I had already met with Ivan, Elsaris, and the leader of the Sapphire village, in a few minutes we will win this battle that lasted a little more than thirty minutes, but before the fight is over I get the news that the four generals left the Dungeon, now let's go having to face them ahead of schedule.

"(I found them, master.)" (Layla)

"(Thanks, Layla.)" (I)

I use my connection to Layla to see through her eyes, after confirming the direction they had entered through the mist dome I open my eyes and turn to Ivan, Elsaris, and the village leader.

"I already found them, follow me." (I)

We start to run across the battlefield, with our speed it takes less than a minute to reach the place where the generals were, but as soon as we arrive I feel the village leader's bloodlust rise, getting much stronger with the scene we see.

"Calm down village leader." (I)


"You bastards..." (Sapphire)

"I didn't expect to see that kind of enemy here." (Ivan)

What we see are an Oni with a spear, a very muscular Ghoul woman with two axes, an Orc with two giant swords, and a Cyclops with a great Warhammer.

The Cyclops was over five meters tall and its hammer looked more like a large steel column.

When we arrived we saw over a hundred bodies of our troops on the ground, the Ghoul woman was licking the blood off one of her Axes and the Cyclops had the body of a Lamia in one hand as he ripped her head off with his teeth to chew.

It was a brutal scene, just looking at it you could understand that the generals not only killed our troops, the bodies were dismembered, crushed and shredded, it was in such a horrible state that it was difficult to even identify the race of somebodies.

"That woman gives me the creeps, so I'm going to fight Oni." (I)

"I'm going to fight that Orc then, his way of holding his swords shows he's strong, it might be more fun to fight him." (Elsaris)

"That Cyclops is mine, don't you dare interfere." (Sapphire)

"So I'm the one who's going to fight that muscular woman?" (Ivan)

"She's all hers, Ivan." (I)

As soon as we arrived I had to organize who each one will fight with, I could fight alongside Ivan since we did similar things inside the Dungeons, but I never fought alongside Elsaris or the Sapphire village leader, so it's better for each one take care of an enemy.

The enemy noticed us looking at them from afar, so they run towards us as everyone else in the surroundings is dead, the village leader and Ivan run forward attacking their enemies while pushing them away.

"(Master I feel something strange in the sky, it seems to be an Undead.)" (Layla)"(Can't talk to you right now, take care of him.)" (I)

"< Blade of Light >" (I)

I wait until the Oni is close enough and tries to spear me with his spear, then I dodge the spear as quickly as possible while taking advantage of my spin to use a skill with my sword.

"Naive." (Oni)

I wanted to try to end the fight with a single blow, but the Oni used the spear hilt to defend himself, but my attack was still enough to push him towards the Orc with the two giant swords, but strangely the Oni passed by inside the Orc's body, that's when I realized my carelessness.

"(An illusion.)" (I)

"< Mighty Slash > ×2" (Orc)

"< Explosive Impact >" (Elsaris)

When I realize what's wrong I try to use my sense skills to find the enemy while trying to change position but it was too late, the Orc was right behind me, I didn't notice when he got there, I was careless, he was almost slashing with his two swords that were bigger than my whole body, but at this moment I see Elsaris moving faster than me, passing under the Orc's attack and giving a powerful kick upwards, hitting the Orc's head making him fly up.

"Damn, he dodged it." (Elsaris)

I see the Orc spin in the air and land on his feet while smiling looking at Elsaris who runs towards him, meanwhile, I jump in the air while throwing my dagger towards the Oni who tried to attack me thinking I was distracted again, but this time I felt him with my abilities.

"(I won't make the same mistake twice.)" (I)

"< Breath of Fire >" (I)

When the oni deflected my dagger with the blade of his spear, I focused my magic power into my mouth, then unleashed a torrent of fire upon him.

"< Spinning Defense >" (Oni)

He starts swinging his spear in front of him and blocks my fire attack, but that still gives me time to land on the ground and pull my line to retrieve my dagger.

