At the moment we are heading towards the coast of the mainland, we are heading in the opposite direction from where the religious armies must be entering the mountain range, I imagine they must be passing through Trigan's Kingdom.

What we are going to do is get to the beaches and go around the sea, if I wanted I could go to one of the cities of the Trigan Kingdom that has a commercial port, but I want to leave the Trigan Kingdom and go to one of the smaller Kingdoms, there are many eyes on the Kingdom Trigan at the moment also said I don't know if Prince Drago is still there and I don't want to find him.

When I'm away from the mountain range I plan to take a few days to enjoy the beach, everything has been so hectic since I went to Valen town and all I want is to relax for a few days.

At the moment I'm inside the Dungeon facing a new problem, I'm with Safira, Ivan, Érica, and Nira.

"Tell me again why this should be a problem? Wouldn't it be easier to build wherever you want?" (I)

"There are more than 7000 people, we have already passed the level of a village, that is the number of a small town." (Ivan)

"Before starting to build we have to think about the configuration that would be the most suitable." (Ivan)


"That's true, I had a lot of problems when immigrants arrived in my village, there were a lot of houses to build and we had to defend ourselves because I said I let everyone build where they wanted and it was a mess." (Sapphire)

"You have to know that it's not just houses that need to be built, you have to build farms, schools, a place where the people in charge can gather to work around the village, etc." (Ivan)

"What a headache, why do I have to solve all this, I don't understand anything about construction." (I)

"(When I built cities, towns, or Kingdoms in my games I basically copied the civil maps of various cities around the world, sometimes I left it to someone else at the game company I created, I don't know anything about that.)" (I)

"Does anyone from the village know how to organize the construction of a small town?" (Érica)

"No, if there was someone qualified for this I wouldn't have had any problems before, as villages grow over generations we usually don't need to worry about that." (Sapphire)

"I have a suggestion." (Nira)

"Please speak up, these people are only bringing problems to me when I need solutions." (I)

"Since no one here knows about these things, why not find someone qualified for it." (Nira)

"..." (I)

Since I haven't thought of something so simple, if I'm not qualified for something, I just find someone who is, then I can throw that problem at him and relax on the beach.I give Nira a hug lifting her up and around while I laugh, I really got carried away this time.

"Hahahahaha...that was a great idea Nira." (I)

"..." (Nira)

"With this, I can throw this problem... I mean I can put this important project in the hands of someone competent." (I)

"Very well Nira, you deserve a hug..." (Érica)

"Wait, you're hugging the wrong person... where are you putting that hand... where are you running your tongue..." (I)

When I realized that I had hugged Nira at the spur of the moment I let go of her, Nira was all red in the face, this is an expression I've never seen on her face.

Suddenly Érica comes up behind me and hugs me along with Nira, she uses Nira as an excuse for this, but the places where Érica's hands are passing over my body and her tongue in my ear show what she really wants.

Ivan and Safira will need to work together to get me out of Érica's arms, my face was hot when I noticed the men around laughing while giving me a thumbs up, the women were red in the face while keeping a smile on their face, two Lamias and one Arachne even kidnapped one of the bigger men who was giving me a thumbs up, he was a well-muscled Ogre with lots of war scars.

No one was surprised by this, when I saw the guy being dragged into the woods I just gave him a thumbs up too, people around just treat this insane scene as normal, looks like Nolan is right when that's part of the culture there.

I asked Sapphire about it later and she said that women do it a lot, but only with single men, she told me that humans always talk about monsters kidnapping women, but the truth is that monster females and Demi women have it. much more sexual desire than men to a degree that can become a problem if suppressed.

To solve this problem it was accepted among all that a single man can be caught if he is careless or fails to run away, but men who already have a partner or more than one partner cannot be targeted, but she said that even so, she still has some few cases of committed men getting caught.

She also said that if the woman represses it for a long time it can lose control and become aggressive, also in cases where the desire is repressed for a long time it can lead to the death of the partner due to exhaustion during sex, as the body will be consumed by your primal instincts, then this way of settling things was created.

Also, each woman has her personal preferences over men, but they don't mind sharing them with other women, it seems that the Demis culture is very liberal.

I asked if men also kidnap women, but it seems that there is no need as they only need to ask, usually, it is the women who have the most desirable and cannot control themselves, sometimes there are even men who try to run because if they are caught they will not go can't even move afterward.

I thought this was a problem at first, but they've been living like this for a long time and everyone seems to accept things as they are, so I don't see a problem.

Later Ivan told me that races of monsters that are mostly male usually live close to races that are mostly female, there are few that live apart, but in these cases that kidnappings happen in human villages and cities, at least this is the case for the intelligent hand races.

----------It was now early evening, the housing issue will be put off for now and it was announced that everyone can live in tents for a week or two, at least until we get this issue resolved.

Every meal becomes a party, that's why everyone eats together, after the meal I call Vanessa and Elsaris to the mansion, I tell Freya to go and call the Elsaris children who were hugged to the mansion earlier, I waited a long time for don't interrupt them.

On the way to the mansion, I tell Elsaris to go get her sister, she understands exactly what I'm going to do and disappears in a blur without even waiting for me to finish talking, when I checked into the mansion Elsaris was holding the red crystal stone with her sister inside and her children were beside her waiting for soothing.

The time has come to fulfill my promise to Elsaris, this is the time to take care of her sister and find out if Elsaris wants to go through this too.

"I think you already know what we're going to do, so let's go to the salon, that's the best place for it." (I)

When I arrive in the hall I stand with Elsaris in the middle of the hall while the others walk away, I look seriously at Elsaris.

"Do you want to go through the same as your sister? You know she will become part of my group after this, right?" (I)

"I told you before that I will always stand by my sister, if she will be her servant then I will be too." (Elsaris)

"Also I saw how Jade got stronger after you used her power, I would be an idiot to refuse that kind of power I can use to protect my sister." (Elsaris)

"All right." (I)

"Does your sister have a name?" (I)

"No, but I know what name she wanted to have, the name of a Human who helped both of us centuries ago when I was still a weak Rabbit, we were both wounded and this Human tended to our wounds." (Elsaris)

"Because of that I'm going to name this Human for my Sister, her name will be Samira." (Elsaris)

"That's a pretty name, so let's get started?" (I)

"Yea." (Elsaris)

When I treated Jade I only used half my power so I think she would be able to handle two people at the same time, I'm also sure Elsaris prefers to go through this with her sister, I wonder how that will work.

"Break the crystal and free your sister." (I)

I take two cups and a knife, then slit my wrist and start filling both cups with my blood, while I do that Elsaris drew a magic circle on the floor using her blood and leaves the crystal where her sister is in the middle of the magic circle when she activates the magic circle, the crystal changes from solid to liquid, returning to blood spreading across the floor.

I float the two glasses towards Elsaris, so Elsaris takes one glass to drink at once, then she takes the other and bends down to give it to the little White Rabbit.

"I finally found a cure sister, drink this so we can get through this together." (Elsaris)

As if understanding what Elsaris was saying, the Rabbit accepted to drink all the blood, so Elsaris leaves her sister on the floor and stands next to her.

"We are ready, Zenos can start." (Elsaris)
