Vanessa Pov:

Right after the conversation we had with that Ghoul named Jana, my Dad gave instructions to follow, Jana may not fully understand why Dad wants a few days before he leaves, but we do know.

That madman is still trying to make his plan work, I think it's possible, but it's still absurd, again he's not thinking about the consequences, but as my Father has Goddess Selene's blood in his veins and lots of Blessings, maybe he doesn't suffer a very big reaction.

I've already finished doing what he asked me, it's late, but I think Anton will spend the night working, Kira left saying that she found another four crystal letters, she didn't say what she was going to do, but not because of her smile. it must be no good.

"Are you still awake, Vanessa?" (Ivan)

As I'm sitting on the roof of the mansion I watch Ivan jump up from the ground towards me.

"I was thinking about what Ghoul said." (I)


"You thought it was weird too, didn't you?" (Ivan)

"The way this guy Farus did things seems strange to me, Necromancers aren't normally able to control living beings, I can't imagine how this Necromancer could influence entire villages of Demis to work for him." (Ivan)

"I thought the same thing, but after what happened with Dad during the conversation I think I already know why." (I)

"That was very strange, the reaction of the Infant Fairies and that Shadow Fairy along with what you said makes me think that master Zenos has received a divine message, am I right?" (Ivan)

"You're only half right, my Father doesn't have the oracle ability like I do, so he can't receive messages from the Gods, but as he himself has the blood of a God and now his body has been rebuilt, he can mentally converse with a God." (I)

"..." (Ivan)

"The master is always surprising me, I didn't expect him to be able to talk to Gods." (Ivan)

"Even though it's something amazing it still has a lot of limitations, you must have realized how weak he was after that." (I)

"He can't do that for long, he can't get in touch with a God of his own either, the God in question must make contact with him, I also imagine it's only possible with the Gods whose Father has the Blessings ." (I)

"It's a lot of limitations, but at least God can listen to him, right?" (Ivan)

"Yes, theoretically he could converse with a God, unlike the oracle skill that only allows you to hear divine messages." (I)

"The GM does things that others would think were impossible, but it's funny how he doesn't realize it himself." (Ivan)

"He lacks common sense, I must admit." (I)

Ivan and I spent some time in silence sitting on the roof watching the light show that is the Fairies and Infant Spirits flying around in the darkness of the night.Ivan looked like he wanted to say something but didn't know where to start.

"Speak up, I know you mean something, it's written all over your ghostly face." (I)

"..." (Ivan)

"Alright, so I'll try to be direct, like me have been with Master Zenos for a short time, but you must have also noticed his abilities, right?" (Ivan)

"You're going to have to be more specific, my Dad is very capable in a lot of ways." (I)

"Did you notice how we fought the two Undead bosses in the Dungeon a few days ago?" (Ivan)

"Yes, I was surprised by a lot of things that day." (I)

"What I mean is the way we defeated the two monsters, both were defeated by the master." (Ivan)

"True, even without an arm he kept fighting, Layla only managed to deliver the final blow because my father was interrupted, but that Lesser Lich was already half dead before receiving Layla's attack." (I)

"The way he took out the Death Knight was also amazing, he knew our attacks couldn't finish him before he finished his summoning, so he used our attacks just to get rid of his defenses and ended up with the Death Knight the way you normally do with a weak Skeleton." (Ivan)

"He adapted to the situation faster than the rest of us, he also kept his cool the entire time, even when he was the first to be attacked or when he lost his arm, what he did is not something anyone could do." (Ivan)

I can see the respect and admiration Ivan feels for my father from the way he is talking about him.

"That's true, in critical situations like that it's hard to keep a clear mind for most people." (I)

"It wasn't just that day, today after hearing the Ghoul story he gave us a list of questions to ask her." (Ivan)

"All are very important questions that must be answered correctly if we are to fight this Necromancer." (Ivan)

"Now that you say it, I remember him also saying that he knew the Ghoul wouldn't be able to answer everything." (Vanessa)

"Yes, but anything she says will be very helpful, it will help us plan things better until we reach her village." (Ivan)

"The things he asked Lyra to do are also important, did you notice he only asked for potions to heal wounds and restore energy?" (Ivan)

"The other potions he ordered are all non-lethal, he has already thought of countermeasures to prevent deaths on the battlefield and leave the enemy incapacitated." (Ivan)

Now that Ivan spoke I realize that too, he thought of something like that in a few minutes, his questions and his preparation were perfect."(I'm surprised, how did I not notice this before?)" (I)

"Looks like you understand what I'm getting at." (Ivan)

"Ability to think calmly and clearly in critical situations, abilities to analyze and judge difficult situations quickly while creating effective ways to deal with it, also its presence and Aura that you may have already noticed emits a sense of authority. " (Ivan)

"What kind of person comes to your mind when you think of these abilities?" (Ivan)

"A king." (I)

A smile appears on Ivan's face as I say this, but without realizing it I have started to smile myself, an image has started to form in my head, the image of my Father sitting on a throne with thousands of people kneeling in front of him.

"But it's no use just having the potential and ability if he doesn't want to be a King." (I)

"Unfortunately it's true, the master has no ambitions, he's happy to just live a quiet life." (Ivan)

"Something that will be impossible considering whose son he is." (I)

"Now that I've stopped to think about it, my Dad has a lot of potential people working for him." (I)

"You took a while to realize, I figured it out the same day I met him." (Ivan)

"He doesn't even realize how great the potential of others is, the best part is that everyone tries their best for him." (Ivan)

"What do you think will happen when he goes to a Village full of Demis that aren't accepted in normal society?" (Ivan)

"I understand what you're getting at, but we don't have any guarantees it's going to be that way, it seems more like you want him to go that way." (I)

Ivan looks at the two moons with a big smile on his face, in his eyes, I can see that he is looking beyond the now, he is seeing what my Father could be, how far my Father could go.

"A gem cannot remain buried forever, with its abilities it is no longer a question of whether or not the master wants to be a King, but a matter of time before he can no longer deny what he is." (Ivan)

"..." (I)

I can feel a strong determination and desire in Ivan's words, I can see that he really believes what he says, to tell you the truth, I think I've started to believe it too.

It would be amazing to see him being respected by thousands of people, what son has no desire to see his parents in a position of prestige?

That would also be best for him, he would have more people to keep him safe, he doesn't know how dangerous it is to be the child of a God being so weak if people from other continents knew that one of the Goddess Selene's children is here and that he has so little strength would be dangerous.

I wanted to tell him these things, I wanted to tell him how vast this world is, I wanted to tell him about the enemies he will one day have to face, but I can't do that, he's not prepared and knowing himself just a little, I can already tell that he would do even more reckless things to keep us all safe.

He needs people to support him, to help him with his crazy ideas, to be able to fight by his side, to be able to advise him when necessary, and to keep him safe.

A son of a God is bound to attract people, Ivan thinks that going to Jana's village will make my Father walk the path of a Ruler, I don't know if that will happen, but even if it doesn't, Ivan is still right to say it's just a matter of time.

I look at the sky, since I got here I seem to have acquired my Father's ability to look at the starry sky, I never had time to do that in the past.

"(How far will you go, Father?)" (I)
