The fight began, I along with many other warriors threw myself forward holding my weapons, but this time I used my lines to create a powerful rope connecting the handles of my sword and dagger.

As soon as I got to the enemies they are already half full because of a magic attack from Layla that is flying close to me.

I run between the bodies going to the other enemies behind, throw my dagger into an Ogre's throat then pull the rope made from my line as I spin using my sword to decapitate a ghoul, this makes the dagger fly out of the Ogre's throat as I spin around me cutting others around me.

"< Sphere of Water >" (I)

I jump and create a sphere of water using magic, I place my two hands there and fill the water with all kinds of poisons I have while activating my corrosion ability, I keep myself in the air by spreading my dragon wings.

"< Rain of Needles >" (I)

I use the sphere to make another spell that will use the water from that sphere and direct the spell to enemies further away, the water needles don't do much damage at the time of the attack because it's an early level spell, but soon the corrosion skill does its effect by turning this water into acid which begins to corrode the body or armor of enemies, the wounds caused by the corrosion also allow the poisons I created to enter the bodies of enemies.



"Agh!!!" (I)

While I was preparing and making this attack I was distracted and this did not go unnoticed by the enemies, six spells came flying towards me, I used my Dragon Wings and managed to dodge three attacks, but two fire spells and one wind spell hit me, I use my wings to defend myself, but I still have a cut on my arm and my wing is on fire, thankfully I have resistance to fire and pain.

I give a boost with my wings pulling me up, it puts out the fire, then from above I do another boost throwing myself down to pick up speed while I heal my wounds.

Then I use that speed to throw myself at an Orc that looks bigger than the others and cut him almost completely in half with my sword as I try to talk to Nix through our connection.

"(Nix, attack from the other side.)" (I)

"(With pleasure.)" (Nix)

A few minutes after telling Nix that he could attack from the other side, I see a beautiful Black Dragon emerging from the shadows on the other side of the battlefield, then it starts crushing enemy soldiers with its tail, biting with its powerful jaw or slashing with its claws.

Seeing Nix fighting like that was amazing, it felt like fighting a final boss of a game, Nix even started creating shadow tentacles from her own shadow to attack enemies nearby, every attack she received didn't even cause a single scratch on its mighty scales, it was a one-sided slaughter.

"< Ice Spear >" (I)

"< Beam of Sunlight >" (Layla)

The fight has been going on for a few minutes but the enemies still seem to be many, Layla and I are fighting together to cover each other's blind spots, but this way I can't see the others fighting, all I can do is hope they're okay.

I create lines from my ten fingers while making them as sharp as possible and coating them in poison, then use what I once learned from Diana to coat the Ki strands to further strengthen them.

I use these lines as an attack as I run across the battlefield cutting enemies to pieces one after another.

----------In a few minutes, the number of enemies seems to have finally halved, but at that moment I see a burst of lightning at the top of the dome coming from a certain direction, so I run there, on the way I see Vanessa passing over me flying with her red wings.

"Looks like they used one of the crystals, are you ready?" (I)

​ "Yes father." (Vanessa)

When I get there I see a big magic circle with purple energy starting to sir it, in the center of the magic circle there is what appears to be a nymph, but its leaves are rotten and its skin looks dry like the bark of an old tree.

"< Magic Cancellation >" (Vanessa)


As soon as Vanessa appears she concentrates her power on her staff, then she launches a wave of white energy around the surroundings, as soon as the energy wave touches the magic circle it seems to have a certain resistance, but in two seconds it breaks causing an explosion that shatters the Nymph who was in the middle to pieces.

I who was also close was thrown back by the force of the explosion, when I saw Vanessa flying I also used my lines to pull her to me without hurting her, then I grab her and use my dragon wings to give a boost to the high escaping the wave of the explosion.

An arrow tries to hit Vanessa but I use one of my hands to cut the arrow with my sword.

