When Vanessa said that Jade could even become a Demon the village leader turned pale, but it didn't matter to me, I already had a Demon in my group.

"If she can't be purified what can we do?" (Sapphire)

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here, just wait until Farus' troops arrive, at that point I'll have fun watching you all get killed, hahahahaha..." (Jade)

"I've heard enough." (I)

"< Sound Barrier >" (I)

I create a barrier that will isolate the sound around Jade, so I don't have to keep listening to her nonsense, what I've seen and heard so far is enough for me to get a sense of her current personality, it will also be nice to have the village leader here to give us a reference of how she was before suffering from this disease.

I was wondering how she will change later if I use my abilities on her, her appearance should change a bit, but how much of her personality can change?


"I understand her condition, if the cause of this illness is the miasma and malice inside her, then you can leave the rest to me." (I)

"Can you get rid of the miasma too?" (Vanessa)

"In a way yes, my ability will convert that miasma and malice inside her into a power that will make her even stronger." (I)

"(I just hope it doesn't turn her into a Demon by accident like Érica did.)" (I)

"Everyone can walk away, I must also remember not to interrupt me as I don't know what would happen to her if she stopped halfway." (I)

"Are you sure my daughter will be safe?" (Sapphire)

"I guarantee she won't risk her life." (I)

"(That's if she doesn't resist.)" (I)

"Elsaris, what I'm going to do to Jade is the same as what I'm going to do to your sister, so just see, so you don't have to worry anymore." (I)

After saying that everyone backs away as I get closer to Jade, then I wave my hand causing the sound barrier to expand to cover a 10-meter space with me inside.

"Who are you child, let go of me before I crush your head, I have to find master Farus." (Jade)

"You will never find him again, how do you think we captured you? Do you think we broke into the fortress and left alone with you?" (I)

"The truth is that Farus, as well as everyone who was still with him, are dead." (I)

"LIE! Our troops are much stronger than the people of my mother's village, besides the master, Farus has three guards with equal strength to my mother, you wouldn't be able to defeat him." (Jade)

"I don't care if you believe it or not, that's the truth." (I)

"You say you wanted to become strong don't you? So I advise you not to resist my power, then you will have what you seek." (I)

"A child talking like he knows everything, someone so small and weak wouldn't be able to give me the power I want." (Jade)

"That you will soon find out." (I)

I activate all of my Aura abilities and wait as they intertwine until I only have a single black Aura with rays of various colors glowing from within around me, then I start expanding that Aura to Jade.

I see her face go pale as she writhes on the ground still trapped in chains, my Auras try to enter her body but she seems to resist, I activate my Blood Servant skill causing red energy to leave my hand and go towards her Jade."(I don't think I need to use my astral body with her, but I will use the blood pact.)" (I)

I activate the blood pact also causing blood to flow out of the pores of my body along with my mana, spirit energy, and ki.

"Accept my power, stop resisting and you will have everything you ever wanted." (I)

"Pledge allegiance to me and that power will be yours." (I)

"Argh..." (Jade)

Her resistance wavered for a second and my Aura managed to enter her body, now any resistance will be useless, my Aura, energies, and blood enter her body until it fills her completely, I can feel the darkness inside her.


<[ You have successfully submitted the individual ]>



<[ Choose a power to bestow on her ]>




<[ Skill [ Blood Pact ] activated ]>



<[ You have the choice to grant an individual power if you wish ]>

Once again the various information about an endless number of skills and bloodlines pops into my head, no matter how many times I experience this feeling, it is always a horrible experience, it seems that each time there is more information, it makes me confused and with a big headache, but luckily I've already thought about what I want to grant her.

I choose to grant the skill [ Poison Secretion (Paralyzing/Necrotic/Deadly/Sleep/Hallucinogen): 1 ].

I will also grant the [ Eclipse Serpent (Unique): 100% ] bloodline.


<[ Starting process to awaken you from the potential ]>




<[ Starting body reconstruction ]>.



<[ Miasma and malice found in the individual ]>




<[ Initiating dark energy transformation process to increase potential ]>

After choosing the power and bloodline I wanted to bestow on her, two streams of liquid come out of my body and contain themselves in two ways, one was a stream of blood that left my body and joined together forming a blood snake, the other was a stream of purple liquid that coalesced into a skull, the two black shapes flying out to enter Lamia's body.

As soon as they enter her body my Aura inside her starts to burn like a black flame while making her body float, but it is not destroying her body, soon the flame changes color to purple and finally red, the colors keep changing between these three in an endless cycle, so a flame appears to crystallize into a large crystal cocoon.


<[ Power grant ended ]>

It takes a few minutes for this light show to show, then I started to notice that the cocoon light starts to glow in the rhythm of a beating heart, in a short time I start to hear the sound of this heart as I feel my energies being sucked from my body to this cocoon, but luckily it stops when I have 1/3 of my energy.

The crystal cocoon explodes turning into grains of light that spread across the room then a body shows up in front of me, it was a two-meter tall woman with a well-trained athlete's body, she had long green hair down to her waist, golden eyes, her skin was white and her body was curvy like a model.

She was humanoid in appearance from the waist up, she also had black and white scales on her arms, neck, and face, her claws were purple in color, she had a long snake-like tail with two-color scales just like the rest of her body, in black and white.

When she opens her mouth a giant snake's tongue sticks out and I can see the thin, sharp fangs in her mouth.

Her golden eyes were full of seduction that hid deeper a promise of danger, she was beautiful.

She looked confused at first as she looked around, then she looks at her hands and then at her body which was completely naked now, a green and purple energy glows from her body, then I see her tail being enveloped by that energy as it glows in the green and purple wheels, in seconds the light disappeared showing that she now had two legs in place of a tail, in addition, the snake scales on her arms and claws were gone, I even noticed that her snake fangs in her mouth were gone, she looked completely human now.

She looks at her body again and starts to cry, then looks towards the village leader for a few seconds, I wait to know what her reaction will be, then I don't and I don't say anything.

Soon she turns to me and wipes her tears with one hand and walks with difficulty towards me, reminds me of the way drunks usually walk, she can't balance and seems to struggle as she takes small steps almost falling several times until getting in front of me and get on my knees.

"Thanks for stopping me, master." (Jade)

"At some point, I lost my way, all I could think about was how much I wanted to be stronger, I was consumed by this desire." (Jade)

"But I had forgotten why I wanted to get stronger, I had forgotten what I wanted to defend with this power I wanted so badly." (Jade)

"No forgiveness for someone who has betrayed his family, his people and his beliefs for selfish reasons." (Jade)

"I was seeing what I had become and the atrocities I had done in the name of Farus, but I couldn't understand, all I felt was an ache in my heart that I didn't know why." (Jade)

"Thank you for bringing me back to reality, for giving me the opportunity to atone for my sins even if I have to die." (Jade)

While Jade was still struggling towards me I made the sound barrier disappear so everyone heard Jade's words.

I take a cloak out of my storage item and throw it over Jade, then go down and place my hand on her shoulder.

"Now that you've called me master, I won't let you die." (I)

"If you want to atone for sins, do it in life, death is an escape for the weak." (I)

"Always remember that power and strength are not the same things, a strong person is not the same as a powerful person." (I)

"..." (Jade)

As I spoke I noticed the floor getting wet, it wasn't hard to find that Jade started crying again, I turn and walk away as the village leader runs to her daughter as she cries.
