I was starting to get irritated and frustrated, I didn't think it would take this long for the plan to be put into practice, this enemy is strong and isn't even giving me time to breathe.

Suddenly I have a bad feeling and I get down, then something big goes over me and hits the wall, when I look I see it was the village leader, she gets up and runs in the same direction she came from, it seems she too is facing a strong enemy, but I cannot afford to divert my attention from this Death Knight.

"< Rise and Fight >" (Knight of Death)

I was finding it strange that he didn't attack me, but I soon understood why, black energy covered his sword when he stuck it in the ground, then this black energy spreads for ten meters around him, soon half of the corpses get up and come in my direction, that's over twenty undead.

"< Arrows of Light > ×20" (I)

I use the same attack as before to hit the heads of most of this Undead, this took care of them but gave an opening for the Death Knight who tried to attack me while casting the magic.

But I already expected that, so as soon as I saw him move I used my lines in front of me and tied him down long enough to finish getting rid of the undead while he cut the lines.


Just as I was about to attack this guy I feel a horrendous Aura cover the whole place, this Aura is filled with bloodlust and a feeling of Death even greater than this Death Knight's Aura.

I realized that those nearby were paralyzed because of this Aura so I use all my Aura skills at the same time to fend off this Aura, my Aura for some reason easily fended off this horrible Aura as it is so much stronger.

At that moment I use my sword to deflect the Death Knight's sword and focus on the direction where the Aura is heading back, there I see Faurs, his image was exactly as the village people told me, he looks like a mixture of the race of the Orcs and Ghouls, he must be the first hybrid I see in this world.

I look at him and see a cold, cruel smile on his face, he points his staff in my direction, which appears to be made of black bones and has three skulls on the end.

"I found the Heretic." (Farus)

"< Killing Curse >" (Farus)

As soon as I saw it he knew he would realize who was the source of the Aura that took the Aura away from him, this was a trap and I fell.

The moment we looked at each other he launched an attack at me, a skull made of purple mist comes out of his staff and comes towards me, it was too fast for me to dodge or defend myself, the attack hits me.


When the mist skull hit me it dissolved into the mist that started to surround me trying to enter my body, but at that moment a scarlet Light comes out of my body and burns this mist in scarlet flames.

I feel that this power comes from the blessing that Goddess Selene gave to me after the mist clears I look at Farus' angry face, I knew that for Goddess Selene's blessing to have reacted it must be the power of another God.

I try to run to Farus but the Death Knight from before puts himself in front of me and tries to stop me, I jump to the left side and use my lines to attach to his body and pull him with all my strength throwing to the left where I saw a Four-meter tall skeleton coming towards me.

When the Death Knight hits the large Skeleton the two are trapped in sharp bones growing from the ground, then a column of fire appears from the ground going upwards to a height of ten meters consuming the two enemies inside.But I'm finding the miasma that is all over this fortress strange, I see that the miasma near the fire column is entering the attack area, that was very strange.

"That kind of light attack doesn't mean anything to me." (Death Knight)

Dark energy explodes the column of fire from the inside out showing that the great Skeleton and the Death Knight are surrounded by a black shield that was consuming the miasma of the surroundings.

While watching this I dodge the magic they cast on me, I jump back cutting the head of an Ogre that tried to catch me off guard and I look at who attacked me, I see a Skeleton in a mage robe beside Farus, I can feel a Aura as strong as the one I feel from the Death Knight coming from that Skeleton.

Farus was looking at the battlefield with an angry look, I could feel his Aura trying to spread again but I'm still using my Aura to stop him so he looks at me full of hate when I thought he was going to attack he looks back and smiles cruelly.

I'm too far away this time to hear what he says to Skeletor, but he points his staff upwards spreading an energy that empowers all the undead on the battlefield, at the same time I feel a tremor that gets stronger and stronger as if something was approaching.

"I have a bad feeling..." (I)

I try to talk to Nix again.

