When I wake up the next day I feel a little weird, it feels like there's a new stream of information coming into my brain that I'm not used to, I felt a little confused.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The notification noises that start to sound in my head helped me to wake up a little more, so I tried to get my mind in order and identify what kind of information it was that was coming into my brain, I tried to understand this strange information by concentrating only on her as I closed my eyes.

At that moment it was like I could see my whole room again, that was the flow of information in my head, I tried to identify where it was coming from and in an instant I found out, it was my Aura, I could feel my Aura all over my room and feeling everything through her, that was something I could never do before, it was like having a new sense like having a new eye or ear.

I could see everything from different angles, strange angles that I wasn't used to and that's why my mind was so confused, looking at so many things at the same time didn't let me understand things like left and right, up and down, etc.

Also, everything was a little blurry.

I remember feeling something similar when I first used my wings, it was a strange thing that I couldn't get used to, I didn't know how to move well with the wings back then.


"How do I turn this off?" (I)

I wanted to turn it off the same way I did with my wings, but I didn't know how, I tried to think of some solution but I could only think that maybe Sophia might know something about it, out of all the people I know she is the one who knows the most about Auras.

I feel something entering the room through the window, the truth is that this vision I'm having in my mind using my Aura is a little blurry, so I can't see very well what came through the window.

I feel something landing on me and other things flying through the window into my room, then I open my eyes and see a small white and black Serpent with wings looking at me, I also see some different birds flying around me and a small Fairy with red hair and skin.

They all had strange eyes of different colors that were very reminiscent of my own eyes.

"Do not enter the master's room without his disobedient children." (Layla)

Soon Layla also enters through the window screaming at the creatures that entered my room, when they see Layla they start laughing and flying around her as if they were having fun.

"Layla what's going on?" (I)

"Don't you know!? Haven't you realized what they are yet?" (Layla)

"..." (I)

I look at these creatures, somehow feel some familiarity with them, but ignore it for now as I watch these little creatures fly around Layla and finally understand what they are.

"They're all Fairies and Spirits, right?" (I)

"Why are you in my room? Where are your Contractors?" (I)

"They have no Contractor." (Layla)

"What? Didn't the village leader say that all the Spirits and Fairies without Contractor had abandoned the mountain range because of the miasma?" (I)

"Idiot Master, can't you tell just by looking?" (Layla)

"They are children, they can be considered newborns, don't you also realize that they all have one thing in common?" (Layla)

"(I don't like the direction of this conversation...)" (I)

"Look at the eyes of these Fairies and Spirits, do they remind you of anyone?" (Layla)

"..." (I)

"Do they remind me of you?" (I)

"Why are you asking? They clearly have your eyes, have you not realized what they are or just don't want to admit it?" (Layla)

"..." (I)

"It's the Fairies and Infant Spirits that were flying around the mansion, they can be considered newborns because they managed to create a mind of their own and a body." (Layla)"So some of them were born? I'm surprised." (I)

"Some...ha ha hahahaha..." (Layla)

"It wasn't just a few masters, it was all." (Layla)

"Look out the window, look at the mess you've made." (Layla)

"..." (I)

What is this evil Fairy talking about when he says that all Spirits and Infant Fairies were born? What does she mean when she says it's my fault? Why do they have eyes like mine? Why am I sweating cold now?

"(Come on Zenos, cool your head and think calmly, don't panic, don't panic.)" (I)

"(Take a deep breath and try to get everything in order, do one thing at a time and don't panic.)" (I)

I take a breath talking sometimes, but every time I see these Fairies and Spirits I feel great anxiety growing inside me.

"That...that's right...I evolve overnight...first I have to check my body...yes, yes...priorities." (I)


"You're just trying to put the problem aside, aren't you?" (Layla)

"I'm not listening to you, I'm too busy right now." (I)

"You won't be able to put this problem aside forever." (Layla)

Not paying attention to what Layla was saying, I got out of bed and stripped off my clothes as I walked over to the mirror, reeling a little from vertigo, but when I looked I was surprised by what I saw.

"Why is my appearance the same as before I evolved? Why haven't I grown at all? Why is only my hair longer?" (I)

That's right, for the first time since I was born into this world I evolved and continued to look the same, nothing had changed except that my hair had grown beyond my shoulder length.

"Have I really evolved?" (I)

"Let me get my status?" (I)

<[ NAME: Zenos

RACE: Noble Twilight Vampire (Archduke)


LEVEL: 12/150

EXP: 1667/3000


• [ Selene (Blood Goddess): 100% ] [ Twilight Vampire (Zenos): Original ] [ Mystic Rabbit (Unique): 100% ] [ Little Spider: 17% ] [ Gray Wolf: 100% ] [ Kobold: 100 % ] [ Human: 100% ] [ Dwarf: 14% ] [ Tiger Beastman: 17% ] [ Vampire Bat: 100% ] [ Earth Ape: 100% ] [ Blood Wolf: 100% ] [ Eclipse Serpent ( Unique): 100% ] [ True Dragon: 100% ] [ Ogre: 100% ] [ Ghoul: 100% ] [ Orc: 100% ]

JOB: [ Awakening Master (Unique) ]


