic the Lich activates the magic circle causing 50 skeleton soldiers to start leaving the magic circle little by little, it seems he was summoning more monsters as we feared.

"< Magic Cancel >" (Vanessa)

At that moment Vanessa uses a spell that shoots a golden ray of light in the magic summoning circle making it disappear and the skeletons that leave the magic circle turn to dust.

"< Wall of Wind >" (I)

But unbeknownst to her Irius was hurled towards her, so I used a wind spell creating a strong flow of wind going up to a height of two meters forming a wall of wind near Vanessa, just as Irius hits my wall. wind his trajectory changes and he is thrown upwards where he spins and lands on his feet."Thanks, Dad." (Irius)

"< Blades of Light Storm >" (Irius)

As Irius drops to the ground his sword starts to glow with white light, so he makes several quick slashes sending dozens of blades of Light flying towards the Death Knight, unfortunately, his attacks are interrupted by a wall of bones created when the Death Knight Death thrust one of his swords into the ground.

It looks like they are having a tough battle with this monster, but not having time to distract me with their fight I try to run to the Lower Lich, since its barrier is defending our magic attacks, I will try to use physical attacks.

As soon as I got closer I noticed that the ground was changing color and I sidestepped as tentacles of shadow came out of the ground and tried to trap me.

"< Blade of Light >" (I)

Wasting no time I use my sword and dagger and try to make several cuts in the barrier that protects the Lower Lich that starts to crack quickly, the Lich doesn't stand still watching me break his barrier, he points his macabre staff at me and a black liquid does a sphere and comes flying towards me without giving me time to dodge.

"< Magic Barrier >" (Irina)

At that moment a transparent barrier appears around me protecting me from this attack when this black liquid hits the barrier it splashes around and I see the places on the ground where it fell being corroded, it seems that it was some kind of acid.

"(Can't let this hit me.)" (I)

I keep slamming with all my might at the barrier that finally broke, but at that moment shadow hands reach out from the Lower Lich's shadow and hold me in place, so he swings the tip of his staff at me creating several black needles that tempt me. turn into a hedgehog.

"< Magic Reversal >" (Érica)

At that moment the needles that are almost hitting me stop in the air and then start to go towards the Lower Lich, throwing him against the throne behind him leaving his whole body pierced.

"< Blade of Light >" (I)

Without missing this opportunity I use my sword that I cover with the Light element to cut the bone hand of the Lich that was holding the staff, so I take the staff and tuck it away in my storage item away from him.

"Master behind you!!!" (Freya)

"< Streams of Light >" (Irina)

"< Bones Prison >" (Ivan)

I lunge forward as I turn and see a sword held in chains of light where I was a second ago, then I see the Death Knight trapped in bones that came out of the ground still holding his sword.

"(That was close, very close, very close!)" (I)

"Why the hell are there two Grade S monsters here??!!!!!!" (I)
