What to do now, everyone seems divided about my plan, from what everyone says the plan itself is fine, the problem seems to be the part of killing all the enemies, so what am I going to do about it?

"You can give your opinions if you want, but I have to say that the death of enemies from Grade S is not up for discussion." (I)

"These are the toughest and most troublesome enemies, I can't think of a safe way to trap them and we can't afford to attack them with no intent to kill." (I)

"Does that mean you don't mind leaving the others alive?" (Ivan)

"I'm not a cruel monster like Layla, the only reason I plan to consider killing everyone is because of the logistical problems after we decide to capture them." (I)

"What problems?" (Vanessa)

"For starters, where are we going to put captured enemies? We don't have anywhere to put them at the moment." (I)


"We also don't have enough people to watch over the prisoners, you've heard from the village leader before, they are outnumbered." (I)

"We also don't know what Farus did to these people, we don't have time to find out and we don't even know if there's a way to help them, from what Jana said the people who fled their original villages and came here fled before they were too affected. for whatever Farus did." (I)

"The village leader also said that food will soon run out in this village, even though we have brought a lot of food, it is still not enough for this whole village, we cannot share it with prisoners." (I)

"Even though my plan looks good, we're still at a disadvantage in every area, at least that's the way I see it." (I)

"But if anyone has anything to add they can speak up, this meeting is still to perfect the plan if possible." (I)

Everyone was quiet for a few minutes, I didn't say anything else either, I gave everyone the time to think and analyze everything calmly.

"The master may be right, we must use whatever means at our disposal during the battle." (Ivan)

"I don't even know why you're doubting in the first place, didn't the dastardly tactics start with this Necromancer using battlefield dead to increase his numbers?" (Lyra)

"That's true, if we think about it that way, the master's plan might be our best chance of winning." (Ivan)

"Actually, I don't think we should waste time thinking about right and wrong, the final decision will still rest with the leader of this village." (Vanessa)

"We are here as reinforcements, but the leadership is still with her, important decisions must still be decided by her and not by us, right Father?" (Vanessa)

"That was always my intention, I'm here to help, but this village is not mine to decide anything, they who live here must decide for themselves." (I)

"I don't need that kind of responsibility." (I)

"There's nothing to decide, what's the problem with getting rid of your enemies, the choice should be obvious." (Layla)

"Also don't think I didn't hear what you just said about me master, we're going to have a long talk about how beautiful, cute and kind Fairies are later, understand?" (Layla)

"I don't want to hear your lies, you can't deceive me any more." (I)

"Idiot master...idiot idiot idiot...." (Layla)

"Does anyone else have any useful thoughts on the plan?" (I)I ignore Layla's light punches to my head.

"I have, why don't we use the prisoner ambush tactic on the strongest enemies, they should be the leaders as well as being the most troublesome to deal with." (Diana)

"This is a great idea, if we catch them alone we will be able to finish them quickly, we will also leave the enemy troops confused without a leader." (I)

"But how are we going to identify these strongest enemies?" (I)

"Leave it to me and my kids, we'll be able to find them quickly." (Elsaris)

"Very well, then I'll leave that to you Elsaris, but does anyone have anything to add?" (I)

"... ... ..." (all)

"Then we can end this meeting, now I want to distribute some tasks to you." (I)

"Elsaris, I want you and your children to join Freya and Caryna to check out the village, I want to know how the villagers are feeling, I also want to know what you think of us." (I)

"Diana, Ivan, Sophia, Anton, Tânia and Vanessa are going to talk to the village leader, I want you to help the wounded, check weapons, combat clothes and see what can be fixed." (I)

"Alice, Nolan, Leo, Nira, and Kira need you to make preparations to receive large numbers of people here, I plan to use the Dungeon to move the entire army of this village discreetly and quickly." (I)

"Nix and Layla you will stay with me, I need to talk to you about the plan better since you two will play an important role." (I)

"Lyra, I want you to prepare the potions to distribute to the village army, I'll talk about it tomorrow, so get everything ready." (I)

"Ibuki, I noticed you're good at drawing the other day, is that something you learned from Érica?" (I)

"Yes, she said it was a good thing for me to learn how to form magic circles faster." (Ibuki)

"That's good, I want you, Érica, Irina and Irius to draw maps of the first two floors of the Dungeon, I need them today." (I)

"Everyone already knows what to do, go ahead." (I)

With my words, everyone starts to leave leaving just me, Layla, and Nix in the room.

p ----------

It's been a day since I've been in the village, I spent all this time inside the Dungeon while the others did the tasks I asked for, during this time I was simulating various scenarios in my head to prepare myself, I had to be ready to implement the plan properly. correct.

