Vanessa Pov:

After yesterday's conversation with Ivan, I was called by Layla to help Father, now that he knows he's able to drink twice as much Dragon blood as before, he won't stop.

I was happy to see that it looks like his body is holding up better than I imagined, it seems that his body constitution helped a lot in adapting to this Dragon bloodline.

After helping my Father heal him I went to bed tonight, I knew that today we would all have a lot of work with all the preparations we have to make.

I myself am going out with Nira, Alice and Freya to buy several things that we will need, it seems my father wants to buy everything to stock up, he wants to buy various types of metal from the cheap to the most expensive for Anton to work with, he wants to buy a lot of ingredients for Lyra to be able to make a wide variety of potions and he wants Freya to buy many kinds of ingredients so we can have a luxurious meal right in the middle of the forest.

Meanwhile, he spent a few hours in the morning producing a large amount of thread for Tânia to work on.

Everyone is doing a variety of things, we're going to be very busy in the next few days, we're actually going to go bankrupt as he looks like he's going to spend all the money we've put together so far buying so many things.


I don't know why he gave such a long list of books to buy, not to mention he has so many banned books here.

Right now we're leaving the Alchemist's Guide grabbing a large number of ingredients in our storage items.

"Where to now?" (Nira)

"We'd better go to the Commerce Guild, we have to buy Storage Items and Magic Chests with increased internal space to be able to store this ridiculous list of things we have to buy." (I)

"Looks like we're still going to need to spend the money Diana went to get as a reward for destroying the Dungeon of the Undead." (Freya)

"That's why my Father wants to bankrupt us all." (I)

"I don't know why to worry, if I need it we can always make more money." (Alice)

"Alice is right, as long as we have Lyra, Anton and Tânia with us we'll always be able to make quick money." (Nira)

As we were walking down the street to the Commerce Guild, suddenly a carriage pulled by a tiger-shaped golem passes by and stops.

"What are you waiting for, bring those beauties to me now!" (man scream)

The scream was loud and we weren't very far from the carriage so we heard what the man inside said, then a man in a suit and three warriors wearing weapons and armor that looked brand new step out of the carriage and come towards us with a superior look.

"Young and beautiful ladies, sorry to bother you, but my master seems to have enjoyed your beauty, so be happy." (man in a suit)

"That's right, the master is brother and advisor to the King of Valius." (warrior A)

"You must be very happy about this, so please join us." (warrior B)

I exchange looks with Freya, as we've struggled several times inside the Dungeon we learn to understand each other with a single look, she waves at me showing she wants to take care of the matter which is good, that's why Alice is looking with disgust at the four men and I can see in the sky Yomi flying lower and lower probably taking orders from Nira."I advise you to be careful with your attitude in this town, being from a small kingdom doesn't mean anything here and in case you don't know the Adventurers' Guild isn't too far away." (Freya)

The three men who appear to be guards look around probably looking for the Guild and the man in the suit changes to a serious look.

"By her attire, she appears to be a maid, so how dare you speak that way to a government official?" (man in a suit)

"Why are you taking so long, bring these beauties to me soon!" (noble idiot)

It seems the idiot in the carriage thinks his position in his Kingdom or his social status as the brother of a King of a small Kingdom allows him to do anything, I think he's going to end up dying like that.

"Don't waste your time talking to these Freya idiots, let's get going as we still have a lot to do." (I)

"It seems to be true, from your eyes I can see that it will be impossible to have a civilized conversation." (Freya)

We decide to ignore them and continue on our way, but the three guards appear in front of us ready to draw their weapons as a threat.

"Where do you think you are going." (man in a suit)

"We're lucky Father isn't here, it could have ended these idiots' deaths." (I)

"Maybe Master Zenos doesn't have much patience when these things happen, he once made an adventurer fly for trying to get his hands on me." (Freya)

"Want me to fix it?" (I)

"Fine, it won't be long." (Freya)

"< Air Shield >" (Freya)

Freya raises her hand making five air shields, four of these shields are on the heads of the three guards and the man in the suit, the last shield is around the entire carriage.

I am impressed by this magic, it seems to block the air from passing through, I can no longer hear the voice of the man inside the carriage or the four idiots outside the carriage.

In a few seconds, I see them look horrified and start pounding the shield over their heads desperately, but the shield doesn't seem to take any damage.

Soon a fat man climbs out of the carriage and collapses in a swoon, the other four seem about to lose consciousness before the barrier disappears and they begin to paint.

"Next time don't bother people on the street, that's a very rude and rude thing to treat people." (Freya)

"Nice magic, it doesn't seem to use a lot of mana, but it's pretty effective against living beings." (I)

"The master taught me, he said it's a variation he thought of the wind barrier, but those who have similar strength to mine can break the barrier, so it's only good to use on the weaker ones." (Freya)

We ignore the idiots on the floor and walk away, the crowd that was gathering to see this show moves away clearing a path through which we pass undisturbed, as soon as we're a little farther away I turn to Nira who doesn't say anything or has shown no reaction so far."Don't waste your time with those idiots, bring Yomi back." (I)

"Okay, but if they bother again, they'll turn into food for Yomi." (Nira)

Soon I see Yomi flying on top of us again, he is flying higher and higher to get out of people's sight.

When we get to the Trade Guild we split up to be faster, after I buy what I need I see someone walk past me with a hood and walk into an empty shop, I follow that person and walk into that shop too.

"Why are you looking for me?" (I)

"I thought we had everything sorted out the other day." (I)

The person turns to me and lowers his hood showing his long red Bunny ears.

"There's something I need to confirm with you." (Elsaris)

"You can ask anything you want, but keep in mind that I won't answer all your questions, some secrets shouldn't be revealed easily." (I)

I've already figured she's stronger than me, but I know she won't do anything to me, the Human faction Vampires are known to be rational and selfish only doing things that benefit them, Elsaris wouldn't gain anything by doing me either bad, in fact, it would be a terrible thing for her as she would become an enemy of the neutral faction.

"I already expected that the question I want to ask doesn't need an explanation, just a yes or no answer will be enough." (Elsaris)

"Ask the question, if it's something I can say I don't mind talking." (I)

I realize that what she wants to say is of great importance to her, normally someone like her manages to keep all her emotions hidden, even though her face looks normal, her eyes are full of strong determination.

"I want to know if Zenos has any safe way to help someone whose soul is out of sync with their body." (Elsaris)

"..." (I)

"(Didn't expect this.)" (I)

"That was a very specific question." (I)

"Just tell me yes or no, if he can do that I want to ask for his help." (Elsaris)

"From what I've researched on him, it doesn't seem like he cares much about money, but he's always looking for people with potential." (Elsaris)

"My dad is really a weirdo, money doesn't really matter to him." (I)

"So what are you offering in exchange for this information?" (I)

"I'm offering myself and my family, I'm a Vampire Matriarch and I have two kids, I'm sure that's a good price for his help if he's able to get my wish." (Elsaris)

I know that Jay, the White Elf who accompanied me when I arrived in this town, is her son, but I don't know the other son.

I also know that Elsaris is stronger than Ivan, she has a Grade SS strength, she also has spy skills and a cunning mind, it would be great to have someone like that along with our group, especially now that we're going to face this mysterious Necromancer who is in the mountain range.

"Are you sure about this? Once you pledge your loyalty to my Father there will be no going back." (I)

"I don't care, as long as I can get my wish there's nothing I dare not do." (Elsaris)

"I'll talk to my Dad first, meet me here tomorrow." (I)

"OK." (Elsaris)
