Pov Farus:

Something strange is happening, for the last few days, my troops have been disappearing one after the other.

Yesterday an Undead bird that was a lesser Familiar returned from an investigation where the only clue was a circle of wasteland where nothing existed, this was found on the path where the two troops I called back were supposed to take to get here, the remains of an Undead Bird were found, unfortunately, most of the body was destroyed.

The worst thing is that two sacred items were lost, my only consolation is that I have two others, but that's not what's bothering me the most, the problem is that I don't know anything about this enemy, the only thing I know is that I couldn't to be that refugee village run by that blue Lamia.

They weren't a threat, I was saving them for last in the hopes they'd gather all the scattered villages into one place so I could get this all over with faster.

But somehow an unknown enemy appeared, maybe I got carried away since everything was going according to plan for the last few years, I was careless.

Because of this most of my army disappeared and somehow even their bodies disappeared, even though I received information about an attack for the first time, they were too far away, the fastest I could send reinforcements was three hours later, but there was no longer any troops of mine there.



"Why is all this happening when we're almost ready for the ritual?" (I)

"Perhaps one of the other religions has noticed our presence, master?" (Lich)

"That's impossible, the reason I do this here is exactly that it doesn't have eyes from any of the Kingdoms on this continent here." (I)

"I'm not just doing this for revenge, this place is a great starting point where we can strengthen ourselves in hiding." (I)

"I have also left several Undead Birds guarding the mountain ranges, but no creature of any kind has been detected entering here." (I)

"Could our God give us the answers to this enemy?" (Lich)

"It's been a few days since I've noticed that the great Kaharak is avoiding making contact, the last divine message I received was to beware of the Fairies." (I)

"What about the Heretic the God Kaharak ordered killed?" (Lich)

"Impossible, from the divine message we know he wasn't in the mountain range, there's no way he could come here and do all this without being discovered, a Vampire doesn't have that kind of power." (I)

"Bring me water to wash my hands." (I)

In order to calm down I started working on a new project, a patchwork Zombie that I created with different parts of powerful monsters, I had to use the health of a few dozen of my servants, but I think it was worth it.

"Unfortunately we don't have enough material to give Kaharak's Blessings to this Zombie." (I)

"We'd have to give up half the army for that." (Lich)

"He will still take a few minutes to get up, my magic is still strengthening his body, I had to use almost all the magic crystals you made on this, but he will be a great weapon against this unknown enemy." (I)

I was covered in blood, the room around me is full of dismembered bodies and there was a creature several meters long lying on the floor, I spent the last two days putting these body parts together and using various spells and curses to make this thing useful.

"I hope they don't take too long." (I)"Looks like you're sure about their next move." (Lich)

"Yes, as unlikely as it is, I can only think of one thing to do..." (I)

Boom!!!! Bammm!!!!!


Suddenly the ground and the entire fortress shook, I felt the barriers I had placed around the Fortress breaking one after another in a matter of seconds, I also heard my servants screaming that we are being attacked, then a wicked smile spreads across my face.

"They arrived faster than I expected." (I)

I look at this monster I created with a big smile on my face.

"He's still going to need some time, in the meantime let's see who's been causing me so much trouble so far." (I)

"Go get the other two guards." (I)

"Yes Master." (Lich)


Pov Zenos:

There was a reason I was in the lead, I had the best detection skills after Elsaris, so I could enter the stronghold first without being ambushed.

"< Arrows of Light > ×20" (I)

As I was getting closer to the walls of the fortress I noticed that there was about thirty Undead with bows or staves getting ready to attack us from above the walls.

I use a light spell to attack as many of them, normally I'm only able to control the multiple activations of this spell up to ×10 accurately, but I used my parallel thinking ability to double that number.

My light arrows are too fast to dodge so it only took me a second to hit the heads of twenty enemies on top of the walls, just when I thought the other ten were going to attack I see an energy blade attack fly towards them before of becoming a serpent that passes through the heads of all of them.

I've seen this attack before and I know it was the village leader, now that there were no enemies on top of the walls we managed to approach the destroyed gate so I invaded while throwing my dagger to the left dodged an attack from my right and slashed two enemies that jumped in front of me, so I pull the thread that I tied to my dagger to retrieve it from the head of a Nymph that was trying to make a hidden attack on whoever passed through the gate.

"Don't walk alone, make groups often if you're going to enter the buildings!" (I)

As I gave orders an arrow passes over my head hitting the head of an Orc archer who tried to attack me from a window.

"Kill everyone outside and keep an eye on the windows!" (I)

I gave orders as I continued fighting the enemies that were rushing towards our position, this time it was hundreds of undead.

"< Light Burst > ×2" (I)

"< Fire Arrow >" (I)I used magic to hit something I felt was coming towards me from the front while I used two Light attacks that cause a blast of light burning and blinding enemies, but for Undead this attack is stronger than a fire spell.

I hear bones crunching not far from me and when I turn around I see that it was Ivan who stopped a seven-foot-tall Orc that was running towards me.

So far only the weakest enemies have appeared, but that won't stay that way for long.

I grip my sword and dagger tightly as I run forward, I use my sword to deflect a dagger that came flying towards me as I throw myself into the midst of some Orcs fully armed with their armor and swords.

"< Earth Thorns >" (I)

So I use earth magic on the ground making earth spikes appear in their midst, but they all defended or dodged, but the important thing is that I separated them.

One of them dies while dodging my attack with an arrow that pierced his helmet and his head, the arrow doesn't stop until it breaks through the stone wall two meters away, Freya's arrows are really powerful.

I did this to separate them, I don't always need to kill, causing chaos on the battlefield and preventing enemies from attacking in an organized way is enough.

I look around and I see everyone fighting, the enemy number has already surpassed ours so we are losing, I see many of our troops being wounded or killed, only a few have the strength to fight against Farus' troops that are stronger.

When I was distracted watching the other battle scene I was hit by a powerful blow that broke my right arm while throwing me against the wall making a mark of my body stay there.



cough cough

When I hit the wall I felt one of my ribs break too and blood came out of my mouth, I vomited even more blood as I hit the ground.

"..." (I)

I looked at the one that hit me only to see this one wearing full armor run towards me holding a two-handed sword.

Without having time to think I roll on the ground and then I jump back opening a distance between me and whoever attacked me, I saw his sword cut a piece of the wall like it was paper and I tried to identify this enemy when he turned to me, it was then that I saw through the opening of the helmet that was a skull, looking better I could also feel an Aura of death around him.

"I've felt this Aura before..." (I)

While thinking I drank a healing potion and used my abilities to heal faster.

"< Light >" (I)

I use beginner light magic and put a lot of mana to make a flash in front of this enemy, meanwhile, I walk away from a little more, while I run away a Berserk Zombie tries to attack me but a blade of light breaks his head in two and I continue running as I pull my broken arm to get the bone back in place, then let the healing take effect as I attack this enemy.

"< Fire Blast >" (I)

"< Light Spear >" (I)

I use a blast of fire underneath him to knock him into the air then use a light magic attack to hit him before he hits the ground.

"< Death Blade >"

Without deflecting the enemy, use a black energy blade attack that cuts my spear of Light in two.

"Now I remember, a Death Knight must be one of the three Undead Farus summoned." (I)

I use my connection to Nix to speak to her in my mind before I get attacked again.

"(Are you ready yet?)" (I)

"(Not yet.)" (Nix)
