Everyone looked at Vanessa, she also looked around before starting to speak in a serious tone.

"To be as direct as possible, we're screwed, we have to leave the mountain range as quickly as possible." (Vanessa)

"You said that when you saw the crack in the sky while we were still in the fortress, can you explain it in a way that everyone will understand?" (I)

"As you all know, Farus was a Priest of an Heretic God." (Vanessa)

"I didn't see the battle as I was unconscious, but the creature that took Farus' body must have been this Heretic God, but it wasn't even 1% of his true power, it was just consciousness with a shard of power." (Vanessa)

"From what Ivan told me, it seems that the souls that Farus collected and used as an offering to this Heretic God were being used on his soul, this Heretic God was modifying Farus' soul without him realizing it to use as a vessel." (Vanessa)

"He wanted to incarnate in this world using Farus' body, all we did was spoil his plans, it seems that the Dungeon my Father destroyed was also part of this Heretic God's future plan." (Vanessa)


"I already understand all this, where are you going with this?" (Sapphire)

"I think she wants to give context for those who didn't see the battle to get a better overview, right?" (I)

"Exactly, Father." (Vanessa)

"Now I will tell you the most important part, who won this battle was not us, it was the Fairies, they were just waiting for an opportunity to get to where this Heretic God was." (Vanessa)

"That crack in the space above those mountains must have been because of the battle that took place in a place where we couldn't see." (Vanessa)

"But that crack and the divine power that came out of it was felt probably by half of the continent, normal people won't notice it, but the High Priests of any religion that have holy power will feel it." (Vanessa)

"No, that's too bad." (Ivan)

"We must get out of here as soon as possible." (Elsaris)

"I still did not get it." (I)

"What do other religions have to do with getting out of the mountain range?" (Sapphire)

I wasn't getting where Vanessa was getting at, maybe I just didn't want to admit it.

"All religions have their own fighting forces, what do you think you will do when you feel an explosion of divine power unknown in a place uninhabited for centuries?" (Vanessa)

"They're going to come here to investigate, but not just a few people, they're going to come armies." (Elsaris)

"Like any army, they will want to set up a temporary base here, but for that, they will want to get rid of anything hostile in the area." (Ivan)

"In other words, armies will appear here and kill all dangerous monsters, as you may already know, the races of everyone in the village are considered monsters by almost every Kingdom on this continent." (Elsaris)After Elsaris pointed out the main point of this problem the room was silent, almost everyone on the village council was showing expressions of anger or sadness.

For some reason the only one who was calm and didn't show anything was the representative of the Nymphs, the village leader had her eyes closed and her arms crossed, she looked like she was trying to think of something.

I didn't want to admit that Elsaris and Vanessa were right, it may be true that I'm gaining something by fighting Farus, but I really wanted the people of the village to be able to live peacefully from now on.


"I should have known things wouldn't be so easy, as if all the problems we're going to have weren't enough." (Sapphire)

"What problems are you talking about, village leader?" (Ghoul Leader)

"I thought that after Farus was defeated we could live in peace if it weren't for this matter now." (Hobgoblin leader)

"The damage that Farus has caused is already irreparable, you just haven't realized yet why you were only focused on fighting Farus." (Sapphire)

"So could you explain this to us?" (Ogre Leader)

"You just need to see what we're going to face day to day apart from now." (Sapphire)

"The main problem is the number of people living in the mountain range, apart from our village there are only a couple of other villages that have less than 100 people." (Sapphire)

"If we compare it to the numbers of 10 or 20 years ago, then we have less than 1/4 of the population that we used to have." (Sapphire)

"I know the numbers are sparse right now for almost all races, but why would that be a problem?" (Werewolf leader)

"In the past, there were dozens of villages, maybe even more scattered throughout the mountain range, so we could control the monster population and still take care of the various dungeons in the mountain range." (Sapphire)

"But now it's different, with our numbers it's impossible that we can spread across the mountain range like we did in the past, we won't be able to take care of all the dungeons either." (Sapphire)

"Furthermore, miasma has already spread throughout the entire mountain range in the last two years, because of that the frequency that first-generation monsters are spawning is ×10 higher." (Sapphire)

"The number of people in the village is less than 10000 now, I was already having trouble thinking of a solution before I knew that armies could appear at any time for us to exterminate..." (Sapphire)

With every word from the village leader the room is covered with a mood of melancholy, I can see the faces of some village council representatives turning pale at the situation they hadn't noticed until now.

