Pov Leo:

This time I got permission from the master to fight, I haven't fought for over a month, and I couldn't participate in the first battle a few days ago.

But now I can finally fight to my heart's content, it seems that since I started serving the master or should I say since the master helped to awaken my bloodline, my will to fight has become stronger.

For me who was living happily with my wife Caryna with few opportunities to fight, it was a big change of pace, training started to become fun for me and fighting became a desire that never disappears from my heart.

To get the master to trust me more, I trained more than anyone, I took the opportunity to be the partner in simulated fights for almost everyone in the mansion, I did it to be able to get used to fighting different types of people, I even called Érica to fight once for me to have experience fighting someone who uses curses.

The only one I never tried to fight was the master's hired Fairy, that Fairy by the name of Layla scares me, my instincts scream that she's dangerous, I can also see her eyes that always have a dangerous glint that I've seen in many bandits and assassins in the past, that glow of someone who likes to kill, I know the master and others in the manor have noticed that too, but they don't care.

But I won't think about that strange Fairy now, the important thing is that with my hard training I became better at using my war ax and I became stronger, the master also seems to have noticed my effort, that's why he allowed me to fight alongside today of the village people.


Now I'm next to a few hundred people waiting for the opportunity to fight, so far the portals have only brought undead who died in the traps, but because of all the traps being deactivated after being used, so soon it will be our turn to fight.

While waiting I was fighting an arm wrestling with an Ogre, he was very strong, but I still won by a little, that's when other monsters started to appear from inside the portals besides the undead, these were the first victims of Farus for the what the master said, I'm sorry for them, but an enemy is still an enemy, I will show no mercy during the battle.

At that moment we all put our weapons in our hands and started the battle, at the beginning, it was fast since we were in greater numbers, but after several rounds of fights, a Ghoul Mage appears, after looking around seeing that he was surrounded by enemies and that there were several bodies on the ground, he started to laugh, then he pulls out a purple crystal which shatters on the ground causing a magic circle to appear at his feet.

From this magic circle come out tentacles of purple energy that surround this mage who was smiling maniacally, then his body starts to dry up until there is nothing left but a skeleton, his empty eye sockets light up then the magic circle expands a lot almost covering the whole the room we were in, then purple energy comes out of the magic circle and starts to enter the bodies of the soldiers of Farus that we just killed, the energy only affected the bodies that were alive before while ignoring the bodies of the defeated Undead.

The bodies then rise like Zombies and start attacking us off guard, I stepped on the head of one that was at my feet before he could get up, so I raised my Ax and started to fight, my initial focus was to defend or save those who were taken by surprise and were wounded.

I activated the transformation skill I got when the master awakened my bloodline, so with that power overflowing from my body I roared and started a savage fight against the undead.

The worst thing was that even in this situation portals still appeared from time to time throwing more enemies here.

Unfortunately, I couldn't save everyone so a few dozen died before the fight was over, more could have died if it wasn't for Lyra's potions that were distributed to everyone before the battle.

It was a bit of a bitter victory, we could have avoided it, but no one had information about that purple crystal, I have to let the master know after that, I'll also have to order a new weapon and combat clothes.

Because of the battle my Ax cracked, my clothes also ripped due to the blows I suffered, I'm glad my body was strong and resistant, but I also drank some potions to recover, Caryna would be worried if I came back injured, I can't do that with Is it over there.----------

Sapphire Pov:

Zenos made me stay with his Servant Ivan the Undead and his daughter Vanessa in a first-floor trunk, a hallway where we would fight enemies that were thrown here.

This kind of situation doesn't bother me, but I find it hard to trust this Undead, when we fight Farus it can happen that this Undead is controlled by some magic of Farus, I don't know how Zenos can trust him.

"Don't worry about Ivan, he'll be fighting by your side, you can't waste your time trying to pay attention to him." (Vanessa)

"I'm just worried that if we ever fight Farus he might use some magic on this Undead and make him an enemy." (I)

"I can understand what you mean, but it doesn't matter." (Vanessa)

"No one will be able to control Ivan as long as my Father is alive." (Vanessa)

"I apologize for not sharing your beliefs." (I)

"As someone responsible for the lives of thousands of people, I can't afford to just believe what I'm hearing." (I)

While talking to Vanessa, I could see Ivan approaching us, it seems that staring at him a lot might have caught her attention.

"Don't worry about me, I know there are still many in your village who don't trust me." (Ivan)

"You may have heard this from the master, but the Undead that is under Farus' control does not have a soul, in my case it is different." (Ivan)

"It's not that simple, Farus is still a Necromancer and we don't know what kind of powers or techniques he knows." (I)

"For a Necromancer to control an Undead is the basics, even if you're a little special I still can't trust you, don't get me wrong." (I)

"Alright, I can understand that, you're just doing what you think is right for your people, I respect that." (Ivan)

"I would prefer you to be less stubborn and trust us, Ivan will not be controlled by the enemy." (Vanessa)While we were talking, a portal appears through which several undead starts to come out, then I see Vanessa get up and red wings appear from her back, I look to the other side and I see Ivan wearing black armor with red details while holding a sword, no I know how he managed to get dressed so quickly, but it must have been a skill he possesses.

I lift my sword and rest it on my shoulder as I get into a battle stance, it's time to let off some of the accumulated stress.

"Looks like we're finally going to get some action around here." (I)

With my words, another portal appears throwing more enemies in front of us.

I create some magic circles around my sword and gather mana into my sword blade, then slash it forward.

"< Serpent Blade >" (I)

The energy cut I made creates life by becoming a Serpent with a razor-sharp body that flies past all enemies that fall immobile to the ground.

"Awesome attack." (Ivan)

"Thanks." (I)

"What impressed me the most was its accuracy in hitting all the cores." (Ivan)

"What a waste of magic cores." (Vanessa)

"No longer satisfied with the amount we have, even with my daughter, Tania, and Anton freely using these cores, we still have so many that it seems to have no end." (Ivan)

"But I still think it's a waste, we could have beaten them and still recover the cores later." (Vanessa)

"I just wanted to finish off enemies quickly, I was always taught to finish off any enemy as quickly and efficiently as possible." (I)

"Your thinking isn't wrong, but you could have used that same attack to cut their heads off." (Vanessa)

"It would have wiped out the Zombies, but the Skeletons would just get their heads together." (me)

"Then you could have left the Skeletons to me." (Vanessa)

"I must interrupt you two, there's one more portal that has appeared, more enemies are coming, get ready." (Ivan)


This plan really made the fight a lot easier, the three of us always took out all the enemies in a few seconds, I noticed that Ivan's strength is close to mine, Vanessa also seems to be strong, but her strength is still far from mine.

After we finished with all the enemies we decided to walk back to the third floor of the Dungeon, we thought we'd see how the other places were during the battle, I do this because, besides the undead, the soldiers of Farus were mostly in the Grade A or B for strength, it must have been a tougher fight elsewhere, I just hope I didn't have too many casualties.
