The night I was synthesizing the latest rabbit strains in front of Elsaris, I had planned on showing her how difficult this is for me.

I know she doesn't care about me, she's already made it very clear that she only cares about her sister and even though she hasn't spoken I can tell she cares about her two children too.

But I want her to see my sincerity in trying to help her sister, I hope she understands why I want to wait until after Farus is defeated, and I want her to trust me a little, which is why I did all that.

I thought that everything was going to go well, but it seems that things went a very wrong way after I lost consciousness, I woke up due to the strong bloodlust that was surrounding me, after that, I had to endure my tiredness and pain to try to calm Vanessa and Layla.

Somehow I managed to control the situation, but things weren't resolved yet, Layla had too dangerous eyes for me to leave her alone, I told her to spend the next few days by my side all the time, I also told Vanessa to forget about this matter, but of course, that would not happen easily.

In the next few days I received Elsaris' children who came to apologize on her behalf, they said that normally she is someone who is always in control, but when her sister is involved she gets carried away by her emotions and doesn't think straight.

She spent the next few days in her room until we got close to our first target, an army of 5000 warriors most of whom are Undead.


I asked Elsaria and her children to go investigate, I wanted more information about the terrain around, about the direction the enemies would appear, and where they were going, I needed to make some corrections to the plan that I can only make after verifying this information.


After a few hours, Elsaris came back with her kids with all the information I asked for, I check everything and then do some simulations in my head using parallel thinking like I always do.

After some thought, I gathered the Water Elemental Mages, Wind and Lighting Skilled Mages, told them the positions they were going to be in and how they were going to spread the mist, I would also need some illusions to distract the enemy for Nix to have the opportunity to swallow them.

After that everyone leaves the Dungeon to go to their positions, these Mages will not participate in the battle, they are the key to being able to ambush our enemies.

Among the information that Elsaris got, I also discovered the two generals that will be there, they are beings with Crane S strength, so I had to pay attention to them.

Turned out to be a Ghoul Mage and an Ogre Swordsman, I was worried about the Mage, so I told Nix to ambush the Mage first, that's because he might realize that the mist is not natural, so I don't want to give him that opportunity.

After that I separated the teams, this time I want Elsaris fighting, I want her to fight this Mage I'll send her alone while her sons help fight against Farus' troops.

The Swordsman I will leave with Diana, Irius, and Ibuki, I will leave Irina with them as a support as well, I believe these four should be able to fight well, I confirmed that these enemies have an approximate strength with the last time, so even if it is not easy for them I still believe they are capable of winning, it will be good for their training..

With all this resolved, we just have to wait for night to start the ambush.


Pov Elsaris:

I was on the first floor of the Dungeon by myself, it seems more spacious than the last time I was there, I heard that Zenos changed the first floor a bit, it seems it is true.

It was said that there is only one trap in the place where I am, it seems that this is to not disturb me during my combat, but there will be no combat."Even though it's been four days, it looks like Vanessa and Layla still haven't forgotten what happened that day." (I)

"Normally I wouldn't mind that, but it might cause some trouble for my sister too." (I)


"To resolve this I have to show that I regret my actions, talking won't help this time." (I)

"I've waited hundreds of years, I can wait a few more days, all I need is to keep Zenos alive if I think he can't win against Farus I have to leave an escape plan." (I)

As I thought a portal opened up a little further on, the space began to ripple like the surface of a lake, then someone seemed to be thrown from there and fell backward to the ground.

"I can't believe I was ambushed, I was caught before I told the others about the fog, Dammit!" (Ghoul Mage)

"This will delay Master Farus' plans, so I..." (Ghoul Mage)

"< Prison of Deadly Ice >" (Ghoul Mage)


"Too late." (I)

"When you..." (Ghoul Mage)

The Ghoul Mage seemed to have his back to me when he got up, he started talking to himself in a normal way, but in the middle of his words, he launched an ice attack on his back that I was that would trap me between super resistant ice spikes.

