My discussion with the village leader took a few hours, it took almost half the morning, but it helped me learn some more information.

During this time I realized that the village leader wanted to use my plan, according to her, there is no way to save those who are with Farus, she would rather kill them all and free them from Farus' control than leave them as prisoners knowing they can do it nothing to help.

The village leader said that she would talk to the village council, they will probably accept it, but she also told me to prepare myself as some people can go into a state of fury when they hear my plan.

I also talked to her about the details of the plan, I wanted the rest of my group here so I could explain this just once, there are many steps in this plan, I wanted everyone to be able to listen at the same time.

For my plan I would need the help of the village leader and her strongest soldiers, she said that she will provide whatever I want after the village council decides whether or not to accept my plan.

At the end of the meeting I tried to ask her a few things in order to prepare myself, I needed to know about a village that would be attacked, I would stay close to that village and wait for the opportunity I would need to attack.

I told her I would send someone from my group to investigate, but I would want someone to guide her through the mountain range.



I got back to the Dungeon at noon, everyone was already there when I arrived and Freya was putting food on the table for everyone.

"I'm back, looks like I was the last to come back." (I)

"Yes, everyone has already finished the tasks you asked for yesterday." (Freya)

"I'll listen to them after food." (I)

While I have a brief conversation with Freya I go over to the table and sit down to eat too along with everyone else.

"How was your meeting with the village leader, master?" (Érica)

"Her reaction was similar to the reaction you had yesterday, but she accepted the plan, but it looks like she will need approval from some representatives of the other races." (I)

"Are you talking about the village council?" (Elsaris)

"It seems you already know that another thing I learned as well was how Farus made all his soldiers so loyal to him." (I)

"We already know, Nix overheard her conversation and passed it on to us about that part of her conversation." (Vanessa)

"I thought it would be good for others to know about this, I hope you don't mind, master." (Nix)

"Alright, that even helps me since I won't have to explain anything." (I)

"I should also inform you that we have been holding Layla for a while." (Nix)

"What happened?" (I)

"When I told everyone about how Farus has complete control over his troops, Layla was the one who had the biggest reaction, I was afraid she'd go off frantically causing confusion." (Nix)"Looks like she still hasn't gotten over what they did to her in the past, she knew it would affect her." (I)

"But the process I heard Layla went through was very different from the process Farus is going through." (Vanessa)

"It may be different, but it still boils down to corrupting the body and using the person's soul, for Layla already has a lot in common with her." (I)

"Does that mean the master can help these people like he helped Layla, master?" (Ibuki)

"No, for a start I don't even know if it's possible to save people who have already been affected by Farus' evil technique." (I)

"I'm not going to try to save so many people either, saving Layla was hard enough, saving thousands of people would be a ridiculous effort, it would also be too risky." (I)

"Using my awakening skills and transforming others takes a lot of my energy, even my vitality if I do it too often or with too many people I can die." (I)

"I won't do that, I don't have to take such a big risk, not to mention that it also looks like their minds have been seriously affected, my skills aren't capable of helping that as far as I know, at least I've never tried." (I)

"We've all seen the state the master was in helping Layla and Vanessa, asking him to do the same with thousands of people is unrealistic." (Kira)

"Even when he helped us he was weak, the same when he woke up Freya, Caryna, Leo, and Sophia." (Irina)

"We can't do it one by one either, it would take years and put a lot of pressure on the master." (Irina)

"I agree with my Sister and the master." (Irius)

"I feel sorry for the families and friends of the people who serve Farus, but if holding on to hope in this situation is bad, we also can't afford to fight softly so as not to kill them, if we do that more people will die." (Irius)

"We must treat Farus' minions like monsters from now on." (Irina)

"Trying to help everyone is a reckless thing to do, as well as being a risk for me, it's also a risk for others, I can't and won't make a fool of myself like that." (I)

"There's only one person who serves Farus that I'm going to steal from him, I don't know if it will work either, but I hope so since I have information that this person hasn't suffered the evil technique yet." (I)


Sapphire Pov:

The plan I heard from Zenos can't get out of my head, this is by far the plan with the best chance for us to win against Farus, it also lowers the risk of death greatly.

But even though I and the others in the village know that we can't save people by serving Farus, it's still hard to tell everyone that we're going to kill all of Farus' troops, asking them to kill their relatives and friends is not an easy thing to do.

"This is the kind of decision that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, but I can't pass up such a good chance of defeating Farus." (I)

"You're doing the right thing, Sapphire." (Dryad)"A few days ago you were about to choose an escape plan that would lead to the death and suffering of almost the entire village, all this in the hope that at least some would survive." (Dryad)

"At least this time the people of the village have a better chance to survive, you have to learn that we can't save everyone." (Dryad)

"I know that, but it's still not easy being a leader." (I)

"My own daughter is on Farus' side, this plan will be used against her too." (I)

"You know Jade wouldn't surrender alive, she's just as stubborn as you are, but she doesn't have your wisdom and your sense of responsibility, she only cares about power." (Dryad)

"I know that too, but I'm still her mother, the thought of her death breaks my heart even though I know she deserves it." (I)

While I was thinking about my conversation with Zenos, the Guardian appeared next to me from a root that came out of the ground.

"The worst is yet to come, I have to convince the village council members to accept Zenos' plan." (I)

"That won't be a problem, just like you they will also realize the benefits of this plan, everyone knows we can't save those who are with Farus." (Dryad)

"I've been thinking about it, from the latest information we've got, it doesn't look like my daughter has already been subjected to Farus' evil technique, maybe we can still do something." (I)

"You may be right, but that doesn't change the fact that she went to Farus willingly, her crimes are serious and even if she returns to the village, she will only be attacked by others, you would have to judge her for her crimes too. " (Dryad)


"..." (I)

"You have to act fast, you know we don't have much time, make your decision and live with it, I know you are strong enough for it." (Dryad)

"The truth is that I have already made my decision, in this situation we only have one decision, we cannot afford to refuse this plan." (I)

"So stop torturing yourself, you made the right decision, get over it and get ready, as one of the strongest warriors you will have to fight too." (Dryad)

"Get ready to tell the representatives of the other races, you'll need to talk to them today, it won't be a pleasant conversation, but I'm sure in the end everyone will make the same decision as you." (Dryad)

"But as we're going to tell the rest of the village, this plan is too brutal, especially for more peaceful races like the Nymphs." (I)

"Tell the truth and be honest, everyone will understand, even if they don't like it they will see that it's still safer than fighting head-on like we've been doing so far." (Dryad)

After saying that, the Guardian disappears leaving me alone in my house, once again I'm alone with my thoughts until the doors open and someone comes running in.

"Village leader, we have an emergency, a Fairy saw hundreds of Arachnes coming towards the village." (Ogre warrior)

"What?" (I)

"Transmit my orders, all warriors must gather at the gates, ask someone to go warn Zenos and his group too!" (I)

"Right now ma'am." (Ogre warrior)

With that the warrior runs off to do the tasks I've given him, meanwhile I go to the corner of the room and grab my big sword before heading outside.

"Why are the Arachnees here? They can't be willing to fight in a situation like this, can they?" (I)

"Did the Arachnees join Farus too?" (I)

"DICK! Why did this have to happen just today that I'm not in a good mood?" (I)

I was one of the first to reach the gate, when I climbed the walls I could see a cloud of dust approaching quickly, at this speed it should take about ten minutes to get here.
