When the Light took over everything I found it difficult to see, I didn't have any ability to see in such a light-filled environment, I wanted to attack Farus as I still knew his location but my detection skills were showing me some people between me and Farus, I could not attack without knowing whether they were friend or foe.

Haaaaa!!!! HAAAAA!!!


While I was in this dilemma I began to hear screams of pain from all sides, even a roar of pain that must have been coming from the giant creature that just appeared.

It looks like the plan is succeeding, but I feel that this magic is much stronger than when Vanessa used it in the other battle, it's not just the scale of the magic being bigger as planned, I feel the presence of the Goddess Selene in that light.


"MY undead that I worked so hard to create and gather!!!!" (Farus)



"DURING HERETIC!!!!!" (Farus)

"WHY CAN'T I USE MY POWER!!??" (Farus)

I could hear Farus screams of fury, it seems I managed to catch him off guard this time, I bet he never imagined that an enemy would create a ritual magic that covered his entire fortress.

This plan cost me hundreds of Monster Cores, as well as putting some of my group at risk, but it looks like it was worth it.

Before long the light begins to fade and I hear no more screams of pain, even Farus has stopped screaming in fury.

Soon I was able to see everything around me again, I saw that almost all the undead disappeared, the only ones I see are the grotesque undead that Farus brought that turned into a pile of rotten meat on the floor, smoking purple, besides two undead that is next to Farus, those were the Death Knight and the other Lich that was just summoned.

The only two Undead still standing, but most of the Death Knight's armor was destroyed and the Lich's bones were exposed now that his Mage outfit was gone, every bone in his body was cracked, the two of them are smoke coming out of the body with burn marks all over.

I looked away from them to see if Ivan was still safe, I looked around and saw Ivan completely unharmed covered by a golden barrier, I could also see that he was shaking a little inside the barrier, he was holding a scroll that was glowing in his hands, but then he rips the parchment making the barrier disappear, so he drops to his knees while placing his hand on his face that has reverted to a skull.

"(Looks like the protection magic Lira and Vanessa created worked out as promised, that's a relief.)" (I)

I looked around and saw a lot of ash on the ground which must be all that was left of the Undead, but strangely there were also almost all of Farus' troops lying on the ground or standing in their fighting stances with empty eyes, there was a purple mist coming out of their bodies, but I didn't understand what was happening.Unfortunately, I didn't have time for that right now, this was the opportunity we've been waiting for, I turn to the village leader who was looking at me from a 3rd-floor window of a building, I wave at her and look at Farus.

She turns to him and launches one of her energy blade attacks that moves like a snake as it breaks part of the wall and leaps running towards Farus, so I also start running as I prepare a light spell I've been training in the past. last days.

"< Rings of Light: Slice >" (I)

The Death Knight uses his sword to stop the village leader's attack, but he is pushed back a meter, it seems he is no longer as strong as I thought, I cast my new magic creating seven rings of light element energy which start spinning at high speed and fly off towards Farus who seems to be suffering.

The Lich slams his staff into the ground causing a wall made of bones and flesh to appear out of nowhere, I never imagined seeing something like this, but my magic penetrates the grotesque wall and I hear the sound of something breaking.

I keep running and jump over the wall where I see the Lich's staff cut into four pieces, I also see that he has lost an arm and some ribs.

The Death Knight throws his sword at me in the air, but an arrow comes flying leaving as a trail a tornado that hits the sword sending it away, meanwhile I throw my sword piercing the Death Knight's head before he attacks me again, but he catches my sword in midair.

I smiled because he forgot that I wasn't the only enemy, the village leader got close to him and used her snake tail to trap him crushing his whole body, I heard the bones break before she let go showing only a pile of broken bones and a piece of armor.

Meanwhile, I kicked the Lich's legs the moment I landed on the ground in front of him, it made him fall and I used my dagger to pierce the core I saw between his ribs, so the Lich will also come to a pile of bones on the ground.

