Before I can leave the room my legs go weak and I lose my balance almost falling over so Vanessa comes to me, she helps me to my feet.

"Are you okay, Dad? You look a little pale." (Vanessa)

"I'm fine, I'm just weak from what I've done until tonight I'll be fine." (I)

"At least you didn't pass out this time." (Vanessa)

"Help me to my bed." (I)

"All right." (Vanessa)

"Hang on!" (Sapphire)


As I was about to start walking back to my room being supported by Vanessa, the village leader called me.

"This is not a good time village leader, my Father is very weak and needs to rest." (Vanessa)

"Let her do the talking, Vanessa." (I)

"I just want to ask a question, but first allow me to thank you for bringing my daughter back to me." (Sapphire)

"Don't thank me, you also know I didn't do it just out of the goodness of my heart." (I)

"I just wanted to know one thing, do you consider yourself a good person?" (Sapphire)

I felt like there was more to this question than what she was saying, I also felt like her eyes were sizing me up, I don't understand why doing such a thing now, but I have no reason to lie about this matter.

"Of course not, a good person helps others without caring about himself, a good person is someone who helps without expecting anything in return, I'm not like that." (I)

"I have my own rules, I also don't help anyone, for me to think if I'm going to help someone I evaluate if the person still has a strong will, but if the person has already lost their will and surrendered, then I won't help." (I)

"I helped in the battle against Farus, but I still had my own reasons and you also still had a strong will to fight, I also gained many of the belongings that were in the fortress, and helping your daughter was something I already wanted to do for other reasons. " (I)

"If that's all I wanted to know, then I'm going to bed." (I)


Sapphire Pov:

What I saw today is completely different from what I expected, it was something as surprising as the night when Zenos evolved spreading his Aura all over the place and causing those phenomena.

My daughter's body had changed a lot, her appearance became more beautiful and I can only say from her Aura that she is much stronger, the best thing is that she seems to have returned to the daughter I used to know.

Ever since Zenos said he would use my daughter in an experiment I've held a grudge against him, but after seeing my daughter like this I realize I can only be grateful to him.

At that moment the conversation I had with the other representatives last night comes to mind, maybe they are right and I should make the same decision as to them, my race has no future in the mountain range if I stay here.

I ran to hug my daughter, but when I saw Zenos almost fall and see Vanessa going to help carry him to the room I realized there was a question I should ask.

Zenos' answer was something I didn't expect, since the beginning, he has been helping my village and me, the village people look at Zenos as if he was a Hero, even in the attack against the fortress he was the spearhead opening a way for everyone, in every battle he was always concerned about the number of dead and wounded.

In my view he is a good person, many would not take risks as he did, many would not strive as he did, even if he also had his own goals that's nothing wrong, the important thing was the way he cared with the people of my village, he was always honest with me."How do you feel? Is your mind clear? Has your strength increased?" (Elsaris)

While I was lost in thought I hear Elsaris's voice behind me, when I turn I see her talking to my daughter as she looks at her body seriously as if she is evaluating her.

"My body is full of power, I've never felt anything like this before, plus my mind is much lighter now, I feel like I was lost in a forest full of mist before, but now I feel like I'm in the middle of a field of flowers being able to see everything in all directions." (Jade)

"What are you doing?" (I)

"I'm just checking the changes this technique causes on the target, I won't hurt her." (Elsaris)

She must want to clear all her doubts as her sister is going to go through this too.

As I watched Elsaris ask my daughter several questions, Vanessa came back and stopped by my side.

