After drying my tears I go to the bathroom to get dressed and comb this unnecessary long hair, then tie it into a ponytail before going downstairs for something to eat.

"Thanks to you I have to take care of hundreds of children, not to mention that there are still the Spirits." (Layla)

"I didn't do it because I wanted to, besides you can ask Nix to help you with the Spirits." (I)

"That's right, I'm going to let Nix take care of the Spirits, how come I didn't think of that before?" (Layla)

"Why do you have to take care of the Fairies?" (I)

"Fairies are influenced by the Cradle of Fairies where they were born, they will acquire their elemental powers through that Cradle, moreover while they are inside the Cradle of Fairies they learn faster and become stronger." (Layla)

"The Cradle of the Fairies makes us feel safe and united, it also makes us have great respect for whoever created the Cradle of the Fairies as their Auras and powers are ingrained in the Cradle itself." (Layla)


"The Cradle of Fairies channels the Aura of nature itself which can only be felt in places where Fairies live, the Aura of nature is not felt by people, only Fairies and Spirits perceive it." (Layla)

"That explains why I never felt anything." (I)

"Your spectacle during the night somehow made your Aura harmonize with the Aura of nature itself, this period of harmony helped the Fairies and Spirits to be born by absorbing nature's Aura along with their own." (Layla)

,m "So that's why they have my eyes?" (I)

"Yea." (Layla)

"The reason many have two elements is also their fault, they acquired one element from nature's Aura and the other from their Aura, this allowed them to harmonize with these elements and use them to create their bodies." (Layla)

"Fairies and Spirits with two elements are rare?" (I)

"I don't remember, most of my memory is a mess, I've given up trying to remember things, I'd rather learn again." (Layla)

"To answer your master question, it's rare for Fairies and Spirits to have more than a single element, Layla and I are extremely rare." (Nix)

"What about Byakko?" (I)

"He is a great Spirit, he is already special for many different reasons, I was very surprised to see him with you." (Nix)

"Is he that special? Why didn't you say anything before?" (I)

"He may have a lot of potentials, but he is very weak now, I thought it best to let him grow on his own and I also didn't want to put pressure on his Contractor." (Nix)

"To tell you the truth I had heard stories that he was dead, I was surprised when I realized who he was." (Nix)

"Then I think it's best not to say that to Kira." (I)

As I walked to the kitchen I was talking to Layla about what had happened during the night, but suddenly the conversation started to get off track and Nix entered the conversation talking through my shadow.


After eating I left everyone to do their own thing while I spent the day training to adapt to my new physical stats, I was also training to get used to this new sense in my Aura.While I was training the people of the village were in preparation for the combat that will take place tomorrow.

Layla was trying to teach the Fairies and Spirits where they could go and where they couldn't go with the help of Nix who had entered the Dungeon for a bit during the afternoon.

During the night I didn't do any synthesis because I didn't want to have unforeseen events with a big battle being so close, I prefer to concentrate only on the training.

During the night I asked Sophia to teach me more about this new sense that I have that makes me feel and see everything around me inside my head all the time, moreover, I discovered that my Aura was very strong now, a Hobgoblin girl came to me deliver a message from the village leader and fainted just approaching me.

I couldn't leave things like that, that wasn't even the only problem, Fairies and Spirits spent the day close to me, those with humanoid bodies played with trying to imitate my movements while those with animal bodies or monsters tried to play with me, it was very stressful, my Aura didn't seem to affect them.

Fortunately, it seems that it is much easier to control my Aura now, I was able to do everything that Sophia taught me much easier than before, Sophia was surprised and looked at me like I was some kind of monster, but I explained to her that probably it was because of what happened last night.

After training with Sophia I went outside the Dungeon while training to hide my Aura, I also wanted to chat a little with Nix while watching the starry sky.

I found Nix lying in the branches of a tall tree, so I sat on the branches beside her as I leaned back against the tree, looking up at the starry sky while talking to her.

"You made quite a stir this time master." (Nix)

"I don't want to think about it, those Fairies and Spirits won't leave me alone even when I want to go to the bathroom." (I)

"As their mind develops a little more in a few months it will be easier to live with them, at least with the Fairies who will grow faster being in a Fairy Cradle." (Nix)

"I wanted to talk about this with you, during my evolution I received a request to create a Cradle of Spirits with you." (I)

"What? Really?" (Nix)

Nix looked shocked and at the same time happy about it, her eyes were shining with happiness as she looked at me, she also cracked a big smile as she started to speak.

