Pov Diana's:

We all took our weapons in our hands and prepared for combat, the enemy as soon as he was thrown out of the portal rolls on the ground and jumps up pulling his sword.

"< Physical Reinforcement >" (Irina)

"< Guardian's Sacrifice >" (Irius)

"< Storm of Blades >" (I)

"< Storm of Blades >" (Ibuki)

As he jumped into the air we all started our attacks, Irina cast her magic which increases our physical stats in general, she cast this magic on all of us at once.


Irius uses a skill that he learned a short time ago after a lot of training alongside Ivan, this skill allows the owner of this skill to take half damage in place of the target of this skill for a period of time, Irius uses this skill on all of us.

Meanwhile, Ibuki and I use an attack where we launch several slashes flying at the enemy, I who taught this attack to Ibuki, I'm happy she can launch it with a force similar to mine.

The enemy was an Ogre Swordsman, he had the appearance of a Human, his skin was white with black eyes and messy short brown hair.

He had a single thin horn resembling an upward curved blade, his body was moderately muscular and he wore armor only on his arms while dressed in a green combat outfit, his height was 1.90 meters.

His sword looked like a normal 110 cm two-handed sword, with a golden cross handle, but the difference was that the sword's blade was red, you could tell just by looking that it was a magic weapon.

"Careful, this is a magic sword." (I)

"< Blood Court >" (Ogre)

While on high the Ogre grins cruelly as he cuts towards us downwards with his sword, the movement of the sword leaves a red liquid behind creating a red blade that comes towards us.

This red blade cuts my attacks and Ibuki's while still coming towards us, we all jump back letting it hit the ground, then we see the red liquid dissolve the rocks as if it were acid.

"We have to be careful with your sword." (Ibuki)

"Don't stand still, attack!" (I)

As I speak and I'm already running, the Ogre takes advantage of the distraction his attack has caused us to land away from us and position himself with his sword.

"< Speed ​​Boost >" (I)

"Thank you for coming to give me your head, woman of the wolf tribe!" (Ogre)

The Ogre waits for me to get close, but at this point, I dodge to the side and try to go around him to the other side, so he'll have enemies in front and behind causing more openings that we'll be able to to to take advantage of.

"You think I'm going to allow your childish plan!" (Ogre)"< Blood Chains >" (Ogre)

The Enemy plunges his sword into the ground, then the sword begins to glow and several cracks spread from the sword to where I am.

"< Ki Enhancement: Wind >" (I)

I instantly use my Ki to cover my entire body with my wind element, this is a technique I learned a short time ago after a lot of effort.

With this technique I feel the energy of the wind element go through my whole body, I even feel the wind swirl around me, just like in my training I focus my Ki on my legs and run to the position I was thinking before at full speed, my speed is now more than twice as fast as before, as soon as I left the place where I was, red chains came out of the ground and came towards me, they were almost reaching me even with my current speed.

"< Streams of Light >" (Irina)

Just when I thought I would be captured by the red chains, a magic circle appeared behind me and glowing white chains came out of that magic circle tangling with the red chains.

With that, I had time to get to the position I was thinking about, so I gather my Ki and my sword and activate its magic circle increasing its speed.

"< Wind Cut > ×3" (I)

With my improved speed I use three attacks in the enemy's direction, he takes his sword from the ground which makes the red chains disappear to be able to defend himself from the attack.

"< Blood Barrier >" (Ogre)

"< Sword of Judgment >" (Irius)

"< Ghost Blades >" (Ibuki)

The Ogre tried to defend himself from my attack by creating a shield in front of him with a red liquid that came out of his sword, but at that moment Irius attacked from his back, he used his other hand to get sideways and punched him in the base of Irius' sword where he is holding it to derail his attack, but at that moment his leg and chest are slashed by a black flying blade attack that came out of Irius' shadow.

"< Barrier of Light >" (Irina)

Taking advantage of this moment, irius tries to throw himself forward with his shield to knock the Ogre off balance, but at that moment my attack was already over and the Ogre tried to cut Irius with his red sword but was prevented by a barrier of light that surrounded Irius.