"(Aren't you ready yet!?)" (I)

"(We are starting now, but it will take a few minutes to activate.)" (Nix)

"Damn it." (I)

I can't sit still, I have to solve this faster, I'll at least finish off that Skeletor next to Farus.

I run forward and once again the Death Knight gets in front of me and tries to attack me, this time I prepare an attack but not for him.

"< Blade of Light >" (I)

I launch the X-shaped blade of light using a dagger and sword, this attack passes the Death Knight's side and goes towards Farus, meanwhile, I use my superior speed to pass under the Death Knight's legs who has a bigger body than mine.

The Death Knight was going to try to attack me, but Ivan appears and blocks his way, his fire-covered sword starts exchanging dozens of blows with the Death Knight's black energy-covered sword, meanwhile, I continue with what I was going to do.

"< Deadly Onslaught >" (I)

As I imagined Skeletor puts himself in front of Farus and tries to prevent my attack with a shield, right after my attack hits the shield I use my Charge to hit the same place breaking the magic shield.

"< Vampire Claws >" (I)So I drop my dagger and use my claws to pierce the oblivion's chest and grab his core, but I can't pull him out.

"You didn't think it would be this easy, did you?" (Lich)

"< Bone Thorn >" (Lich)

Being so close to this Skeleton I could understand that it was a Lich, its Aura was very similar to the Lich I faced inside the Corpse Dungeon.

He used magic that made a big spike of bones come out of the ground and go through my belly, but I don't let go of his core, I use corrosion on my hand as I open that core with all my strength, I wanted to break it.

"Ahhhh!!!!" (Lich)

"< Sphere of Light >" (I)

"< Devourer of the Dead >" (Faurs)

A magic circle my size appears beside me and a skull half the size of my body comes flying out of the magic circle and bites my shoulder as it pulls me away from the Lich.

"Ahhh!!!" (Lich)

But he doesn't stop screaming, the red light in his eyes darkens and he falls to the ground crumbling into a pile of bones, in the place where the Lich was a sphere of light was glowing with an almost completely melted core inside.

I used a spell that creates a defensive sphere around the Lich's core while my corrosion ability was active, looks like one of Farus' generals is gone.

"Bloody Heretic, I don't know how you ended up in the mountain range, but you will pay for interfering with my plans." (Farus)

"COME!!!" (Farus)

The shaking that was getting stronger and stronger had stopped at some point without me noticing, at Farus' words a giant claw breaks through the walls of the building behind him and tries to grab me, but an arrow hits the ground between me and that claw causing a blast of wind that doesn't push back the giddy Claw that continues to advance toward me, but I'm thrown twenty feet away in the opposite direction of the claw.

"Looks like Freya saved me this time." (I)

I cut to pieces this giant skull biting me with my sword and I take two bottles of blood then drink it as I keep trying to heal I see a green liquid in the bite wound on my shoulder I think that skull had poison in its teeth but it seems that it didn't affect me because of my resistances.

With no time to think too much, I turn to Ivan who is still fighting the Death Knight close by, then I turn to the claw that tried to hit me, soon the wall of the building breaks further and a grotesque being over eight meters tall comes out of the building and stands beside Farus as he roars upwards.

It was a creature that seemed to be made with different parts of different corpses, it already seemed to have a shape close to humanoid, but its claws were of giant monsters, its body had several types of colors and seams everywhere, it had giant spider legs in the likes, a giant snake tail, and three wolf heads, he was very muscular in a grotesque and unnatural way.

As if this monster wasn't enough I noticed Farus using a magic circle that absorbed dozens of corpses and throwing several monster cores to summon another Lich behind this giant monster.

In my despair, I hear what I have been waiting for so far.

"(We're activating it now.)" (Nix)

Soon I see a pillar of light coming from somewhere nearby, then the pillar of light expands in all directions until I reach where we are at great speed and everything around us is covered in a golden light and a smile appears on my face.