At least that's what he thought would happen, but without him even seeing my move I was already by his side cleaning my dagger blade on his clothes, he tried to say something but couldn't finish when his head dropped so I use a certain magic item to suck blood from the dead body and save for later eating.

"A true expert needs to know how to activate his skills and spells without speaking, he didn't even realize he was targeting my afterimage." (I)

"What should I do now? If I'm not mistaken I was told that when the Dungeon eats the body it will store the valuables in the treasure room, so I don't think I need to do anything else but wait." (I)

I sit in a corner and grab a book to read.


Diana's People:

I was checking my new swords while waiting for our opponent to be sent here.

I received these two swords yesterday from Anton, he used a crystal card on them, these swords can form a single double-edged sword, each sword has a magic circle inscribed in its structure, these magic circles complement each other when I put the swords together, one has greater stamina and the other has greater speed, this suits my style of using one sword to defend and the other to attack.The crystal card can only be activated on one sword at a time or if I join the swords forming one it can only be used on the blades on both sides, this crystal card grants the "Ki blade" ability, this not only allows me to use my Ki more easily and efficiently on my swords, but it creates a blade of Ki around the sword increasing my reach and making my attacks sharper.

While I was testing my new swords, Ibuki was training with hers, she received these swords four days ago, unlike mine which was large single-sided bladed swords, Ibuki's swords are called Katanas, both swords had the magic circles of speed, Ibuki's style is different from mine, she just attacks and dodges, she doesn't defend like I do, during our training I always find her way of moving similar to a dance.

The crystal card that was given to Ibuki is on his wrist, it was a bracelet shaped like an iron chain, the crystal card contained an ability known as "continuous attack", this ability accumulates the strength of your attacks that hit the enemy, the more stacks she has the more damage her attacks will do, this makes the longer she is fighting the stronger she will be until the enemy is a corpse on the ground, of course, the power stacks disappear if she goes five minutes without hitting a single attack or decreases if the target dodges your attack.

Irius still hasn't received his new weapons and neither has Irina, but I think Anton is working on it together with Lyra who was the one who made the magic circles on our weapons, as she focuses mainly on Alchemy we always forget that she also knows how to use magic, so to be more precise she is the studious mage type.

I stop checking my swords and head over to Ibuki who has been training for twenty minutes.

"You should stop, Ibuki." (I)

"You will get tired before the enemy arrives like this, our enemy will be a Grade S-strength Swordsman, it will be a strong enemy, it wouldn't be smart to get tired before facing him." (I)

"Sorry, I'm so happy with these swords that I can't hold them and stand still." (Ibuki)


"Because you're the one who's been with the master the longest, you caught his bad training habit, you two don't know when to stop." (I)

"Thank you for the compliment." (Ibuki)

"That wasn't a compliment, you and the master have to learn that there is a time and place to train or practice something, you shouldn't get carried away and forget even to eat." (I)

"But I never forget to eat." (Ibuki)

"But the master forgets and if you continue with his bad habit you will stay the same." (I)

"Don't say something so cruel, I shudder with fear just imagining going a whole day without eating, it reminds me of bad things." (Ibuki)

"Stop bothering her Diana, if you keep talking about food you'll end up making her appetite wake up so she'll eat the food we brought." (Irina)

"It's late sister, I just checked and the lunchbox is empty." (Irius)

"What? When did she eat all that?" (Irina)

"Even my Flame Snake meat sandwich?" (I)

"She ate everything, even my cookies." (Irius)

"I couldn't train on an empty stomach, the master told me to always train after eating a good meal." (Ibuki)

"Father wanted to tell you to have a good meal with just your food." (Irina)

"What are we going to do if the enemy takes too long to..." (me)

"No need to worry about it, it looks like he's coming soon, gets ready." (Irius)

Irius points in one direction as he raises his weapons, we all look in that direction and see space ripple, then something seems to fly in.
