A Captain's POV:

I am an Oni who has the honor of being chosen as captain of the master Farus' troops even when he was an Ogre.

Unlike the vast majority of Ogres, I had a talent for magic, when my village joined master Farus he separated the only one who had a talent for magic that was me, and made a Ghoul woman who was a mage teach me.

Thanks to the study of magic and the constant fights inside the Dungeon I managed to evolve into an Oni a few months ago, that's when I could really be of help to the master Farus and had a more active role during the attacks on the villages in the chain of mountains.

Over a week ago I joined a troop that had 4 other captains and two generals to lead 5000 warriors on a patrol through the mountain range, there were two other troops that would do the same.

Unfortunately, these patrol days were very boring, apart from a few fights against occasional weak monsters, we didn't have any real combat, the truth is that there are almost no enemies left in this mountain range to fight, so everything will belong to the master Farus.

On a certain patrol day an Undead Bird descended from the sky near one of the generals, from what I heard were orders saying to go back to the fortress, I was happy with that, as soon as I return I will ask to be sent to training inside the Dungeons where I can fight and kill as much as I want.


A few hours after changing our direction to the fortress we found ourselves with another troop that was heading in the same direction, it seems they received orders to return too, so we got together and headed towards our base together.


I turn to the Werewolf who is also a captain beside me, his bloodlust is starting to bother me, it's hard enough for me to control my own bloodlust but with him, by my side, it only gets worse if I could I would like to fight him to the death, but Master Farus has forbidden fights between ourselves.

"Control your bloodlust, you idiot Wolf." (I)

"I can't, we haven't killed anything for a long time, I feel like I'm going to go crazy if we don't find enemies soon." (Werewolf)

"I've also been without a good fight for a long time, but we have to control ourselves, you don't want to disappoint master Farus, right?" (I)

"Of course not." (Werewolf)

While talking to this other captain I realize that we entered a valley full of mist, I didn't remember having a place like this around here when we passed this place a few days ago.

The generals didn't seem to mind, so we continue our journey back to the fortress, even if it's night and there's fog it doesn't matter as many of our troops gave us night vision, at least that's what I thought before realizing that the fog was there. getting thicker the more we walked until a moment where I had difficulty seeing a meter in front of me.

That's when I hear a noise coming from somewhere, it sounded like the teeth of some kind of creature clashing, but I didn't hear any screams, but I still drew my magic sword and got into a fighting stance.

"We're under attack!"

"The general has been caught!"

Soon we hear screams of anger and command, everyone around me puts themselves in combat position as well.

At that moment I begin to see shadows and silhouettes of creatures in the mist, they seem to move too fast for me to follow with my eyes.

"Another general has been caught!"I hear more screams than another general has been caught, but then I realize something, I haven't heard any commands coming from any generals.

"Some general can hear me! WHAT ARE OUR ORDERS!!" (I)

"..." (I)

"We were tricked, this is a trap!!!" (I)

I yelled but no general replied, it seems they were the targets of this attack, it's not a creature or monster attacking us, we were ambushed.


Before I could give the orders for the Mages to create shields I hear a distant scream, then I hear several noises coming from above, when I looked all I could see was several different glows approaching very fast.

"< Magic barrier > ×3" (I)

I create three magic barriers one on top of the other in layers around me, at that moment I start to hear explosions and screams of rage, these attacks broke two of my magic barriers and cracked the third one, but I can still fight.

When I thought it was over the bursts of drying light illuminate within the mist, it was at that moment that I noticed that the mist seemed to be disappearing, I thought it was due to the explosions of the attacks, but when I looked around I noticed that the mist was forming a dome in the surroundings, in that moment of distraction I was hit by two arrows, one hit my stomach and the second arrow pierced my arm.

I ignore this damage and pull out a scroll which I open and then I use my mana to activate, I use my blood to write that we are being attacked, then I see more spells flying through the mist dome, so I send this warning message to the fortress and the parchment catches fire until it disappears.

"Now that I've warned the fortress about the attack I can just focus on killing, hahahahaha..." (I)

"Finally a fight ha ha hahahahaha... come on, don't hide hahahahaha..." (I)



Pov Zenos:

We're all ready for the attack, we'll have to be quick, after the battle we'll still have to get rid of the bodies as quickly as possible, this time we won't be able to stop the enemies from contacting their base, so we can't give time for them to react or think.

"Enemies have just entered the mist, Mages have already started to increase the amount of mist." (Nix)

"Ask the Mages responsible for the illusions to start acting after you get the first general." (I)

"Yes Master." (Nix)

Soon Nix starts talking through my shadow so everyone can hear her.After talking to Nix I see Layla creating a portal that leads to the farthest point of the Dungeon's first-floor safe room, in less than a minute I see a figure leaving the Dungeon entrance and disappearing into the portal that closes behind.

Layla opens another portal to another location and waits, in a few minutes Nix had already swallowed the other three generals, each time Layla closed the space portal and created another one to another place, so the enemy did not have time to enter through the space portal of Layla, after finishing her job Layla rests on my shoulder drinking a potion of MP.

"Open the gate out of the fog dome, Nix." (I)

"I just opened it, you can leave." (Nix)

"Wizards and archers first, as soon as you're out, position yourself to attack on my signal." (I)

With my words, I wait for the Mages and Archers to pass through the Dungeon gate before I leave too, as I leave I notice Nix in front of me and I look back to see that Nix has opened the Dungeon gate in the shadow of a giant stone.

Wasting no more time I run forward still with Layla on my shoulder and prepare fire magic creating five magic circles one in front of the other pointing towards the center of the mist dome in front of me, meanwhile, Layla is creating powerful space magic apparently.

"SHOOT!!!" (I)

"< Explosive Fire Spear >" (I)

Various spells and arrows covered in poisons or potions are fired into the dome, as we have no view of the inside of the dome we can't make an accurate attack, but that should be enough to hurt enemies and give us some advantage during battle.

After a second wave of attacks, everyone stops attacking and Mages start drinking MP potions after casting their strongest attack spells.

"Nix, leave that Dungeon gate open and close the one inside you, tell everyone to get away from this place, and leave only one Mage watching from afar to give a signal when the generals have finally left." (I)

"I have already closed the gate within myself, master." (Nix)

"Excellent." (I)

I turn to the village leader not far from me and speak.

"Tell some of the mages to create a barrier around the dome of mist so no enemies can escape." (I)

"Good idea, I'll warn the Mages now." (Sapphire)

"Kira and Elsaris, attack the Mages mainly, don't let them use the magic crystal if possible." (I)

"Yea." (Kira/Elsaris)

"Everyone else gets ready! Let's attack now!!" (I)

I hold my sword and dagger as I run ahead to the mist dome, just before reaching the dome I use a wind spell creating a blast of wind forward just to make sure I don't get attacked by surprise as soon as I do. I pass through the fog.

"< Burst of Wind >" (I)

As soon as I enter the wind dome I see the enemy army running towards me full of bloodlust, just as I expected they are not afraid, there are even some who are running even though they are clearly very injured.

"(It's really a lot of enemies, I can feel a strong bloodlust too, they seem more mindless monsters than I expected.)" (I)


"KILL THEM ALL!!!!!" (all)
