Pov Nix:

As the master passed the walls of the Keep that I blasted my way through, I broke away from his shadow and circled the keep from the outside, releasing Mages every few feet.

After all the Mages are in place I reenter the fortress and walk through the hidden battlefield to the inside of the largest building, then free Irina, Vanessa, Kira, Byakko, Layla, Elsaris, and their children.

"Everyone already knows what to do, go!" (I)

We didn't have time to waste repeating what each one was going to do, everyone already knew their duties, Layla was going to steal everything Farus had hidden, this was to prevent him from using some other hidden card against us and to get something we're going to need.

Kira and the sons of Elsaris would kill the Mages and Archers who must position themselves to attack from afar, they have to kill everyone without drawing attention to themselves, as they all have training and experience as Assassins the master asked them to do.

Elsaris will be responsible for searching and capturing the village leader's daughter, on the way she will kill any enemy that doesn't draw anyone's attention to us.


Irina and Vanessa go to the center of the fortress to complete the main part of the plan, meanwhile, I am responsible for protecting them, I cannot let them be interrupted.

After everyone goes to do their chores I start heading in a direction along with Irina and Vanessa.

"Come on, the center should be in that direction according to the measurements we made before." (I)

"I hope the Mages outside aren't attacked." (Irina)

"The battle must still be going on inside the fortress, it will be too late by the time Farus notices what we're doing." (Vanessa)

"That if he notices, this plan is crazy, there must be a massacre happening on the battlefield right now." (I)

"But this is our only chance to win, but we have to be quick before anything can happen to the master and the others, a man according to counts." (Vanessa)

We arrived at what appears to be a weapons depot, there were a lot of soldiers inside, but I made shadow tentacles snap most of their necks while Vanessa used light magic on the undead.

When we finished killing the enemies I locked the door from the inside and started stealing everything that was in there while the other two were setting up the center of the magic circle.

The master's plan is to build a magic circle that covers the entire fortress, this magic circle will serve as a means for Vanessa to use her Holy magic to purify the entire fortress, this should be enough to wipe out all the undead at once, and damage any type of cursed item that Farus may be guarding including magic crystals filled with curse spells.

I was watching while Irina drew the magic circle using dust from monster cores that Lyra prepared, then they started positioning the monster cores that will serve to store and convert the energy that this magic circle will use, the core of this magic circle comes from a Grade S monster and will be positioned in the center.As they were finishing up everything Layla appears, she had a very happy smile, she left stacks and stacks of global gold coins with us before leaving and continuing her quest.

After some calculations, we found that only half of that should be enough, but that alone was a huge expense of more than 1000000 gold coins, Vanessa explained that converting Mana to Holy magic is very inefficient and that she will still spend all of it your power to activate and control that magic circle.

The master called twice to rush me, I was very frustrated to be standing here doing nothing while the master could be in danger, but I had nothing I could do but wait and follow the plan.

When everything was finally ready Irina used her magic to activate the other monster cores that should already be positioned around the Fortress, now all that was left was to charge these cores with power, so the magic circle started to absorb the global coins and the Mages must have started to transfer their energies to the cores around the Fortress as well when everything was ready and the only thing missing was the activation was when it was Vanessa's turn.

"This was harder than I expected, but I still have a third of my mana, now it's your turn Vanessa." (Irina)

"Thanks for the help, Irina." (Vanessa)

"After we do that we have to get out of here before they attack this place, I'm sure Farus should be able to discover the central point of this spell after it is activated." (Vanessa)

"Don't worry, the escape is on me." (I)

"Then back off a bit." (Vanessa)

Irina and I walk away for a little while Vanessa goes to the center of the magic circle, then she spreads her wings out and closes her eyes, then begins to speak words charged with holy power.

"< I pray to the one who has control over life and death.

I pray to the one who walks through oceans of blood to bring death to those who dare to go against her.

I pray to the one whose name is a symbol of dominion and freedom >" (Vanessa)

Every sentence she said made a stronger and stronger Aura come out of her, this Aura was full of bloodlust and was very dominant but at the same time it was calm, it was a strange feeling that reminded me of the master for some reason.

"< Make this servant's words her words so that the buried truth is revealed.

Make this servant's power the blade that will bring terror to your enemies.

Make this servant's body the receptacle for her will in this world >" (Vanessa)

Soon a scarlet light started to glow from Vanessa's wings, her eyes of different colors started to glow and her hair fluttered with the power her body was starting to emit, I also noticed that the Aura was gathering at the top of her head."< O Blood Goddess Selene, may upon pronouncing her name the skies become red and may this servant be bestowed with your blessings to bring judgment upon her enemies >" (Vanessa)

With his last words, all the Aura and power that will come out of his body will form a circle of golden power with a red glow that floated above his head as he turned, at that moment I felt like I was facing something bigger than me, Vanessa at my eyes were now the definition of how my mother described the saints when I was little.

Vanessa places her hand on the crystal and a stream of golden and scarlet energy leaves her body and the monster's core grows more and more luminous until I'm not even able to look in her direction.

"< Holy Purification >" (Vanessa)

With Vanessa using her magic through the magic circle a strong light spreads through this place and I feel like it keeps spreading everywhere, when this energy touches my body I feel like all negative feelings and any bad feeling disappears.




Soon I could hear screams of pain coming from everywhere, I had to wait until the light faded and see Vanessa lying on the floor, so I opened a gate to the Dungeon and took Vanessa and Irina inside, I tried to sink into my shadow but I couldn't, maybe it's because of that Light that hasn't disappeared yet, so I just run out to fly over the walls going outside, so I could go around safely until I get to the place where the master must be fighting.


Pov Elsaris:

As soon as I separated myself from Zenos' hired Spirit I run everywhere, I avoid fighting any warriors and I only go after the Mages as they have weaker defense and vitality, the Undead I ignore as I keep looking until I finally find one. The only Lamia emerging from a cabin in the middle of a training ground, she was fully armed leading a group of thirty or forty warriors of various races.

"< Paralyzing Shock >" (I)

I use a Thunder element magic attack, this sent a cone-shaped electrical discharge in front of me hitting all enemies, while they were paralyzed I threw ten daggers while running until I reached Lamia.

I was informed that her name was Jade, her snake lower body had green scales, she also had green eyes and hair, her body was well trained and she used a spear, she felt my attack and managed to protect herself.

I attacked her with a kick, she used her spear to throw me up and I spin in the air throwing ten more daggers killing ten more enemies.

Lamia tried to attack me with her spear, she was experienced in battle as the moment I dodged her forcefully it changed her movement to slash me instead of piercing me with the spear.

,m Even admitting that she fights well I still have to take her before more enemies see me, so I grab her spear and pull her towards me, when she defends I give three punches to her tail that tried to hit me from behind, so I use my daggers to cut her in several places as my speed surpasses hers.

After doing dozens of blows I threw a smoke bomb in her face, I took advantage of her getting slower and slower to do this.

I used three different sleep poisons to make her pass out, I was trying not to hurt her too much after I saw her pass out I used my fire magic to burn the last ten enemies while I tied this Lamia down in a way that would be easier for me carry her since her body is very fulfilled.

At that moment I feel something and then I see everything around me being taken by strong light, this light was calming and made me feel a little happy to know that the plan was going well, so I started to run taking this body that was bigger than the man, I was going to use that light as a cover to get out of the keep unseen.