"You are my Farus!!!!!" (Sapphire)

The moment I finished with the Lich I saw Sapphire run towards Farus, but at that moment a shield comes flying between the village leader and Farus.

In this moment of confusion, I see a wing made of bones that came out so fast from Farus' back that I almost didn't see it happen, the wings had very sharp bone tips that hit a barrier that formed in front of the shield.

The barrier breaks and the shield is pushed back hitting the village leader pushing her away to five meters away, I knew that shield belonged to Irius, it seems he was the first to realize the danger.

"< Ray of Light >" (I)

I jump back away from Farus while casting a spell on him but then another wing grows forming a spectral body around the wings, this spectral body layer served as a barrier that stopped my attack but somehow I was having a Foreboding, I saw that Farus looked like he was in pain and I finally noticed a mark on his chest glowing a black light.

A sphere of black light also came out of the tallest building and came towards Farus hitting him before anyone had time to react, at that moment a sinister Aura started to be emitted from Farus' body and he started screaming.

Soon I see bones coming out of Farus' body, tearing his clothes and flesh brutally, these bones take a strange humanoid shape, so the spectral body that was previously only on the wings begins to cover the entire body and bones.

A strange scene is shown as the color of the spectral body changes color, the normally green starts to darken until it becomes completely black, it all took just a few seconds, but in the presence of an Aura that was getting more and more sinister, it felt like a eternity.My Aura was completely suppressed, this Aura had more malice than I ever felt before, it was as heavy as if I had a mountain on top of me, I could even feel my bones creaking.

Most horrible of all was the figure that formed around the body of Farus that disappeared inside the spectral body, it was exactly the appearance of the statue I saw inside the Corpse Dungeon.

I was paralyzed with fear and horror, I felt the same fear I felt when I tried to take the Dungeon Core back then.

All I could feel was Death, I knew it only took one move for everything here to be destroyed by this thing.

I was completely imposing until several energy left my body and merged into my Aura, this made the pressure I had been feeling disappear and made my mind that was clouded by fear become clearer, I was still afraid, but I was trying to hold my ground, I couldn't be overcome by fear here.

I forced myself to look around only to see everyone on the floor as if they were being crushed just like I was.

"(What's going on!!?)" (I)

The first thing I try to do is spread my Aura to those closest to me while keeping my Aura as far away from this thing as possible, even if it can't help everyone it should still be able to help someone.

"No, that's not what you promised me!!!" (Farus)

"You were weak and spoiled plans that took ages to get to where we are."

"All of this is the Heretic's fault, he infiltrated the mountain range without my realizing it, I didn't know he would be here with a mighty Priest." (Farus)

"But still you lost, if I hadn't done anything I would have lost all the believers that was so hard to get."

"But if I take your body, I might still find another Priest as my representative."

"I have done everything you commanded me to do, I have made offerings of thousands of lives and souls to you my lord." (Farus)

"And they were very helpful, you didn't even realize how I used those souls to strengthen and shape your soul to be a more comfortable vessel."

"I would wait until you've mastered the entire mountain range, by then I would have managed to modify your soul enough to be a vessel worthy of me, but now I'm forced to advance my plans before those damned Fairies ruin everything."

"After all, I've done in your name, you were planning to use me from the start..." (Farus)


While I was trying to relieve the pressure on the others I keep hearing Farus' voice coming from inside the creature, but I also hear a different voice coming from the creature's three heads in response, listening to this conversation it wasn't hard to understand that Farus was being used since the beginning.

But the real problem was that now I was sure of the identity of this being, it wasn't just the appearance that was the same, the voice was the same that I heard that day inside the Cadaver Dungeon, this being in front of me was the Heretic God Kaharak.

I started to worry as Farus' voice started getting smaller and smaller until I couldn't hear him anymore, then the creature or should I say the Heretic God started laughing out loud with his three mouths, his voice was bizarre and creepy, suddenly he stops laughing and turns to me.

"You've spoiled my plans twice now chosen from the Witch of Carnage." (God Kaharak)