Now I'm leaving the dungeon to talk to the village leader, this time it will be just her and me, that was her request, so I'm going to do it.

This time when I enter the same meeting room as yesterday, I find only the village leader, she also has several maps and papers scattered around the table.

"You've arrived, I hope you've managed to think of a viable plan, to be honest, I've tried everything but nothing I can think of seems to be useful against Farus." (Sapphire)"Good morning to you too, did you happen to stay overnight?" (I)

"Yes, I've had a lot of sleepless nights in the last few months, that's the burden of being in the lead." (Sapphire)

As soon as I entered she went straight to the main subject, I can see that she is impatient and frustrated, looking at her I can see that she is tired and with dark circles, which shows that she must not have slept last night.

"I already have a plan but I must say it will be your decision to use that plan or not, I'm here to help but how much I help is up to you." (I)

"Before you decide anything, talk about the plan." (Sapphire)


After an hour of saying the same things I had talked about with my group yesterday and adding a few more details to the plan, I had finished sharing the plan with the village leader.

I noticed that the way she looked at me changed, I could see hesitation, caution, and surprise in her eyes.

I had to wait a few minutes while she folds her arms and closes her eyes, looks like she was thinking about the plan, then she opens her eyes with some resolution and sadness in her eyes.

"You surprised me, I didn't expect such a complete plan, after some thought I can see that we still have hope if we use your plan." (Sapphire)

"But it will be difficult for others to accept, you must know that one of the things I had to do to unite all these races was to create a village council, they are a group with a representative of each race who are just below me in the hierarchy." (Sapphire)

"It will be difficult to convince them, alongside Farus we have friends, parents, children, and people we care about in the past." (Sapphire)

"Asking them to kill everyone is hard for me." (Sapphire)

"We can also immobilize and arrest them if you want." (I)

"I checked to think about it, but in our current conditions it would be impossible to keep prisoners, let alone knowing the truth about them." (Sapphire)

"What truth? What are you talking about?" (I)

"During our battles with Farus, we tried to capture some of his soldiers, we wanted to get information at first, but it turns out he was the father of one of the people on the village council." (Sapphire)

"He was aggressive and very loyal to Farus, he didn't give any information even though he was tortured, but we didn't kill him." (Sapphire)

"We tried to find a way to cure him, but the more we found out, the more shocked and saddened we were." (Sapphire)

"We realize that those who are on Farus' side are basically dead, Farus ripped out their souls while still alive and then sealed the souls back into the body." (Sapphire)

"Bodies are still alive and since it's their own souls that are sealed in the body, they can still evolve." (Sapphire)

"It looks like it's not something done easily, the reason he increased the aggressiveness and instability of the three races before appearing in the past was to prepare them to be able to do that." (Sapphire)

"There are those who will join him for a few months who haven't gone through this process yet, he needs to increase their aggression making them unstable both mentally and emotionally, that's before he uses this evil technique." (Sapphire)

"What would happen if you killed Farus?" (I)

"Almost everyone would die, maybe only a few dozen would survive, those who didn't have their souls ripped out and sealed inside their bodies." (Sapphire)

"The seal that Farus uses is attached to him, this prevents it from being broken, but when Farus dies the seal must break on its own, this will free the souls while leading everyone to death." (Sapphire)

"Killing these people also breaks the seal by freeing their souls." (Sapphire)

"For those who haven't gone through this process, they must survive." (Sapphire)

"But that doesn't mean they can be cured, the instability that Farus causes in his troops cannot be cured easily, those from this village fled their original villages in the first effects of this instability, but those who stayed too long will no longer to recover." (Sapphire)

"They were in a state of madness and aggression forever." (Sapphire)
