It's been four days since the night Jana and Dora came here, those days were very busy for both me and others, luckily tonight was the last day I needed to drink Dragon's blood.

After some suffering the pain starts to lessen as I am healed by Vanessa, I feel the last remnants of wild energy being absorbed into my blood.


<[ Your bloodline has become stronger and purer [ True Dragon: 90% > 100% ] ]>





<[ Most of the power of your bloodline will be sealed ]>




<[ You have acquired the title [ Half Dragon ] ]>




<[ You have acquired the following skills:

• [ Dragon scale production: 1 ]

• [ Dragon Wings ]

• [ Fly: 1 ]

• [ Dragon Force: 1 ] ]>I finally gained some Dragon skills that won't tear my body to shreds, I'll put those skills to the test tomorrow, I'm tired from the pain I've suffered now, but I'm also tired today because I ate so many bones from the Dungeon Corpse monsters I kept, I also gave some for Anton to make weapons.

"Now I think it's over, right?" (Vanessa)

"Yes, I now have a pure Dragon Bloodline, but it looks like most of the power has been sealed." (I)

"This is the blood of a True Dragon, normally it would be impossible to do what you did, the only reason this works is because you are the son of the Blood Goddess and have this unique strange ability." (Vanessa)

"You should only be able to unlock the power of this Dragon Bloodline when you merge it with your Bloodline, but I don't advise doing that now." (Vanessa)

"Why not?" (I)

"Because your body would possibly explode." (Vanessa)

"..." (I)

"I agree with you, I think it's better not to do this now or maybe ever." (I)

"You have to grow stronger to withstand the merging of mighty bloodlines, Father." (Vanessa)

What she said makes sense, I shouldn't be too greedy, I have to learn to be content with what I already have.

"Thank you for the advice." (I)

"Now changing the subject, Elsaris hasn't contacted you yet?" (I)

"Not yet, there's no way she can get everything you asked for so quickly." (Vanessa)

"This will be good for her too, so let her have a little work." (I)


Three days ago, the day after Jana and Dora arrived, Vanessa came home saying she had a conversation with Elsaris, she told me that Elsaris seemed to want my help to cure someone with a soul problem, it seems she is willing to swear loyalty to me surrenders me to do this.

I wanted to refuse this, but Vanessa and Ivan continued to say that someone with Elsaris' strength and ability would be of great importance in the fight against the Necromancer, after hearing how everything they said I couldn't refuse.

At Vanessa's request, Elsaris came to me the next day, she came along with her son Jay, before anything I said I wanted to hear about who she wanted to heal, so she said it was her sister.At that moment Elsaris started to tell about herself and her sister, she talked about how her sister was intelligent and kind, the two were born as monsters White Rabbits, a kind of weak rabbit and able to eat everything, including meat.

Elsaris told how she was just like any other monster back then, lacking any intelligence and acting solely on instinct.

Elsaris said that she was often attacked by other Rabbits when they were hungry or even by other monsters, she said that at that time she met a rabbit that was a little stronger than the others, that was her sister.

Then she started to tell how her sister helped her when she was hurt, how her sister taught her to hunt, how her sister taught her to hide, how her sister taught her where to attack for more damage, and how her sister took care of her with care and love.

Elsaris said that as she got stronger she was the one who started to protect her sister, she said that with each evolution she got smarter and stronger, she wanted to be strong enough to always be able to protect her sister, so she hunted every day always looking for stronger monsters.

She said that during one of her evolutions she got smart enough to finally realize that her sister wasn't evolving, in fact, she was getting weaker and weaker and at that moment she met despair.

Elsaris didn't know what her sister had at the time, she didn't understand what she could do, so she looked for more and more enemies to get stronger, that was all she knew and when she evolved into a humanoid form becoming a Demi, her sister began to teach her how to assemble simple weapons and how to fight.

She realized that her sister was much smarter than she should be, but she didn't care, she started looking for villages to find help for her sister, she had already captured hundreds of monsters and made her sister deal the final blow, but she never evolved.

The problem is that in most villages she entered she was attacked, even though she was a Demi at the time, her appearance was still very close to a monster, so people were afraid of her, one day she met a White Elf who was kind to She and listened to her story, the Elf used a telepathic technique to communicate with Elsaris' sister and that's how he found out she was an Outsider.

The Elf was a Spiritualist and used several different techniques for days to try to figure out his Sister's problem, then after days, he found the problem.

Elsaris cried when she started to tell this part and had to be comforted by Jay before continuing her story.

She told that her sister's problem was that her Soul was not synchronized with her body, so it was impossible to evolve, she also said that the excess EXP in her body was harming her, her body had no way to deal with it, and when Elsaris heard that her heart was filled with guilt as it was for her trying to help her sister to evolve.

She said that the Elf couldn't help her, there was no cure for this situation that he knew, so she went out with her sister to find a way to cure her.

After many bloody battles, she evolved into a Vampire becoming a Matriarch of her own lineage, after so many battles she became very strong and even learned to use magic, but even after years she still hadn't found a way to heal her sister.

Having no other way out Elsaris used a type of blood magic to seal her sister who was not even able to walk at that time, her sister to this day is sealed in a blood crystal where she is protected and alive even though centuries have passed.

During all this time Elsaris never found anything and anyone able to help her sister, all possible solutions were too incomplete to work, she said she joined the Human faction Vampires by entering the Black Market just to gain access to more information, but even so, he hasn't found anything so far.

It was at that moment when Elsaris looked at me with eyes that burned with resolve, she said that when Vanessa got here she wasn't even able to speak for herself, but now she's completely fine.

She said that it's impossible for someone from the neutral Vampire faction not to have been able to find help in their faction and have to come here to be healed, the only possible reason for that would be if I had the ability to do something like the Vampires who are alive since the beginning of time will be able to do, so she sought me out.

She wasn't sure if I would be able to help her, until I saw Layla, even though her appearance is different she suspected, Layla for being in the mansion forgot to hide her wings and arms, so Elsaris saw that Layla had four arms and for her wings, she felt various types of elemental energy, as it was Elsaris who held the auction and it was Jay who accompanied Kira and the others to the auction, it didn't take long for Elsaris to realize that Layla was the same grotesque Fairy she sold to Kira.

Elsaris already knew that Layla had a serious problem in her soul, so seeing Layla looking so pretty and living normally was the only proof I needed, she got on her knees begging me to help her sister, I tried to get her up but she is much stronger than me.

With Elsaris acting like that and having to listen to Vanessa saying it would be helpful to have her on our side, I couldn't keep refusing and I agreed to help her sister.

I warned her that what I would do with her sister would make her become my subordinate, but Elsaris said that as long as her sister is okay she doesn't care, she says she's been watching me since the monster wave and knows I don't bully them. people who work for me.

To help your sister I said I would need some things, I told her I would need several barrels of blood and that each barrel had to have the blood of a different rabbit monster, I told her to gather around 70 barrels in five days before returning.

Elsaris didn't say anything and ran off with Jay chasing her, I hope she comes back before we leave.