"What did you think?" (Vanessa)

"I've never seen anything like it, who really is your Father?" (I)

"It's not time for you to know yet, but I would like to know if after what you say you changed your mind about what we talked about yesterday?" (Vanessa)

"Yea." (I)

"I accept, but I still have my doubts if Zenos will accept." (I)

"He will accept, if you have a strong determination in your decision he will find it difficult to refuse you, my Father respects you very much, especially you the leader of the village." (Vanessa)

"I don't know why he would respect me, I was completely useless during the whole battle, I couldn't help but fight, I'm a failure as a village leader." (I)

"But if he accepts to shelter us in this dungeon, then I would have a surprise for him." (I)

"I hope so." (Vanessa)

"But I still have a doubt, will we be able to bring the Guardian of the village too?" (I)

"I don't know, you'll have to ask my Father or Nix if they are able to bring that big tree as we did with the fruit trees." (Vanessa)

"I would like to spend time with my daughter, but we will have time for that later, now I have to let everyone in the village know about our plans, once we get to the village we have to prepare." (I)


Pov Zenos:

In the middle of the day Layla wakes me up by splashing water on my face, I reciprocate by tying her with my threads and leaving her on the bed while other Fairies try to release her.

"Good morning Master." (Freya)

"Good Morning." (I)

"Actually, it's late." (Freya)

"I asked Layla to wake you up because we just arrived at the village gates about twenty minutes ago." (Freya)"Let everyone know then." (I)

I get up and get ready, then grab a few bottles of blood to drink as I head to the campsite near the mansion, on the way I run into Sophia.

"Good morning Master." (Sophia)

"Good Morning." (I)

"I've been wanting to talk to you since yesterday, but you always seem busy or asleep." (Sophia)

"What do you want to talk about?" (I)

"When Farus had been defeated and the village leader was bringing him to torture inside the Dungeon I followed her and got some meat and a bottle of blood for you." (Sophia)

"Thanks, but I'm not going to eat or drink this, as tempting as it is to get necromancy skills." (I)

"Why do not you want?" (Sophia)

"Farus had been possessed by an Heretic God, I don't know if it's safe to eat or drink these things." (I)

"So should I just throw this away or should I burn it?" (Sophia)

"Neither, talk to Vanessa first to see if this is safe, then give it to Lyra, she might have some use for it." (I)

"All right." (Sophia)

After a little chat with Sophia I arrive at the camp and I think it's strange that there's no one else there, it seems like everyone left, but for some reason, they left everything here.

After that I walked to the safe room while sending some food to the Fairies and Spirits, creating some Mana spheres or spiritual energy to eat, because of that I spent about an hour walking.

After I left through the Dungeon gate I was surprised to be already inside the village, the village people seemed to be getting ready to flee, everyone was packing their things in backpacks or boxes, it looked like they wanted to leave even today.

"(I think they really are coming out of the mountain range, I hope they find a quiet place to live.)" (I)

It took me a while to realize something very important, I was so distracted by the people walking to and fro, because of that, it took me a while to realize that the giant tree disappeared, that tree with red leaves could be seen from everywhere in the village due to its size, that tree was the body of the Dryad who is the Guardian of the village.

I run there and all I find is a big hole where the tree used to be, I looked around but saw no signs of struggle.

"You're looking for me." (Dryad)

I recognize the Dryad's voice, when I turn around I see her looking around twenty years behind me, she looks different.

"What happened to you? Where is your tree?" (I)

"I no longer have a tree, I am no longer a Dryad, I have evolved into a Being of the Forest." (Forest Being)

"All of this is thanks to you, thank you very much." (Forest Being)

"What does this have to do with me?" (I)

"Because in order to evolve into my current race I needed the help of a powerful Fairy and a Spirit of the Wood element, I was lucky to have the help of a Fairy Queen and a Spirit Queen because of you." (Forest Being)

"The Wood Spirit Queen, Mistress Kamelia asked me to run a message for you." (Forest Being)

"Who is Kamelia?" (I)

"She's an old friend, master." (Nix)

"Then I'll ask you to tell me more about her later, Nix." (I)

"I'll talk to you later, but before that, you have other things to take care of." (Nix)

Nix who was nearby overhears my conversation and comes to talk to me, after that I turn to the Village Guardian to continue our conversation.

"What was the message?" (I)
