After such a hard battle and with so many surprises everyone was exhausted physically and mentally, in addition to seeing the crack in the sky and the disappearance of several mountains was shocking for everyone, but for some reason the most nervous was Vanessa.

Vanessa urged everyone to go back to Sapphire's village, so we finished cleaning the battlefield that the fortress became, and as I already knew that everything of value had already been taken by the others, I decided to leave towards the village.

As we didn't need to hide from Farus anymore I told Nix to go flying in her Dragon form to be faster, as Nix didn't fight much this time I thought we could speed up the trip back like this since Vanessa seemed pretty nervous.

While Nix takes us all inside the Dungeon we are safe enough to continue treating the wounded, I told everyone that we will have a meeting during the night, I did this so we can better understand our situation when everyone is rested.

I was one of the most injured, but I had already recovered from my physical injuries, but my mind was exhausted, I was not in a position to think about anything else, so I left everything in the hands of others and passed out on bed until nightfall.


It was nighttime when Nolan came to wake me up, he had kiss marks and bite marks on his neck and face, he also had a strange happy smile, it wasn't hard to imagine what had happened.


"Sorry to wake you, master." (Nolan)

"But Freya said she was asked to wake you up when the sky darkens." (Nolan)

"Thanks for waking me up, I'm the one who asked since we're having one more meeting today." (I)

I look at that smile on his face.

"Looks like you were having a lot of fun, doesn't it?" (I)

At my words, Nolan's body petrifies in place and he breaks out in a sweat before trying to turn to me in an attempt to keep a calm face if it weren't for the redness all over his face.

"I don't know what the master is talking about..." (Nolan)

"No need to hide it from me, besides your happy smile the kiss marks and bites make it clear what happened." (I)

"..." (Nolan)

Nolan runs to the full-length mirror in my bedroom and freezes in place before pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket and hurriedly trying to clean himself.

"Damn! That's why Leo and Ivan gave me that thumbs up when they saw me, why didn't they let me know sooner?" (Nolan)

"Don't worry too much about it, so say did you have fun?" (I)

"I didn't expect to have this kind of conversation with you, master." (Nolan)

"But the truth is, coming to the mountain range has been heaven for me." (Nolan)

"Demi women are much more sincere and aggressive with their own desires than human women." (Nolan)

"I know that Diana has told me this in the past, even though she's not a Demi she said that the Beastmen are similar, they're honest with what they want too." (I)"The village we are helping has so many women, the best thing is that as there are many women warriors they get more excited because of the adrenaline of combat." (Nolan)

"After each fight, the Lamias and Arachnes mostly look for partners to ease the tension, they also don't mind sharing among their friends." (Nolan)

"Today I know that the best decision of my life was to become a Vampire, if I were still human I would be dead right now, I wouldn't have passed the first night." (Nolan)

,m "I'm glad you're having fun, but be careful not to get anyone pregnant or you'll have to take responsibility." (I)

"Actually I think they want to get pregnant, many women have been bothering Lyra to find out if she has any potions that help increase the chances of getting pregnant." (Nolan)

"No one told me about this before." (I)

"The master has had a lot to worry about, we can't bother you with every little thing." (Nolan)

"But the master need not worry, as a Vampire my chances of having a child are very slim." (Nolan)

"Looks like you've been with a lot of women." (I)

"Actually it's been so intense that one night I was kidnapped by a group of Arachnes, there were twenty, I thought I would die if it wasn't for Ivan coming to help me, I needed resistance and healing potions to stay on my feet that night." (Nolan)

"I didn't know they were that desperate to kidnap you." (I)

"I've heard it's a trait of their culture, like a natural hunting instinct." (Nolan)

"Ivan told me that this is one of the problems that cause them to be hunted if they are close to a city." (Nolan)

"They must have been upset when Ivan got you out of there." (I)

"I think you got it wrong, Ivan realized they weren't even able to get up when he came out laughing carrying me." (Nolan)

"But how did he do that? Isn't he an Undead?" (I)

"I asked him the same question, the answer was that the spectral body ability completely mimics a normal body, plus as an undead he never gets tired." (Nolan)

"Then he must be having a great time too." (I)

"Not so much, it seems that a lot of women don't want to sleep with him because he's an Undead, there are several reasons for that, one of which is that they can't get pregnant with him." (Nolan)

"But Leo was persecuted a lot, but he was very loyal to Caryna." (Nolan)

"I respect that a lot." (I)"But the very persistent women met a horrible fate when Caryna learned of this, it was a brutal scene, I've never seen Leo's face so scared before." (Nolan)

"Let's not overdo it, Caryna is the kindest and gentlest person I know." (I)

"Master, maybe you've never been in a serious relationship if you're saying this, but a jealous woman's rage is terrifying, the more loving she is usually the worse when she is angry." (Nolan)

It's been a long time since I've had such a relaxed conversation on this sort of subject, I think the last time was in my previous life when I was 25 and listening to the love problems of a friend I grew up with at the orphanage.

I don't think I've ever talked to Nolan that much before, normally he acts very strict and professional around me, I hope after this conversation we can talk like that again.

I talked with him for a while, I heard a lot of interesting stories, but I noticed something strange when I mentioned some things about the past when I met Diana, Ibuki, Érica, and Kira.

For some reason, he was looking at me like he wanted to tell me something, after pressing a little he was able to understand.

He told me that the girls have tried to catch me off guard several times, whether it's with me sleeping or in the shower, it seems like Layla, Freya, Irina, and Sophia have been doing their best to protect me in these moments.

Nolan also said that there were many women from the village who wanted to come after me, but they weren't able to approach me as there was always someone watching me from afar.

I was shocked that I didn't realize this sooner, it seems like everyone in the mansion already knew this except me.

I would like to talk a little more with him about this subject, but Freya appeared in the room furious with Nolan for taking so long to come down with me, it seems that I spent a lot of time talking and everyone had been gathered waiting for me for some time.

So I got dressed and went downstairs with Freya while Nolan was forced to clean the rest of the mansion.


When I checked into the meeting place I saw that the people in charge of the village were all present, in addition to my group being all here as well.

After my conversation with Nolan, I started to notice a few things, the way my group is positioned for example.

Irina and Irius were on either side of Diana as she looked straight at me, I felt a shiver down my back when I saw her eyes, it looked like a predator looking at prey.

In addition, there was also Érica who was next to Vanessa, I noticed that Vanessa was paying a lot of attention to her, when I looked at Érica she looked at me while she had a smile on her face and ran her tongue over her lips, I don't think I will have a clearer sign than that.

Ibuki was unconscious with Ivan holding her, I don't even want to imagine why she's unconscious, Kira seems calm and isn't even looking at me, but I can feel like she's paying attention to my every move.

"(I think I have a big problem that could end up blowing up in my face before long.)" (I)

"Now that you are all present, we can start this meeting." (Sapphire)

"I apologize for the delay, I scheduled this meeting because Vanessa was very nervous after she saw the crack in the sky." (I)

"That must have happened due to the Fairy Kings' fight against that Heretic God." (Sapphire)

"I didn't see this event as I had entered the Dungeon at the time, but people in your group have already told us what happened." (Nymph)

"Since the reason for this meeting is you, then feel free to speak up, Vanessa." (I)

Everyone looked at Vanessa, she also looked around before starting to speak in a serious tone.

"To be as direct as possible, we're screwed, we have to leave the mountain range as quickly as possible." (Vanessa)