,m "< Ripper Cut >" (Ogre)

Irina's barrier broke as soon as the sword hit, but it gave Irius enough time to reposition his shield defending himself, as soon as the sword hit his shield he was thrown away and hit a wall with a deep gash in his shoulder as the shield went cut in half.

"Hahahaha... come, come and fight hahahaha..." (Ogre)

"Irina take care of him, Ibuki and I will hold the enemy." (I)

"< Tentacles of Shadows >" (Ibuki)I tell Irina to go take care of her brother, meanwhile, I approached the enemy to fight him along with Ibuki who uses a shadow element magic-making shadow tentacles come out of the Ogre's shadow and trap him.

"Good job, Ibuki." (I)

"< Wind Cut >" (I)

"< Piercing Wind >" (I)

"< Phantom Blades > ×2" (Ibuki)

Ibuki jumps and launches black blades that fly towards the enemy as I make two different attacks with my swords.

"You won't be able to beat me with that alone, you're just handing me your heads, hahahahaha..." (Ogre)

"< Blood Boost: Activate >" (Ogre)

The blood-like red liquid comes out of the enemy's red sword and starts flowing down the Ogre's arm and being absorbed into his body, soon the Ogre's skin starts to turn red and his muscles become a little bigger, he flexes his muscles tearing Ibuki's shadow tentacles.

At that moment he dodges Ibuki's attack, defends my "Wind Cut" with his sword with one hand, and uses the other hand to stop my second sword making it pierce his palm to the hilt, then he holds my hand while smiling disturbing in the face.

"I got you your..." (Ogre)

Before he finished speaking, black blades came out of his shadow and cut deeply into his back pushing him forward, I take this moment to kick him in the face as I move away from him, going backward pulling my sword from his hand.

He was fooled by Ibuki's attack, his "Ghost Blades" can enter a shadow and stay there for a short time before she let them exit the same shadow in whatever direction she wants, she was aiming in a position where the Ogre dodging her attack would still hit her shadow, this was a trick the master suggested for her to catch her enemies off guard.

"That's right, fight harder, keep this fun until you die, hahahaha...how fun..." (Ogre)


Even with his injuries, the Ogre seemed to enjoy the fight, I must admit that his sword technique was very good and focused on his superior strength, he also seemed to have a lot of combat experience, Ibuki and I fought him for twenty minutes before of Irius to return to the fight with Irina.

It was being an uphill battle for me and Ibuki, but even with the Brothers' help it was still tough, but at least we were landing several hits on him now, but no matter how much the Ogre's body was covered with cuts, punctures or other injuries, he always had a cruel smile on his face and an Aura filled with bloodlust.

After Irius returned we continued fighting for more than thirty minutes, the enemy didn't seem to get tired, we had already cut off even one of his arms with one of my attacks, but he never screamed in pain or made any expression of fear, he always kept the same disturbing smile on his face.

We realized something was wrong when we noticed that the amount of blood he should have lost was much greater than the amount of blood he should have in his own body, that's when Irina realized that the sword seemed to be sending blood to him somehow.

We were starting to get tired so we couldn't wait any longer, when Irina and Ibuki used their restraining spells at the same time to trap the enemy, I joined my two swords and activated their skill forming a Ki blade where I concentrated all my power for an attack. Final.

Meanwhile, Irius held his sword with both hands and focused his elements of light and shadow on the tip of his sword as he ran towards the enemy putting all his mana into that attack.

"< Ki Sword: Wind Cut >" (I)

"< Judgement Piercing >" (Irius)

Even without an arm, with wounds all over his body and trapped in two confinement spells, the enemy still managed to use his sword to deflect Irius' attack that was going towards his heart making him pierce his stomach instead, But my attack was faster than he could dodge or defend in his current conditions before he knew it, he was decapitated by me.


"Finally it's over." (I)
