Pov Goddess Selene:

After Zenos disappeared I jockeyed out the teacup I was holding and created a jug of wine to drink.

"I have to agree with you Akatosh, his reaction was very funny." (I)

"Too bad he disappeared before the best part hahahahahaha..." (Aine)

"Ha ha hahahaha..." (Akatosh)

A light shines in the sky showing the usual red moon, so Akatosh reverts to his teenage form as he descends and sits in the spot where Zenos was moments ago.

"He really is someone interesting, but his soul..." (Akatosh)


"I know, I know, you don't have to worry, I'm doing an excellent job hiding him so no one will be able to see through him." (I)

"I saw the change you made to his soul with that kick, are you trying to awaken what's hidden there?" (Akatosh)

"No, I just want his Aura to fully awaken, it looks like his Aura is in a kind of dormant state because of the excess Aura abilities he has, they hadn't fully integrated yet, so I gave him a little help by making his power of devouring consuming the Auras with your soul, that should resolve it." (I)

"That was interesting to see in more ways than one, I feel like he's not just embodying chaos, he's really embodying darkness and blood." (Aine)

"That's an odd combination, even for him." (Akatosh)

"He'll figure it out." (I)

"You know what you've done will make your normal Aura explode in power with a stronger bond with your traits, right?" (Akatosh)

"Yes I know, this could be dangerous if he were somewhere else as it would draw too much attention, but now he's inside the Dungeon." (I)

"Actually this is going to be an amazing event for me if what I hope happens to happen." (Aine)

"What are you talking about?" (I)

"Your Aura exploding in power during your evolution will affect the Cradle of the Fairies and the environment around you, this can help the Infant Fairies to harmonize with nature and finally be born considering the characteristics of their Aura." (Aine)

"That would be amazing, if they are affected by his Aura at birth, then they will awaken their Auras very early as well." (Akatosh)

"It's going to be a lot of talented Fairies, not to mention it has a chance to affect the Spirits as well." (Aine)

"If that happens, then Dravos will be very happy." (I)

Zenos is growing bigger and bigger, with every step he takes he affects more and more the world around him without realizing that the light waves he is creating have become gigantic in the future.

"You forgot to warn him about what will happen when he defeats the Necromancer." (Akatosh)

"I wouldn't warn him, he has to learn to do things himself, but it looks like Aine had a say before he disappeared." (I)

"All this is part of my plans, you should be happy, if all goes well there will soon be a new city worshiping your name in the world." (Aine)

"I think I feel sorry for the kid, you guys are basically playing with him." (Akatosh)

"I just want to speed up the process, we don't have all the time in the world to wait, this peace could be broken in months or years, we don't have the luxury of sitting idly by." (Aine)

"That's true." (I)

"Then why don't you give it to him, if I'm not mistaken it's inside your blood dungeon." (Akatosh)

"It's not at the moment yet, it needs to grow stronger first." (I)


Pov Zenos:

Ding! Ding!










































• [ Noble Twilight Vampire (Archduke) ]

• [ Elemental Kimera (Variant) ]

• [ Kimera Demon (Variant) ]

• [ Noble Demon Vampire (Archduke) ]

• [ Elemental Vampire (Unique) ]

• [ Sin Demon (Unique) ]• [ Chaos Demon (Unique) ]

• [ Holy Vampire (Unique) ]

• [ Infernal Vampire Serpent (Unique) ]

• [ Chaos Mystic Rabbit (Unique) ] ]>

I wasn't seeing things, I'm sure that Sun looked at me as if it were a colossal eye, but for that to be true it means that the owner of such an eye would have to be bigger than a whole planet, that's impossible.

That must surely be an illusion or a joke from those two Goddesses, I always get the impression that this Fairy Goddess's manner is similar to Layla's, so that would be easier to believe.

But let's not think about it now, I'm in the middle of my evolution, so let me take a look at my options, but before I see I already know which one I'm going to choose, I had been thinking about it a few days ago.

It seems that some races have disappeared and new ones have appeared, even if some seem interesting I don't want to take any risks, as the old saying goes "don't mess with a winning team".

I think that this time I don't need to waste time thinking, I want to continue with the same type of creature I am now, so I will directly choose the Race [ Noble Twilight Vampire (Archduke) ]



















After choosing my evolution I was in the dark space again, but I felt that this time it was different, it was as if I could feel something more than myself in this darkness.


Suddenly I could feel some presences around me, soon I started to see silhouettes in the darkness, but something strange happens and a red light starts to shine revealing all dark space.

Devour it all!

That's when I discovered that those silhouettes were me, they were images of me but their eyes were closed while they were turned towards me, I felt a strange sensation as if it were me and at the same time no, I had never felt anything like it, I looked at those other people who looked like me and I didn't know how to recognize them.


Without my noticing it a sensation grew inside me, a sensation that told me to devour and consume these beings that looked like me, this sensation only got stronger and stronger until I feel something moving in this space and I look at the floor.

What I saw was my own shadow moving, my shadow splits and stretches towards all these beings linking them with me through our shadows, at that moment these beings begin to sink into the shadows and as they sink into the shadows their eyes open, when they are completely consumed by the shadows I can see eyes open in the shadows, they were eyes the same color as mine, one black eye, and the other golden eye.

These shadows had the same silhouette as mine and they all seemed to belong to me, the strange feeling was gone, I felt like this was how it should have been from the start, felt like I was complete.

At that moment the strange red light that was illuminating all this space starts to focus only on me letting the rest of the space go back to darkness, then I feel this light becoming red energy that sinks inside me until there is no more light in this space leaving just darkness again.

But that wasn't all, I was feeling something pulse inside of me, it was like there was something trapped inside me trying to get out, this pulse kept getting stronger and stronger until it felt like it was going to explode from the inside out, then something seemed to click inside me like pieces falling into place, I felt a strange sensation course through my body and explode like a wave of amorphous energy outward.

As this wave of energy traveled in all directions like an expanding circle, the dark space was replaced by a place I knew.

First, it was my bed, then my room, then the mansion, then the gardens, and as the wave continued to expand it was like I could see and feel all these places at the same time, it was like I could even feel people walking by everywhere, I was strangely calm at the moment.

Soon I felt something else in this space, I felt several spheres appearing in this space, I could feel a primal will within these spheres, it seemed that these spheres wanted this energy that came out of my body, they seemed eager for it and it seemed that they were waiting for my approval.

"If you like it, then you can take it." (I)

I don't know why, but a feeling of happiness welled up inside me, as if I understood what I wanted, this energy went to the spheres of its own volition and was absorbed by the spheres, so I felt as if the tenuous will I felt inside of the spheres grew more and more.

I felt a strong familiarity forming between me and these spheres, at that moment my consciousness suddenly becomes blurry, so I fall into darkness again without understanding anything that just happened.

All this time I felt like I was still in a dream, I couldn't think clearly and just got carried away by the events.