Even the village leader showed an expression of tiredness and despair on her face, it seems that she had already noticed these problems, she must have noticed the number of monsters increasing over the years because of the miasma.

"The brutal way in which Farus trained his troops helped to control the monsters inside the Dungeons, but from now on it would be our problem, if we don't it will only be a matter of time before a wave of monsters comes out of the Dungeons." (Sapphire)

At the mention of waves of monsters, I can see the anger and sadness being replaced by despair on the representatives' faces.I don't think I ever stopped to think about what would happen to these people after Farus was defeated, never thought about what kind of hardship they would face.

"What are we going to do..." (Orc Leader)

"Monsters aren't the only problem, you may not have noticed, but the village's food was becoming increasingly scarce." (Nymph leader)

"I'll admit we were running out of food, but that's because we weren't going out hunting, we had to hide so Farus wouldn't find the village." (Sapphire)

"The problem wasn't just the meat, the miasma was starting to affect the fruit trees and crops my race tended." (Nymph leader)

"Trees can become monsters, but if they stay too long in the miasma the fruits can become harmful because of the malice in the miasma because we had to discard large amounts of food." (Nymph leader)

"Why didn't I hear about this sooner?" (Sapphire)

"It wouldn't do to tell, none of us can do anything about it, even if Farus has been defeated the problem will still continue, there's a lot of miasma in the mountain range." (Nymph leader)

"Unlike most who are here, you seem to be a very calm representative of the Nymphs, maybe you already have a solution?" (I)

"I already know what to do, but before announcing I need to talk to the other representatives and the village leader." (Nymph leader)

"Depending on their response my race may separate from the village, so there are certain things that must be discussed first." (Nymph leader)

"Alright, I won't meddle in your village's affairs, after all, I don't intend to stay here long." (I)

"Do you still have anything else you want to say Vanessa?" (I)

"No, I just wanted to warn everyone as the mountain range is no longer safe." (Vanessa)

"Besides, the Church of Light will surely be on its way, it must be one of the first to arrive because its headquarters are the closest." (Vanessa)

"I don't want to meet them, sure I'll be hunted for being a Heretic." (I)

"Of all the religions they are the most prejudiced against other races, the people who are going to come must also have strong detection capabilities, so it will be difficult to escape if we wait too long." (Irina)

"After arriving at the village we will decide our next destination, how much time do you think we have before they arrive?" (I)

"Maybe two weeks, they have Spatial Mages, they also have strong and fast mounts, they use Light Horses." (Irius)

"I heard that these monsters can only be found in the Church of Light." (Diana)

"They are monsters that have been converted, you need to capture a Shadow Horse and perform a ritual in a holy place to purify the element of shadows while granting the element of Light." (Irius)

"But because of that this monster can't evolve into any other race, moreover they lose their instinct which makes it easier to train them but makes them weaker too." (Irina)

"They're just puppets, a well-trained warhorse will still be better than them." (Ivan)

"What I mean is that with these Horses of Light the troops of the Church of Light will quickly cross the mountain range." (Irius)

"Then it would be good for everyone to rest for today, I'll let the village people have their meeting as you have important decisions to make." (I)

After saying that I left with everyone in my group, only the village leader and the village council stayed behind in the meeting room, meanwhile, I went to my room to rest some more, my whole body was still aching and I needed to be in good shape for what I want to do tomorrow.