"We'll have to find a good place for this, my strongest element is Darkness, the master also has that element, maybe we can use that." (Nix)

"I also have Affinities with other elements like my Affinity with the Moon, I have to think about how to include that in the Cradle of Spirits." (Nix)

"This mountain range has a lot of miasmas, this can help us, Layla told me how you managed to harmonize the miasma of the mansion, we can do something similar, it will reduce the difficulty in creating the Cradle of Spirits." (Nix)

"Also if we use our Auras we can make this process faster too." (Nix)

Nix started talking non-stop already planning everything, it seems she was very excited.

"You seem to be very excited about this." (I)

"Of course I am master, building a Cradle of Spirits is the first step to becoming a Spirit King." (Nix)

"A Spirit King can already be considered the same as a Demigod, this is something very important for any Spirit." (Nix)

"WHAT!? a Cradle of Spirits turns you into a Demigod!?" (I)

"No master, it's just the first step, a Cradle of Spirits can evolve into a Temple of Spirits, that makes the one who created the temple one step closer to divinity." (Nix)

"The same goes for Fairies?" (I)

"Yeah, Layla never told you anything?" (Nix)So that's why the Fairy Goddess was so happy with the Cradle of Fairies, this must also be the reason the two Goddesses asked me to build a Cradle of Spirits together with Nix.

"Let's see this after we're done with Farus, okay?" (I)

"Actually it will be something much faster than you imagine master." (Nix)

"I heard from Diana how long it took for you and Layla to create the Cradle of Faeries, I also heard that it was basically an accident." (Nix)

"Yes, Layla's memory is not very reliable because of the way I helped her, so there are a lot of things she doesn't remember." (I)

"In our case, it will be much easier, I am much stronger than an ordinary higher level Spirit, besides the master is also very strong." (Nix)

"Thanks to what happened the night before, we also have several Spirits to help us when the process is over." (Nix)

"Most importantly, we have a big environmental advantage here." (Nix)

"Are you talking about the miasma?" (I)

"Yes, normally a Spirit that is powerful enough should find a suitable place to create a Cradle of Spirits and then try to harmonize the environment with its Spirit energy." (Nix)

"A Fire Spirit will search for a suitable volcano, a Wood Spirit will search for a forest or a World Tree, a Thunder Spirit will choose a storm cloud, and so on." (Nix)

"The construction of a Cradle of Spirits is difficult, harmonizing a place is not as easy as it seems, especially places where the energies of the elements are unbalanced like the links I mentioned." (Nix)

"The reason you and Layla managed to do this in the past by accident must be your master's fault." (Nix)

"Why is it my fault?" (I)

"Your Aura has a chaotic quality, chaos is the opposite of harmony, but at the same time it gives meaning to it, chaos is part of nature so your Aura and presence blend in as easily with the environment around you as it did in last night." (Nix)

"You mean that because I was helping Layla back then to harmonize the miasma, I ended up making her create the Cradle of the Fairies?" (I)

"Yes, at least that's my opinion." (Nix)

"..." (I)

"(So it was my fault for all this mess? Why do I have to be so unlucky? How could I who have been in this world for so little time know these things?)" (I)

Suddenly Nix jumps off her tree branch and lands on the same branch where I'm standing in front of me.

"I can take advantage of a place on this mountain and create a Cradle of Spirits in a few hours with your help since I know what I have to do, maybe I can even create one with more than the element of Darkness." (Nix)

"Then try to wait at least until the next battle is over, okay?" (I)

"Okay, but I'm so excited about it, it reminds me of the Spirit temple my mother owned." (Nix)

"What!? According to you you had to be a Spirit King to have a Spirit Temple, right? Wasn't that the same as being a Demigod?" (I)

"(Wait a minute, does that mean all the Fairy Kings I've encountered were Demigods?)" (I)

"I told you my mother was a mighty Spirit, now she can be considered my sister since she went through spiritual rebirth." (Nix)


"Too much information to process, I think I better get to bed before my brain starts on fire." (I)

"Good night, master." (Nix)

"Goodnight." (I)

I jump out of the tree and re-enter the Dungeon going straight to the third floor and then to the mansion, I ignore all the Spirits and Fairies along the way and lie on my bed to rest ignoring the things that are flying around my room.

"I hope I can sleep tonight." (I)
