Pov Troop Captain:

Three days ago I was promoted to captain by master Farus, that's because the previous captain was weak and died in combat, now he is an Undead who has to obey me.

Only the strong are allowed to survive, only the strong must rule, all the weak must die, everyone who opposes the strongest army must die.

By orders of the strongest, the great master Farus, we must annihilate a village he found the location and bring to him the corpses, either of the enemy or of the weak warriors who died today.

As the number of enemies has not been confirmed, today we have two generals in the lead and four captains counting on me, each captain is in the lead of a troop of 1000 undead, with an army of 4000 we will annihilate all the enemies of master Farus.

All captains are brave warriors who fought inside the Dungeons with me for weeks, I hope they are not weak beings dying in this attack, we must not disappoint master Farus.

It's finally a little closer to the village, now it's getting dark, but as a Ghoul I have night vision, I also don't need to worry about the undead since they can see in the dark.


As we walked, I noticed that fog began to form, I hope it doesn't delay us, I've been dead for two days now, we have to get to this village soon so I can have fun listening to the screams of the weak that I shatter.

"Keep moving forward, it's not long before we reach our target!" (I)

Master Farus' Undead are completely loyal to him, but when Master Farus orders the Undead to obey the generals and captains they obey us also because of Master Farus' orders.

The only problem with this undead is that they don't have the same strength they had when they were alive.

,m I keep giving orders to keep them together as I walk ahead, but it's starting to get hard to see with this fog that's getting thicker and thicker.

"Where are the other troops? How can they get lost if they just keep going!" (I)

"Useless bastards, I'll kill them if they let Master Farus down!" (I)

With this fog I couldn't see or hear the other three troops anymore, I could only think that they were lost, as I looked back I realized that I couldn't see all the undead, the fog is so bad it Was blocking my vision.

"Keep walking, if we're the first to arrive that means we're the first to start killing, so be quick." (I)

The groaning noise of the Zombies and the sound of the Skeletons' bones bouncing were very loud, but in a few minutes, I noticed that this sound was getting lower and lower.

I was getting angry at the thought that the Undead might be getting lost because of the fog, but I couldn't see straight because of this fog either, I could barely see three feet in front of me.I also thought I saw something moving in the mist, but none of the undead gave any sign of attack, so I thought it was just my impression until I was suddenly swallowed by a large jaw that opened from my shadow, I couldn't even warn the others before I was devoured.

The only thing I felt at that time was anger, I was angry for being so weak that I would die without even being able to see this creature, I was angry for not even having time to hit this creature, I wanted to be able to take this creature with me at least, it might be useful to Master Farus one last time.

"(It would be nice if this Undead could retrieve my body and take it to Master Farus.)" (I)

Just when I thought I was going to die, I suddenly feel like I'd been through something, the next thing I know I'm in a different place, there was no fog here, it felt like some sort of underground tunnel network.

Aahhh!!! Ahhhh!


I heard screams and started to realize that there were several Undead from my troops around me, but there were also several holes in the ground around me with light coming out of those holes.

I approach one of these holes and I see dozens of undead inside the hole screaming in pain, I see that the light inside the hole is burning them.

"But what's going on here!?" (I)

"Gather your dead idiots, we have to find a way out and get back to the mission Master Farus gave us." (I)

I ignore the weaklings who let themselves fall into these holes that must be traps, after gathering other undead I see space ripple a little far from me, then I see dozens of undead being thrown straight into one of these holes and start screaming.

"This was an ambush, I have to warn a general or Master Farus." (I)

I take a long-distance communication item and use several crystal coins to activate it, this is a super rare item that we get inside a dungeon, we only have 10 of them and they are scattered among captains and generals, the problem is that these Items are for single use only.

I take the item which is a scroll, write describing everything I can see and perceive, then activate the item which starts to burn, and at the same moment the fire goes out and the scroll rips to pieces.

"Damn, how did they manage to interrupt this item of communication? How am I going to notify a general or Master Farus now?" (I)

"You won't warn anyone." (male voice)

At this moment I feel being stabbed in the back, I was careless again, but this time a big smile spreads across my face and I turn around as I draw my sword to kill this fool who dares to fight me.

"Fool, appearing only to die, hahahaha..." (I)

I laugh as I try to stab him with my sword, he tries to dodge and punch me in the face, I don't care about the pain or the bleeding wounds, I take advantage that he is unbalanced from having dodged before and I attack again, but at this moment a shield appears throwing my sword away and then I get a kick that throws me away too."Dammit dammit dammit!!!!" (I)

"I was so close to killing him!" (I)

I try to get up, but right now I feel weakness all over my body, it just makes me feel even angrier.

"Come on! get up! get up!! I have to get up to kill this one..." (I)

The last thing I saw was the edge of a blade right in front of my eyes.


POV Irina's:

My Father has already started the plan, there are several traps on the first two floors of the Dungeon, Father has marked the position of these traps on the maps he asked for last time and gave it to the village leader to make copies and give them to the leaders of this battle, I and the others we also have some.

Many of the traps on the first floor are just deep holes where I spent the day drawing magic circles of light element magic along with Vanessa, as it was a ritual magic circle I could use my knowledge to create a light attack spell if it was a spell normal that is normally used in battle I couldn't do that because I'm a white mage who doesn't have attack skills.

When the plan started, soon Nix started to devour the troops we were attacking, so Layla who was in the safe room started using her space element to launch this undead to this area of โ€‹โ€‹the dungeon, most of them are falling inside the holes and dying, but some are falling out of the holes.

Everyone has been Undead, it seems that the information was right and these troops of Farus only have Undead, among the enemies that were thrown here a Ghoul with armor and a sword appears, he falls out of the holes and starts screaming gathering the undead that is out of the holes.

He also tried using some sort of parchment but it cracked soon after, it must have been some kind of communication item he got inside the Dungeon.

"Take advantage now and kill him." (I)

Along with me are a few dozen warriors from the village, we are hiding, I asked one of the Ogres who is an assassin to attack this Ghoul from behind, the attack was successful, but the Ghoul did not scream or move.

The wound was apparently bleeding profusely, but the ghoul turned around as if he didn't even feel the wound, he turned around and tried to hit the killer Ogre, but he dodged and punches, but the ghoul doesn't even try to dodge the punch and continues attacking, this way he was going to hit the killer ogre and couldn't let that happen, so I use one of my barriers quickly.

"< Reflective Barrier >" (I)

When the Ghoul's sword hits the barrier it flies out of his hand, so the Ogre assassin kicks him away, which makes him bleed even more.

But the ghoul still tries to get up, but it doesn't seem to be able to, so he starts screaming in rage until the moment when the killer ogre throws a dagger in her face, then the ghoul drops dead.

"Seize this moment, let's kill this undead outside the traps!" (I)

"Yea!!!" (all)

"(I hope the others are doing as well as I am.)" (I)

Even after knowing that the Ghoul is dead I still kept looking at him, it worried me to see how he didn't care about the pain or his wound which was deadly, in fact, he was laughing at first and then screaming in a rage since the moment he appeared he showed not for a second any sign of fear.

"(That was weird, I have to warn my Dad.)" (I)
