I wanted to fight a little too so I was left alone in a waiting place, asked Layla to send the last few hundred enemies to me and then come help me.

The truth is that I want to take the opportunity to evolve, a few hundred enemies weaker than me will help me in this, it's been a while since enemies of Grade A and below no longer pose a mortal danger to me.

With the skills I have now I can finish them off, but what I really want to do is training, these enemies are different from monsters, the ones I'm going to face this time are not undead, they will be members of the various races that Farus has control.

These soldiers of Farus still have a mind capable of thinking even if they are more aggressive, I need the experience of fighting enemies that use different fighting styles, enemies that have different abilities and powers, enemies that can coordinate in a group, and enemies that have combat experience.

That's why I want to fight these enemies, this is a type of combat that will help me to get stronger, a fight where the focus is to kill the opponent, it will be dangerous, that's why I told Layla to join me, that will also make her calm down a bit since she hasn't been fighting much lately.

I wait a few hours before seeing the space in front of me ripple and several enemies appear, it starts with a few dozen being thrown to the ground by the portal before it closes.

As soon as they see me they have positioned themselves and run to attack me, I use my lines in one hand and fill the threads with mana and ki then use my strength and speed to slash forward like a whip.


The ten enemies in front were torn to pieces along with their armor, weapons, and shields.

This is a technique I've been thinking about using, for a first try it went really well.

Those running after didn't care, they stepped over the mangled bodies of their companions with smiles on their faces, one of the Ogres picked up one of the more whole corpses and threw it spinning towards the wires.

He was smart as the wires wrapped around his body, so I got rid of the wires, I decided to use my claws to fight this time, something I don't normally do, I run towards enemies.

They try to hit me, but I'm faster, as I pass them I use mine to slash necks, pierce hearts, and slash enemies' eyes.

Kira already taught me that when fighting a group alone the most important thing is to make each attack at a vital point or to weaken the enemy like hitting their eyes, ears, cutting their arms, etc.

They were members of the three bowls that ruled the mountain range in the past, the ones who didn't realize what was happening until it was too late, because of their differences in races, they had different heights, weights, speeds, strength, and perception.

These differences were making it difficult for me to adapt to the rhythm of the combat, because of that I was hit a few times, but they were too weak to cause me any serious damage, because of the strength they show, it seemed that they were all Grade B.

It didn't take long for another portal to appear throwing dozens more enemies around, I'd only killed half of the ones that came before.

I jumped up and cast some fire and light spells on the new group of enemies that contained some Undead.

After that, I spread my wings high and I thrust down kicking an ogre in the head as I put my wings away, then I pull my dagger and sword from my waist, I can't take too long dealing with each group of enemies.

But before I could continue a portal opens above my head and I am buried by several enemies that have fallen on top of me, I use my wind magic to create a tornado around me that scatters these enemies in all directions.

The number of enemies is increasing faster than I expected, but I can't ask Nix to stop, she needs to do it faster so the enemy doesn't have time to do anything.

After fifteen minutes there were already hundreds of enemies and I had several minor injuries all over my body, I was also very tired, but even so, I throw myself at the enemies.I dodge an Ogre's sword as I cut its head and kick its body to push the Orc with a spear behind it that tried to hit me, then turn around slashing with my sword a handsome ghoul assassin that splits in half, no time to rest I create a magical barrier that protects me from a fire tornado.

At that moment I use my earth magic to create an earthquake that unbalances the enemies as I leave the fire, at that moment another portal opens leaving a few more enemies, but this time a Fairy with a big smile appears through the portal flying towards me.

Without saying anything she casts magic from four different elements from each hand and uses many attacks on enemies, meanwhile, I continued my fight trying to figure out how to get stronger.

I used my blood control to gather and drink the blood of dead enemies to replenish my energy reserves that were running out, I had already run out of my potions, but in this moment of distraction an arrow tries to hit me but I cut it with my sword.

After drinking the blood I put Ki into my weapons and run towards the enemies again, I pass two Ghouls slashing their necks, then I spin around dodging an arrow that hits another enemy behind me and throw my dagger at the Ogre archer hitting his heart at the same time I kick another Ghoul who tried to use a Warhammer to hit me.

