Right after talking for the first time with the leader of this village by the name of Sapphire, I meet with my group at the mansion inside the Dungeon to talk about my plans.

"To tell you the truth, I had a plan ready before I even arrived in this village." (I)

"The little information Jana told us was enough for me to come up with a viable plan." (I)

"Then why did you say that to that Lamia who is the village leader?" (Ibuki)

"He did it to buy time, Ibuki." (Lyra)

"With that, he has until tomorrow to perfect the plan he already has or even switch to another plan." (Lyra)

"You thought well Lyra, but you were also wrong." (I)


"The reason I lie is because the village leader doesn't trust me, even if I tell her my plan now, she'll think it's an improvised plan that I haven't given enough thought to." (I)

"I really wanted to know the latest and most accurate information, but more importantly, I wanted her to see me gathering the right information and asking for time to perfect a plan." (I)

"I see, so when you tell her your plan tomorrow it will be easier for her to believe since she's seen the steps she took to create the plan." (Diana)

"Exactly." (I)

"But what plan is this? You haven't told us anything yet." (Vanessa)

"The focal point of this plan is this Dungeon, Nix and Layla." (I)

"I'm going to use this to win this war against Farus, he won't be able to figure out what's happening until it's too late." (I)

"What will you want me to do, master." (Nix)

"It means I'll have a lot of fighting chances, right? Right? Right?" (Layla)

"Calm down, Layla." (I)

"I'll refrain from talking about details now as you'll hear about it tomorrow, I'll talk about the core part of the plan now." (I)

"I decided to go back to my roots, most of you may not know, only Ibuki, Diana, Kira, and Érica will know this, but I always started my plans using ambushes, this time I will do it again." (I)

"Master's ambushes are amazing, it reminds me of the past, the master was so nice and smart that I didn't understand anything he did." (Ibuki)

"That's because you were a Goblin then, you weren't very smart, now you're a powerful Oni." (Érica)

"Your intelligence now doesn't compare to before, out of all of us serving the master, you've grown the most, Ibuki." (Kira)

"That's right, your strength is very close to me now, I think I have to start training more so I don't fall behind." (Diana)

"I think you are straying from the main theme, the master is telling us about our combat plans now." (Freya)"That's right, don't lose focus and listen carefully." (Sophia)

"Sorry, master." (Érica/Diana)

"I will listen now, continue master." (Ibuki)

The conversation veered a little off course as the girls started to reminisce about the past, but luckily Freya and Sophia got everything back in order.

"As I was trying to say before, our plan will be an ambush." (I)

"I will create traps on the first and second floors of the Dungeon, it will be traps of the type to immobilize or kill." (I)

"The plan is reasonably simple in concept, Nix will stay within the shadows and attack groups of enemies by surprise devouring them in his Dragon form, this will take them to the Dungeon." (I)

"But that could be dangerous if they go back the way they came in as they could hurt Nix, so Layla will be in the safe room on the first floor facing the entrance with an open space portal near the stairs to the second floor or various places in the first floor." (I)

"That way the enemy will only have two choices, go down the stairs to the second floor that has no exit or explore the first floor to find the exit, considering that they won't have registered in the crystal of the safe room on the first floor, so even if they go to the second floor they can't get out." (I)

"I will have you and the warriors of this village inside the Dungeon to destroy Farus' troops without him being able to bring them back from the dead as Undead." (I)

"This is the main part of the plan, there are many other details as well, but you will hear about it tomorrow when you tell the village leader." (I)

"What did you think?" (I)

"..." (all)

"(What silence is this, why is everyone looking at me like that with wide eyes?)" (I)

Nobody said anything, I was starting to think there was something wrong with the plan I thought, with my nervousness increasing I started to look around and realized that Elsaris was the only one smiling, she was in a corner of the room with her children to not attract attention, I think she hasn't blended in much with the others yet.

