The plan was better than I imagined it would be, but not many participated, it seems that just like the village leader said, some people had a hard time accepting my plan.

Not even half of the village warriors participated, I wanted to participate too, but the village leader wanted me around, she said that many of the village council members don't trust me, so they don't want me to participate in this plan this time.

I didn't like that, I wanted to use this opportunity to evolve, I'm already so close to my next evolution.

But I don't think I can do anything this time, these village council members will change their opinions after the news of our victory comes in, even if they don't like my plan, they can't deny the results.

I was on the city walls eating fruit while waiting for the others to return, after a few hours everyone came back, I could see Nix and Dora appearing from within a shadow coming towards the village gate.

I jump off the wall in front of the two of them while the villagers are opening the gate.

"Looks like you guys did well." (I)


"It was a complete victory, but Layla is not happy at all." (Nix)

"I can imagine why, she didn't like standing in the safe room, did she?" (I)

"Exactly, she wanted to fight too." (Nix)

"I'll try to think of something to please her later." (I)

"You could leave to talk inside the village, the gates are already open, we still have things to do." (Dora)

"True, I have to release the dungeon people, I also think we're going to have a meeting to talk about the fight." (Nix)

"Yes, you're right, let's go inside." (I)

After we enter the village, Nix opens a Dungeon gate and we guide everyone out of the Dungeon, they are bringing all the equipment and weapons that Farus troops were using while leaving the bodies inside the Dungeon.

After everyone left Nix closes the gate, so I, the village leader, and the village council gathered in the meeting room inside the village leader's house.

"You're happy now, the plan was a success." (I)

As I was the last to enter I tried to get straight to the point, I'm tired of going around and around during these days just for them to accept my plan.

"Actually it looks like it went better than we expected, just wait a few minutes while one of my Lamias is recording the number of dead and wounded." (Sapphire)

"In the place where I was fighting, there was no death on our side." (Helena)

"If I'm not mistaken, you were with Vanessa, weren't you?" (I)

"Yes, she is very strong, her light magic was of great help against so many undead." (Helena)

"That's why I spread out those who could use light element magic, that way it will be more efficient and safer to eliminate the undead." (I)

"One of the things we have to consider is that this plan was largely a success because the enemies were Undead, but will it be of any help against the rest of Farus' troops?" (Sapphire)

"Actually it will be easier, you know that too." (I)

"Why do you say it will be easier?" (leader nymph)

"I already gave you the list of potions I have, I imagine the village leader shared the list with you, right?" (I)

"Yeah, I have a copy too, but I haven't had time to catch up on everything yet, so I'm a little late." (Helena)"But with the exception of the Arachnee leader, the other leaders of the other races who have been here longer must have read the list." (I)

"Yes, we know about potions, but how will you use them?" (Orc Leader)

"Also, many who are with Farus are poison resistant, Ghouls like me are paralyzed." (Ghoul Leader)

"I plan to use these potions during combat by placing them in traps, but you must remember that resistance is not the same as immunity." (I)

"Potions only need to make enemies slower and weaker, that alone will be an advantage for us." (I)

"If the effect will be so weak, then why try, why not focus on other things?" (Nymph leader)

"Why are we weaker, I imagine you understand, certain village leader?" (I)

"Yes, you seem to have forgotten how Farus trains his troops?" (Sapphire)

"Those who have survived this kind of training are very strong and get stronger with each passing day." (Sapphire)

"Now that you mention it, I heard there was a Minotaur body inside the Dungeon." (Helena)

"I'll call someone to explain this to us." (I)

I close my eyes and try to connect with Nix.

"(Nix, can you come here to the village leader's house?)" (I)

"(Yes, master.)" (Nix)

"(Do you know anything about a Minotaur?)" (I)

"(Yes, he was one of the two generals in command of Farus' troops.)" (Nix)

"(So he must have fought Irius, Ivan, Freya, and Sophia according to our plan.)" (I)

"(Bring Ivan with you if possible.)" (I)

"(He's beside me now, I'll be there in a few minutes.)" (Nix)

"(Okay.)" (I)

I open my eyes and look at the village leader.

"Nix and Ivan are on their way, but it looks like this Minotaur was one of Farus' two generals leading the troops this time." (I)

"Impossible, there shouldn't be any Minotaurs here in the mountain range." (Ogre Leader)

"He could be some Ogre that evolved with Farus' training inside the Dungeon." (Werewolf leader)

"This is very possible, Farus makes his troops enter the dungeons day and night, this way he gets large amounts of materials while his troops get stronger." (Sapphire)

"If someone dies it doesn't matter, their body is carried out of the Dungeon for Farus to create more Undead." (Hobgoblin leader)

"So this Minotaur is an Ogre that has evolved, that makes sense, but it also proves that the more time passes, the lower our chances of winning, we have to finish them off fast." (Helena)"Calm down Helena, I think the same as you, but we shouldn't act on impulse." (Sapphire)

"I agree with Sapphire Leader, we must act fast, but we must think carefully before we act, we cannot afford to make mistakes." (Werewolf leader)

Soon Nix and Ivan enter the meeting room door, they are escorting a Lamia who is holding some papers.

"Leader, I already collected the information you asked for, I also met these two on the way here." (Lamia A)

"Master, I brought Ivan, what do you want to talk about?" (Nix)

"It's a good time you two, just wait a minute while this Lamia gives her report to the village leader." (I)

"OK." (Nix/Ivan)

The village leader looks seriously at Lamia who has just entered, then the conversation in the meeting room ends while Sapphire speaks.

"Step forward and say your report out loud." (Sapphire)

"Yea." (Lamia A)

Lamia takes one of the papers she is carrying and starts reading it aloud.

"The holiday count on our side is 95 people." (Lamia A)

"The number of dead is 18." (Lamia A)

"We were able to confirm that the number of Farus troops this time matches our information from before the battle, they were 2 generals, 4 captains, and 4000 Undead." (Lamia A)

"They were all eliminated and their equipment collected, their bodies left inside the Dungeon for disposal." (Lamia A)

"The bodies of the 18 dead were also left in the Dungeon to prevent any kind of action that Farus could do, we did as we were told at the beginning." (Lamia A)

"The wounded are already receiving treatment as well." (Lamia A)

"You did well, thanks for the report, you can go now." (Sapphire)

After giving her report to Lamia holding the papers she leaves the meeting room closing the door behind her.

"As you have heard, the plan was a success with a small number of injuries and almost no deaths on our side." (I)

"I have nothing to say when these numbers are presented." (Sapphire)

"I think everyone has realized that Zenos' plan was the biggest reason we won for the first time." (Sapphire)

"..." (all)


"As an Orc I don't like this plan..." (Orc Leader)

"But as someone who wants the best for his own race and for this village, I have to admit that this plan is our best chance of winning." (Orc Leader)

"Unlike the Leader of the Orcs, my race doesn't mind using ambushes against our enemies, I agreed with this plan from the start." (Werewolf leader)

"Does everyone think so too?" (Sapphire)

Sapphire looks at the other representatives of the other races, they all nod in agreement, then she turns to me.

"This was the first time we used your plan, you showed in practice that your plan is effective against Farus' troops." (Sapphire)

"With this first victory, I hope the villagers who are still discontented will see the benefits of this plan and not refuse to fight next time." (Sapphire)

"Now we have to keep thinning Farus' troops before he realizes something is up." (I)

"He must not realize what is happening for the next few days, but when he sees his troops disappearing, then he will change what he has been doing, so I propose to spend the next few days on the attack, we should find the troops that are still patrolling the chain of command. mountains." (I)