"Thanks, Dad." (Vanessa)

"The explosion took me by surprise, I didn't think it would be that big." (Vanessa)

"Alright, now get ready, we're still in the middle of the battle." (I)

"Kill the woman!!!"

When we were about to land twenty enemies tried to attack us from all sides, Layla seems to have moved away without me noticing during the explosion, no time to attack I was going to try to fend off the enemies with my wings, but at that moment a blast of darkness hits halfway of enemies while the other half is pierced by spears of fire causing them to burn to ashes.

"(Are you alright master?)" (Nix)

"(What was that attack just now?)" (I)

"(A dark breath attack.)" (Nix)

"Pay more attention to your surroundings, the enemy saw what Vanessa did, they will focus their attacks on her from now on." (Elsaris)

"Thanks for the help Elsaris." (I)

"(Thanks for the help Nix.)" (I)

"Please try not to die, Zenos." (Elsaris)

"Don't worry, even if I were injured by that attack, it wouldn't be fatal." (I)"You can let go of me now, Father." (Vanesa)

As I released Vanessa, an arrow exploded at the top of the dome from the other end of the dome.

"Damn! Looks like there's another magic crystal." (I)

"I'll fly as fast as I can there." (Vanessa)

"You can't, you'll be an easy target at the top, you can even defend yourself from some attacks, but if dozens of attacks are aimed at you, it's going to be difficult to protect yourself." (Elsaris)

"Elsaris is right, so the two of you will run there, I won't, there are other places that need help, and Elsaris will be enough to protect you." (I)

"Alright let's go, I won't let anything happen to you." (Elsaris)

After seeing the two of them running I go in another direction to continue fighting, after a few minutes Layla came flying towards me covered in blood and dirt, she was very angry saying that that explosion destroyed her barrier and threw her in a place full of bodies.

During my fights, I arrived at a place where Érica, Ibuki, and Leo were fighting.

I was very happy to see how the three of them work so well together, Ibuki seemed to dance between enemies without even an attack hitting her, every time she dodged an attack she would slash an enemy and when she had no chance to dodge shadow tentacles or spikes of shadows attacked the enemies, meanwhile Leo was in his large Lion man form with his new Ax fighting the enemies that tried to attack Érica.

When a magic attack tried to hit Ibuki I saw a purple shield appear then the attack came back to the Mage who launched the attack killing him.

Knowing they are doing well on their own I kept fighting until I couldn't find any more enemies where I was, there were still some fights going on but it felt like it was almost over.


Just when I thought everything was going well I suddenly heard Freya's voice traveling with a strong current of wind across the battlefield to warn us that the most troublesome enemies are here.

They left much faster than I expected, I thought they would take longer as I made the first floor look like a maze just to delay them longer.

I'm still fine and I can fight, but I think most of our troops will be too tired to fight, this was a battle that only took a little more than thirty minutes, but it was very intense, plus there are still live enemies fighting our troops.

"Layla, try to find the location of the enemies, get in touch when you see them." (I)

"All right." (Layla)

When Layla went to look for the enemy I went to find Elsaris, Ivan, and the village leader, these three are the strongest and will be the ones who will fight count the generals along with me, I have to find them fast.

I use my wings to propel myself up high from where I can see the entire battlefield, it doesn't take long for me to see the three of them, the village leader seems to be with Elsaris and Ivan is burning five enemies with a column of fire no very far from both.

I go to Ivan who seems to be finished, then I go to the other two with him.

"The four of us will fight the generals while the others finish off what's left of Farus' troops." (I)

"It shouldn't take long, there should only be a few hundred more among the enemies." (Elsaris)

"I'm already ready to fight." (Sapphire)

"Do you know where the generals are, master?" (Ivan)

"Yes, they just broke the barrier around the fog dome, told Layla to warn the Mages to create another barrier once the generals enter." (I)

"Now follow me, we go straight to them." (I)

As we went to the generals, Elsaris said that her son Jay is with Vanessa, it looks like she went to help some wounded who wouldn't survive until the end of the fight if they weren't treated now.