"< Magic Warrior Body >" (I)

"< Deadly Intimidation >" (I)

I use my Auras by spreading them just around me and this Oni while activating two abilities, one to enhance my body with Magic, that should be enough to improve my strength and speed.

The other skill I used was to intimidate this Oni, this skill becomes stronger when I use my Auras together, normally it would be enough to cause fear in a group of enemies or at least divert an enemy's attention for a second that it would be long enough for me to do something, but this Oni seems unaffected by my intimidation skill, he runs towards me with a strong bloodlust and a smile on his face.Luckily my Auras seem to have had some effect, he seems slower than before, he also seems to be having a harder time moving.

Without missing this opportunity I try to get close to him for a melee fight, one thing I learned during my fights inside the Dungeon was that enemies who use long weapons have a hard time fighting too close, normally they try to keep a certain distance from their opponents to have more space to move and wield your weapons.

"< Chaos Charge >" (I)

I won't give this Oni that chance, I use a Charge attack to have a burst of speed while I feel my Auras and mana surround my body like a whirlpool of black-colored energy with multiple glows around.

"< Triple Attack >" (Oni)

When I'm facing the enemy attack I do a somersault which displaces my shoulder due to the onslaught attack at the same time it raises dust, I take advantage of this moment to pierce one of the Oni's legs with my dagger while taking me healing my shoulder.

"This is what I wanted, a real fight, hahahaha..." (Oni)

The next few minutes were full of danger, this Oni and I exchanged several blows always on each other's vital points, even though he was at a disadvantage with his spear, he could still use his arms and legs to attack me or shorten the place where he held his spear to pierce me with it.

Each blow was becoming more dangerous for both of us as we were getting used to each other's movements, but he was taking more risks as he didn't mind getting hurt as long as he could hit me, that insane suicidal thought of his was doing I fall at the disadvantage

As each attack was fast we didn't have time to use skills, or so I thought, but I could still feel the magic of the wind element behind me, I had to jump up to not hit myself which made the Oni hit, it seems to have been a wind blade attack as the oni's arm fell to the ground after being cut.

"What a wonderful opportunity I missed to kill you child, hahahahah..." (Oni)

"Too bad I lost my arm with my own attack, I think I'll have to put in more effort to get you killed." (Oni)

This lunatic sent an attack that could hit him, by the cut he has on the ground behind him I can tell that even if I hadn't dodged, the attack would still have cut him after hitting me.

"Come to my companions, let's show our master's power to these fools, ha ha hahahahaha!!!" (Oni)

"(This Oni seems to be up to something, I need to kill him fast.)" (I)

When I was running towards the Oni an Ax comes flying towards me, but a blade of fire hits the Ax deflecting it, so I jump away when I feel something running towards me.

Before long the other three generals appeared, I realized that the one that was in the worst condition was Cyclops, one of his arms was burned, the other one was hanging by a small piece of muscle, his intestines were dangling out of his belly through a big hole and his whole body was covered in wounds.

The other two were in better condition, the Orc who used two swords has a cut on his throat and a hole in his chest, these are two attacks that should be fatal, but his appearance is different from before, his skin has turned red, his muscles got bigger and his height increased, it seems that the wounds that should be fatal have closed due to this change, if I remember correctly this is caused by an ability called "Berserk Mode", Irius has told me about this before.

The Ghoul woman had one of her arms hanging with bones out, she also has half her face burned and cuts all over her body, it looks like she is already half dead with a tired appearance due to the amount of blood coming out of her body, if it continues like this, it won't take long for her to die of blood loss.

In a few seconds, Ivan, Elsaris, and the village leader came back and stood by my side, Ivan and Elsaris looked calm but the village leader looked very angry that her enemy had run from her.

"Let's show the power of our master, hahahahahah... For the Glory of Master Farus!!!" (Oni)

"For the glory of Master Farus!" (Cyclops/Ghoul/Orc)

The Oni takes a purple magic crystal the size of a chicken egg out of the bracelet-shaped storage item, then places it in its mouth and swallows it.

"(That doesn't look good.)" (I)