After so much fighting in these minutes, I'm already starting to be more aware of my surroundings, so I step heavily on the ground while creating a magic circle on my foot that sends a wave of the earth in my surroundings which interrupts the magic of three Mages who were getting ready to hit me, one of those spells even explodes killing the Mage.

Meanwhile, Layla is flying between enemies firing spells in succession like a machine gun, as she doesn't need to create magic circles she is able to cast spells faster than me, now that there are no more enemies appearing by surprise I can just focus on the battle.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

I've decided to ignore notifications, for now, I'm too tired to think about it right now.

After another twenty minutes I am lying in a pool of blood surrounded by mutilated bodies, I am panting and very tired, my body is covered in various wounds and my clothes are tattered full of blood, I am using what I have left of Ki to use my skill and heal me, but Layla is flying around me with an innocent smile while humming, it surprises me to see her do it in such an environment, her delicate and innocent image doesn't match the sight of carnage on this battlefield.

"Looks like you're happy." (I)

"It was so much fun, I was starting to get annoyed that you were just using me to send enemies to others." (Layla)

"So I'm very happy that I was able to fight this time." (Layla)

"I can see that." (I)

I look at the smiling little Fairy and realize she doesn't have a single drop of blood on her, so I look at me covered in blood lying in a pool of blood that isn't mine.

"Why am I the only one covered in blood?" (I)

"I saw you go through an Orc's chest a few minutes ago, why are you so clean?" (I)

"I made a barrier of the Spatial element around me like it was a second layer of skin, it took any dirt away from me." (Layla)

"A pretty young Fairy like me shouldn't get covered in blood and dirt, should she?" (Layla)"You abused little Fairy, why didn't you help me by creating one of these barriers on me?" (I)

"The master didn't ask, besides it would be a waste of energy to use my powers like that on someone far from me." (Layla)

"I preferred to use my energy more efficiently." (Layla)

"By efficient you mean how did you use four spells to rip off all four limbs from that poor Ghoul Mage?" (I)

"You could have killed him with a single strike." (I)

"He deserved it, he was a Necromancer who was trying to use the bodies on the ground to create more Undead." (Layla)

"Actually he did, you wasted so much time trying to make him suffer that he managed to finish his magic and create forty more Undead." (I)

"It's not my fault, no matter how much I hit him, how much I burned him or how much I made a tree grow out of his chest, he never stopped his magic." (Layla)

"If you had killed him quickly it would have stopped his magic!" (I)

"But then he was going to get off too easy, Necromancers deserve to suffer." (Layla)

"(She's hopeless, can't talk to this psychopath.)" (I)


"Talking to you is getting on my nerves, never mind." (I)

"I'm just going to get some rest before I get up and head to the mansion with the others." (I)

"After that, we have a meeting to do, we have to talk about the results of this battle and the preparation for the next battles." (I)

"Are you going to let me fight again?" (Layla)

"No, if all goes well I'll let the village leader and the other representatives of the other races fight, I want them to try a little harder since this war is theirs." (I)

"You say that like you don't have things you won't either, you still have your eye on the village leader's daughter aren't you?" (Layla)

"I won't deny it, she would be great to test this Serpent bloodline I created, plus as she is a criminal who has betrayed her family, friends, and her people I don't need to worry or regret using it really as an experiment." (I)

"I think you'll be doing the village leader a favor, making her daughter your servant could save her life." (Layla)

"Also, the chances are that the village leader's daughter will be very strong at the end of the experiment, you will basically fulfill her wish for more power." (Layla)

"To be honest I don't know how big the changes are going to be, I wanted to test this before doing the same with Elsaris' sister and Elsaris herself." (I)

"For me, you can get rid of that stupid red rabbit, she spoke ill of you even after you tried so hard for her." (Layla)

"Let's forget about these matters, for now, I'm very tired, open a portal to the safe room and let's go back to the mansion on the third floor." (I)
