The next day I wake up and start walking around the village, even though I have listened to the report that the others have made, I will still need to feel and see for myself the state of this village.

While walking I noticed that everyone is busy, I see that the village leader must have gotten the approval of the village council, I think that because I am seeing weapons, armor, potions, and various equipment being carried everywhere.

That means they're getting ready for battle, maybe at today's meeting, the village leader will tell me to start the plan.

I kept walking and I noticed that the Arachne are mixing well in the village, they are even helping in the preparation of the battle, I also see that they are healed from their wounds and fatigue.

As I walked I noticed that some people looked at me differently, the Nymphs looked at me with admiration, the Werewolves looked at me cautiously and the Arachnes looked at me with curiosity.

I think these people are not used to a Vampire, but among the Arachnees that were watching me, I could see the one who spoke to the village leader yesterday at the gate, this Arachne was looking at me in a strange way as if she was trying to analyze me when I looked back, she looked away and acted as if she hadn't seen me.

"Mr. Zenos, the village leader is calling you from the meeting room at her house." (Nymph A)


"Thanks for the warning, I'll go now." (I)

I was trying to walk around the village before going to the Dryad tree, I wanted to have a chat with her before the meeting but it seems it took me too long, a Nymph approached While running to give me the message from the village leader about the meeting of today, after listening to I leave it to talk with the Dryad for later and go to the village leader's house.


By the time the meeting was over it was mid-afternoon, it was a mentally exhausting day.

This time it wasn't just me and the village leader, representatives of the other races were also there, this includes a representative of Arachne who was the daughter of the previous leader who died, from her appearance I could see that it was Arachne who talked to the village leader at the gate yesterday.

As there were so many people gathered this time, I was asked to explain my plan again, but this time in detail, everyone listened without interrupting me until I finished, but I noticed the expressions of many changing as I spoke.

Some were looking at me in surprise, one was looking at me in fear and there was one who was looking at me in anger while emitting a great deal of bloodlust.

Standing in front of people I don't know to explain my ideas and plans reminded me of how I was obliged to present my work at school in my old world, I never liked doing that.

When I finish talking, these people start asking me a lot of questions, I answered everything since I already imagined the types of questions.

I told them that inside the Dungeon Farus' troops would not be able to make contact with him, this would prevent him from getting information about what is happening to give us the element of surprise to our advantage for a while.

I said that inside the Dungeon it would be easier to discard the bodies of the enemies since the Dungeon will devour the corpses, this to prevent the rest of the corpses from being used for the benefit of Farus or someone in his army who can create Undead.

I said that this plan would also give us the opportunity to bring the enemies to a place that is advantageous to us, a place where we will be able to set traps and fight without losing too many people.I said that moving with the army inside the Dungeon will allow us to move more quickly and discreetly, we will run less risk of being attacked.

I said that we could just stay hidden near a place that Farus' troops could pass or even ambush them while heading towards some village to destroy, that way they won't realize who's attacking them, all they'll know is that their troops are disappearing.

I tried to explain every part of the plan as calmly and rationally as possible, but I noticed that there was one of the representatives who was getting angrier and angrier, I didn't understand why, but the others just ignored this representative of the Orc race, they acted like if his anger was expected and normal.

After explaining everything and answering their questions, everyone was quiet, it looked like they had discussed this before, I paid attention to them and everyone still had different reactions, but it wasn't my problem anymore, so I closed my eyes and started doing some more simulations in my head.


I spent a few hours inside that meeting room leaning in a corner, after explaining my plan in such detail and answering their questions it was just their decision, this was something I wouldn't interfere with, so I spent hours just doing various simulations about how will I use the traps and split the battles.

After hours of waiting they seem to have come to a decision and accepted my plan, to be honest, I knew they would sooner or later, they had no other plans and were desperate, they just had no choice.

As soon as I left the village leader's house I started walking around the village again as I headed towards the big red-leafed tree, I've seen many of this tree in the Blood Forest, but this is the only one here.

After a few minutes, I'm in front of this big tree, by its size I can imagine it's been here for a long time, I go to this tree and sit in front of it.

"So this is your true Guardian body?" (I)

"Yes, this is my physical body." (Dryad)

Soon the Dryad who is revered as the Guardian of this village appears coming out of the tree trunk like a ghost.

"If the tree is your physical body, then what is this human form you possess?" (I)

"My soul that leaves my physical body, so I build a body using my Ki or mana." (Dryad)

"This body is similar to the body of a Fairy or Spirit, so it should be easier for you to understand, right?" (Dryad)

"Yea." (I)

"You seem to be quite strong, why don't you help in the battle too?" (I)

"If I could help, but I can't get away from my body, I'm not able to go away from this village as my original body took root there." (Dryad)"So you're stuck here?" (I)

"Yes and no, that's what happens to all Dryads, in the past I was a Trent so I could move my roots out of the earth and walk, that's how I left the Forest of Blood in the past and came here." (Dryad)

"It was so long ago when I reached my level cap at the time I ended up evolving into a Dryad, as you can see I'm no longer able to move my main body, but I can at least create a humanoid body." (Dryad)

"I learned a little about Dryads from books, and told you to seduce people to feed on them, how do you manage to live in the middle of a village?" (I)

"The villagers bring me monsters for me to feed, in exchange I help protect them and in time I started teaching them about the things I know too, about combat and other things." (Dryad)

"I've been alive for a long time and I carry a lot of knowledge inside me, I'm happy to be able to help the people of this village, for generations I saw these Lamias create this village, born, grow, train, learn, have children, grow old and die." (Dryad)

"For me, this is my home and this is my family, I don't see myself far from this place." (Dryad)

"So I was happy when you arrived, just by looking at you and the various races that follow you I can tell you are special." (Dryad)

"I'm not special, I just don't care about other people's races, to me they're all the same." (I)

"Those are beautiful words to hear, but also dangerous." (Dryad)

"If a Human King or any other race heard this they would be furious and scared." (Dryad)

"Why you say that?" (I)

"Because what you said puts all races on the same level of importance to you." (Dryad)

"Now look at the plan you presented to Sapphire, this was a complete extermination plan, few would be bold enough to use such a cruel plan." (Dryad)

"Putting all races on the same level means that I would be willing to use this type of plan against any race." (Dryad)

"Because everyone says my plan is cruel, they are enemies and we need a plan that takes into account several factors or we have no chance of winning." (I)

"I understand and agree with your plan, I'm just saying how other leaders and rulers would view you, someone, who doesn't show any hesitation in using a plan like this." (Dryad)

"In our case, it might work well, but remember that people will consider you cruel because of this plan, so consider your enemies as well." (Dryad)

"I can't do that, even if people are afraid of me, I will always use the most efficient way to destroy any enemy that could harm me and the people close to me." (I)

"This plan may seem cruel in your eyes and in the eyes of the village leader, but to me, this plan is the safest for my companions, this plan is the one that gives them the most advantage and security, so I won't mind what other people will think of me." (I)

"..." (Dryad)

"It seems we've been looking at it from the wrong angle this whole time, please disregard what I said earlier, do your own thing and keep your comrades and the people of this village safe, please." (Dryad)

"That was my intention from the start." (I)