JOB EXP: 0/1000


• [ Apprentice Mage: 10/10 ] [ Apprentice Warrior: 10/10 ] [ Apprentice Martial Artist: 10/10 ] [ Apprentice Hunter: 10/10 ] [ Novice Adventurer: 10/10 ] [ Apprentice Thief: 10/10 ] [ Apprentice Trader: 10/10 ] [ Apprentice Alchemist: 10/10 ] [ Rookie Warrior: 20/20 ] [ Martial Grandmaster: 70/70 ] [ Rookie Mage: 20/20 ] [ Rookie Thief: 20/20 ] [ Novice Trader: 20/20 ] [ Novice Hunter: 20/20 ] [ Mage: 25/25 ] [ Warrior: 25/25 ] [ Thief: 25/25 ] [ Trader: 25/25 ] [ Adventurer: 25/25 ] [ Hunter: 25/25 ] [ Apprentice Assassin: 10/10 ] [ Rookie Assassin: 20/20 ] [ Assassin: 25/25 ] [ Rookie Fire Mage: 30/30 ] [ Rookie Wind Mage: 30/30 ] [ Rookie Earth Mage: 30/30 ] [ Rookie Water Mage: 30/30 ] [ Rookie Light Mage: 30/30 ] [ Rookie Dark Mage: 30/30 ] [ Rookie Thunder Mage: 30/30 ] [ Light Mage: 50/50 ] [ Fire Mage: 50/50 ] [ Rookie Swordsman: 20/20 ] [ Rookie Swordsman: 30/30 ] [ Rookie Blademaster: 30/30 ] [ Blade Master: 50/ 50 ]

HP: 7800/7800

MP: 6950/6950Ki: 3900/3900

EP: 5300/5300

Strength: 3800

Dexterity: 2100

Agility: 2500

Defense: 3400

Intelligence: 4900

Magic Defense: 2800

Charm: 700

Luck: -30



• [ □□○☆•○● ] [ He Who Awakens Chaos ] [ Transgressor of Worlds ] [ Last of His Race ] [ First of His Kind ] [ He Who Brings Chaos ] [ Named Monster ] [ Unique Monster ] [ True Master ] [ Elemental Mage ] [ Goblin Chief ] [ Grade B Adventurer ] [ Literate ] [ Thief ] [ Kidnapper ] [ Goblin Killer ] [ Friend of Spirits ] [ Blood Child ] [ Daywalker ] [ Patriarch (Vampires of the Twilight) ] [ Shadow Eclipse Party Leader ] [ Fairy Guardian ] [ Fairy Contractor: Layla (Chaos Fairy) ] [ Master Alchemist ] [ Pervert ] [ Monster Slayer ] [ Founder of Chaos Techniques ] [ Son of the Goddess Selene ] [ True Ruler ] [ Vampire Saint (Sealed) ] [ Heretic (Baldr) ] [ Dungeon Conqueror ] [ Dungeon Destroyer ] [ Half-Dragon ] [ Dungeon Master ] [ Spirit Contractor: Nix (Shadow Spirit Dragon) ] [ The One Who Brings Awakening ]


Looks like I really evolved, my race name had a little change from "Duke" to "Archduke", this proves that I've evolved.

I was also happy with the increase in my stat, it looks like I'll have to get used to these changes in the few days we have before the battle against the two troops of Farus.

What made me the happiest was seeing that my luck increased from -50 to -30, even though it's still negative it shows that I can still have hope.

tap tap

"Master, are you awake yet?" (Freya)

Freya knocks on the door and I get dressed in a new outfit before opening the door.

"Good morning, Freya." (I)

"Good morning Master." (Freya)

After greeting me Freya enters the room and makes my bed, she also looks at Layla trying to get the Fairies and Spirits out of the room.

"Looks like Layla already told you the news, doesn't she?" (Freya)

"Isn't this another one of her pranks?" (I)

"Haven't you looked out the window yet?" (Freya)

I can only shake my head in denial at Freya's question.

"From what Sophia explained to us a few hours ago, you released your Aura as a blast during your evolution causing Fairies and Child Spirits to somehow absorb a trace of your Aura." (Freya)

"That's right because of you everyone was born that way, there are also many with a double element." (Layla)

"The fault is mine?" (I)

"You surprised everyone overnight, we had to explain to everyone for some time that this was an accident caused by your evolution to calm down the village leader and village troops who got scared by your Aura." (Freya)

As Freya spoke I go to the window and look out, I see hundreds of creatures flying to and fro in the sky.

"(So my evolution didn't bring me any physical changes? Didn't I grow even a single inch? Did I cause all this mess with the Fairies and Spirits? Did I get another request from the Goddesses? And what was that the Fairy Goddess said at the end?) " (I)

"Even though it's gotten stronger, why am I so sad? Why do so many things have to happen in a single night." (I)

"What the fuck is this? It's all this damn evolution's fault." (I)

"It's not that bad, don't cry master, take a tissue." (Freya)

I automatically grab Freya's scarf without taking my eyes off the Fairies and Spirits flying freely across the sky, it was a beautiful sight, but I knew it would cause trouble sooner or later.
