After all the representatives of the various races on the village council saw the outcome of the plan I created, we started to decide how we were going to implement the plan going forward.

But before we heard Nix and Ivan's report, the Orc representative was very shocked when he learned that one of his race managed to use the "Berserk Mode" skill.

It seems that this skill is not easy to use or learn, this is a skill that is not normally used if people don't have a great level of self-control, the Orc representative said that he had never heard of anyone of their race with this skill in the last fifty years.

Hearing Ivan talking about the two generals was further proof that Farus' troops are getting stronger, we can't let this continue.

The village leader opens a large map of the entire mountain range, she points out the places where Farus' troops are currently patrolling.

She said that she always keeps some Fairies and Spirits watching these troops from afar, so she even knows the route these troops are taking.

There are three patrols each with five thousand enemies and being led by two generals, these patrols are a little far from each other, but according to the village leader, they don't move very fast due to their large number.


She also drew on the map where these three troops are and the path they are taking, among these troops she said that one is returning to the fortress of Farus, according to the representative of the Nymphs, the path they are taking will make them take five days to arrive, so we still have time to attack.

We talked about the order in which we are going to attack and how we are going to attack, this time I said that I should take our whole army, but the village leader said that she could not leave people who cannot fight alone without protection.

But at that moment the Dryad who was the Guardian of this village appeared from a root in the ground and said that she would protect those who cannot fight.

After a few hours of discussion we decided that I will take 8000 of the total army, this will give us the numerical advantage, but we know that individually the warriors alongside Farus are stronger than ours.

But if we follow the plan we will also have the advantage of the terrain inside the Dungeon and the traps.

In the middle of the afternoon I left the meeting room where the village council and the village leader started to discuss the preparations, it was decided that we will leave tomorrow morning.

As I started walking around the village, I noticed that people were a little more friendly to me.

As a Nymph gave me some fruit to eat I see something shiny coming towards me from the sky, then it starts flying around me before landing on my shoulder and stealing one of the fruit.

"Master, how can you look for food and not ask me to eat too?" (Layla)

"Because I didn't want anyone stealing my food." (I)

"How can you say that about me after all you've done and how you tricked me?" (Layla)

"What are you talking about now?" (I)

"You told me I would be an important part of the ambush plan, but I couldn't fight once, I couldn't even see those Undead being destroyed." (Layla)

"I didn't deceive you, opening the portals to force everything that enters the Dungeon to the places we want is very important to the plan." (I)

"But I want to fight too." (Layla)

"Your chance to fight will come, just wait, I'm still going to need you doing what you've been doing for the next few days." (I)Layla was very annoyed that she couldn't fight, she was so happy at first thinking that she could destroy the Undead, but I still need her at the Dungeon entrance opening portals to the designated places on the first floor.

I will also have to make some changes to the Dungeon, I need to expand its size and increase the space of the corridors, I will also need some different traps.

I spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the village trying different types of food and seeing how these different races interact with each other.

When it started to get dark I went back to the Dungeon, I took advantage of this walk to think about the changes I wanted to make in the Dungeon, so when I came back I went to talk to Nix who was sleeping on the roof of the mansion.

"Wake up Nyx." (I)

"Hmmm...master...!?" (Nix)

"Sorry to wake you up, but I'm going to need to make some changes to the Dungeon before tomorrow." (I)

"Alright, tell me what you need." (Nix)

I spent a few minutes with Nix making the changes I needed, we now have enough points to expand the first floor of the Dungeon and make some changes to the structure of the caves making it wider.

I also added a few more traps, after that I myself started creating a new map from the first floor that I asked Layla to go to the village leader while I was talking to Nix about the Dungeon.

"Master, I forgot to give you my report." (Nix)

"What report?" (I)

"This battle earned us a lot of DP, plus I got 6 souls, they're all of the lowest levels." (Nix)

"Only 6 souls?" (I)

"They belong to the 4 captains and the 2 generals." (Nix)

"So the undead didn't have a soul at all." (I)

"Free these 6 souls." (I)

"Aren't you going to use these souls?" (Nix)

"Even though they are our enemies now, you must not forget that they are being manipulated by Farus, most of them had no choice in what happened to them, those who joined Farus willingly mostly must have been out of fear Also, they shouldn't have known what was going to happen to them." (I)

"I will not use souls from Farus' victims, the only soul I will consider using will be Farus's when we kill him." (I)

"That's why you can free any soul you take inside the Dungeon from now on." (I)

"Fine, at least that'll give us a few hundred more DPs." (Nix)"After calculating everything, we're almost going to be in the red with the changes you're making." (Nix)

"I also wanted to ask you first, but it seems like we never have time." (Nix)

"Ask me what?" (I)

"Only two things, the first is why hasn't the master tried to do any monster summons inside the Dungeon yet?" (Nix)

"I can't summon monsters now, the dungeon is still small, plus with allied armies and enemy armies entering the dungeon it wouldn't make sense to summon monsters now." (I)

"I also want to save DP to create more floors and expand other floors, monsters can wait until after they manage to finish off Farus." (I)

"I see, the second question is about a different topic that has been bothering me." (Nix)

"Why doesn't the master use his skills on the inhabitants of this village to make them stronger?" (Nix)

"Are you crazy? I would die if I tried that." (I)

"I'm not talking about using all your skills like you did with me or as I heard you did with others, the master can be considered Grade S now in terms of power, he just needs to have more combat experience." (Nix)

"What I mean is that the master could use just one of your skills as one of your Auras to make everyone stronger, if you only use one of your skills the effects will be lighter on you." (Nix)

"We are talking about more than 10000 people in this village, even if it was just one of my skills it would still be very dangerous, besides it would have almost no effect on them." (I)

"It wouldn't be necessary, the lord already told you that you have an ability that strengthens your subordinates, if everyone became your servant they would get stronger quickly." (Nix)

"That's not going to happen, I might be trying to help this village, but besides having my own intentions with it, I don't want to get into any more problems or responsibilities." (I)

"After we're done with Farus, we can stay in this village for a few weeks, but then I want to go out and explore the rest of the continent." (I)

"Alright, that was just a few questions I had, thanks for answering my weird questions master." (Nix)

"You must prepare Nix, you heard at the meeting, right?" (I)

"From now on we are going to attack, tomorrow we are going to hunt down Farus' troops and you will be the main focus for this plan to work out." (I)

"I won't let you down, master." (Nix)

During the night I had a meeting with everyone to tell them what we are going to do from now on, but it seems that Ivan had already told a little of what I was going to say, this was good as it saves me time with a lot of explanations.

I talked in more detail about what I was going to do, I also took the opportunity to explain the changes I made to the Dungeon, they need to know about the position of the traps now.

I also told them not to let their guard down, we still don't know which enemies we're going to face, so I told them to make their last preparations for the night.

"I want everyone to be ready, tomorrow we are going to attack." (I)

After saying that I went to my room to rest and do some of the last syntheses of the Rabbit bloodlines that Elsaris gave me, next time will be the last and most difficult synthesis.

I called Caryna and asked her to speak to Elsaris that I wanted to speak with her in the morning before we left the village, so I went to sleep when I finished everything I wanted to do.