"Elsaris, you haven't said anything so far, why don't you give your opinion too, I'd like to know what you think of the plan and if there's anything I can improve on it." (I)

"Improve?" (Elsaris)

"Before I say anything, let me just ask you one question." (Elsaris)

"Go ahead, ask." (I)

"You've already thought about what the ambush is going to be and how it's going to go, right." (Elsaris)

"Yes, that's part of the details I'll talk about tomorrow." (I)

"Simply put, I will use fog and illusion, I will also choose a village that will be attacked." (I)

"As I thought, listening to your plan thought the same thing, so you really thought of everything hahahahaha..." (Elsaris)"A plan that only a Dungeon Master who owns a mobile Dungeon like this could use, hahahaha..." (Elsaris)

"A plan so strange, malicious and cowardly that it won't give the enemy any chance to counterattack or prepare, they won't even realize what's happening." (Elsaris)

"A wonderful plan, I have a new level of respect for you now hahahaha..." (Elsaris)

"..." (I)

"The malicious and cowardly part of the plan was unnecessary, I thought it was such a good plan." (I)

"Your plan shows no honor, nor does it show any respect for your enemy." (Elsaris)

"Your plan comes down to completely exterminating the enemy, right? Have you considered leaving any alive?" (Elsaris)

"Of course not, if they die fast it will be better, there's only one enemy I want to leave alive in the end, all the others will die." (I)

"Exactly what I thought, few would have such ruthlessness and resolve even against an enemy, you did well, I have nothing to say about your plan." (Elsaris)

"So why doesn't anyone say anything? Why are they looking at me like that?" (I)

"They just don't know what to say, you say it's a simple plan, but you have a lot of steps to take, plus they must be surprised at your plan." (Elsaris)

While talking to Elsaris who seems to have liked my plan, I feel a hand on my shoulder, turn around and see it's Nix.

"This is an awesome master plan, we're going to get a lot of DP from it, I'm going to work hard to make this plan work." (Nix)

"As a former battlefield general, I can say that this is a very practical plan." (Ivan)

"But as Miss Elsaris has pointed out before, this is also an honorless plan, few would think of such a thing, using this plan in a war would fill the hearts of other Realms with fear." (Ivan)

"I didn't know the master could be so brutal, I feel sorry for those who become his enemies." (Freya)

"..." (I)

"You don't happen to have a demonic bloodline, do you?" (Byakko)

"You're basically throwing your enemies into a hell of traps surrounded by enemies with no way out, all before the battle even begins." (Byakko)

"Hahahahahaha... hahahahaha... this.... let's kill them all... hahahahahaha..." (Layla)

After Nix spoke the others started to go back to normal, most of them didn't seem to know what to say, but Ivan didn't seem to like ambush plans like that, Freya didn't seem to like that I planned to kill all the enemies, Sophia and Érica they just nodded, Byakko was looking at me as if I was a Demon assassin and Layla was laughing hysterically like a maniac, her eyes were empty as if she was imagining the scene in her head, her smile was so evil that for a moment I thought she was had really become a Demon.

"I thought the plan was so good, getting the enemy's bodies out of Farus' reach, throwing the enemies into an environment where we have an advantage, getting rid of the bodies easily, not leaving any kind of information for the enemies on how their troops disappeared and still earn a lot of DP." (I)

"Should I arrest them instead of killing them all?" (I)

"I don't know if that would help, Jana and Dora said that those who are with Farus become aggressive and loyal to him." (Kira)

​ "It must be some kind of power that causes Hypnosis, control, enslavement or corruption." (Kira)

"Your plan might be a little brutal and cruel in leaving no one alive, but we can't afford to leave enemies we don't even know can be saved alive." (Kira)

"I don't know if the people of this village will agree to this kind of plan." (Irina)

"It seems that there are a lot of people from other villages and races in this village, we can assume they know the people who serve Farus now." (Irina)

"Irina is right, it might be difficult for them to use a complete extermination plan, but it's also dangerous to hold prisoners, I don't know how we can do things now." (Vanessa)

What to do now, everyone seems divided about my plan, from what everyone says the plan itself is fine, the problem seems to be the part of killing all the enemies, so what am I going to do about it?
