The Little White Rabbit looked weak, her ears were drooping and she was breathing hard, her red eyes were strangely clear, even though she was barely moving she looked around as if trying to understand the situation, her eyes stopped for a few seconds in Elsaris when I saw tears welling up in her eyes, then she turned to me and I saw the strong determination in her eyes.

This Bunny is very smart, now Elsaris and her sister are standing next to each other and have already drunk their cups of my blood.

Just like I did with Jade two days ago, I start activating all my Aura abilities, then wait for the Auras to intertwine until they form a black Aura with colored lights around me.

I control my Auras while activating the Blood Servant and Vampire Servant skills causing red energies to come out of my hands, then I extend my Aura until it covers the two sisters in front of me at the same time these two red energies hit the two sisters.

Neither of them seems to try to resist, so my Aura and these energies enter their bodies without difficulty, now I activate the [ Blood Pact ] skill, while my Aura and energy fill their bodies a red glow appears from within their stomachs.

Soon drops of blood come out through the pores of my body along with my mana, spirit energy, and Ki going straight to these two sisters.



<[ 2 individuals submitted willingly ]>



<[ Choose a power to bestow on each individual ]>




<[ Skill [ Blood Pact ] activated ]>



<[ You have the choice to grant power to each individual if you wish ]>

I feel my energies leaving my body at a dangerous level, maybe it wasn't the smartest choice to try to take care of both at the same time.

Before long I was so tired that I dropped to one knee, I could see that my body was starting to get weak from the tiredness, but I was still able to keep going, I have done this several times and I have gotten used to this process.

A very big pain hits my head due to the flow of information that invaded my head, I had to use the parallel thinking skill to get myself focused enough to choose the skills I had already thought about.

I bestow the bloodline [ Mystic Rabbit (Unique): 100% ] to the two sisters.

So I grant the skill [ Blood Elemental Affinity: 1 ] also to the two sisters, which should be a good skill for Vampires.

,m After that four streams of red liquid energy come out of my body, two took the form of red liquid bunnies and the other two streams of liquid energy take the solid form of red crystals in the form of a drop.

Each sister got one of each as their bodies absorbed this power I bestowed, then a red flame fully covers their bodies and makes them both float in front of me.

An intense red glow comes out of these flames preventing me from seeing anything, then the flame crystallizes leaving two crystals of the same size floating next to each other in front of me.

In a short time, a heartbeat sound can be heard and the lights of these crystals shine in the rhythm of this beating heart, between the heartbeats the brightness diminishes leaving me to see parts of silhouettes inside the crystals.At that moment my energy stops being sucked by these two sisters, so the pulse of these two crystals accelerates more and more.


<[ Starting process to awaken you from the potential ]>




<[ Starting body reconstruction ]>

Finally, the two crystals explode in the dust of red light energy slowly disappearing, almost without strength I was going to fall, but Beatriz the daughter of Elsaris runs to me and supports me not to fall.

"Thank you..." (I)

"You look very tired, let me help you out a little." (Beatriz)

I grab a bottle of blood replacement potion and drink it, meanwhile, I look at the two girls that can be seen now that the crystal is gone.

The two looks to be around 16 or 17 years old, they both have golden eyes and a purple eye, they both have long black and white hair, Elsaris is a little taller at around 1.70 meters and Samira is 1.65 meters feet tall.

They both had long rabbit ears on top of their heads, their ears were a dark red color, they both had a rabbit tail behind their backs, they also had some dark red fur on their arms and legs.

Elsaris had medium-sized breasts while her sister had small breasts, they both had beautiful legs and looked very athletic with lean muscles.

The two stays for a few minutes looking at each other, then Elsaris throws herself at her sister and starts crying in a way I never expected to see, the appearance the two was beautiful and they looked like two sisters with very similar characteristics, this surprised me since they are not blood sisters.

I wanted to tell them to put some clothes on, but I didn't want to interrupt this moment that took ages to happen, while Elsaris cried her sister lovingly caressed her head, neither of them said anything, for a few minutes the room was completely in silence making it seem like only the two of them were here.

"Sister, I kept my promise, I said... I said I wouldn't rest until I found a cure for you..." (Elsaris)

"I knew you could, but it pains me to know that I've been a burden to you so far." (Samira)

"You will never be a burden to me, sister." (Elsaris)

"How long has it been?" (Samira)

"More than 500 years..." (Elsaris)


"My poor dear girl... you must have suffered a lot because of me..." (Samira)

Samira starts crying as her face gets sad as she imagines how Elsaris must have spent this time, as I see this I pull out another bottle to drink, this time an HP potion.

"I am a Vampire sister, my life expectancy has no limits, as an immortal 500 years are nothing, all this effort has earned me an eternal life by your side..." (Elsaris)

"I will not allow you to be alone again, leave everything to your sister, I will always be by your side." (Samira)

"Sister..." (Elsaris)Such a touching meeting scene is almost making me cry, while trying to stop my tears from coming out I pull out another bottle which this time contains a potion of MP for me to drink.

"Can I see that I have a name now? Besides, I remember that name." (Samira)

"I knew you would like that name, I chose it, but it was Zenos who gave you that name." (Elsaris)

"I love the name, but who is Zenos? Why does my status say I'm a Vampire now?" (Samira)

"Zenos was the person I found who could heal you, he is also our Father now as he is the Patriarch of our bloodline." (Elsaris)

"Where is he? He's that White Elf." (Samira)

"No, that's Jay my son." (Elsaris)

"Zenos is the dark boy with red hair and different colored eyes over there." (Elsaris)

As the two converts continue to embrace while naked, Elsaris slowly explains the things her sister asks until pointing at me, she was drinking the last drop from a bottle of blood this time.

"Is that pretty child our Father? But he looks younger than you." (Samira)

"I'm not sure how old he is, but I suspect he's not even 100 years old, so he must really be younger than me." (Elsaris)

"But age doesn't mean much to a Vampire, what matters to us is a lineage, in time I will teach you about our culture." (Elsaris)

"Alright, we have plenty of time now." (Samira)

"I think you've already had your meeting, but how could you stop hugging and put some clothes on?" (I)


"That might even be a little inappropriate." (Elsaris)

"Why would I care about others looking at me? I'm so proud of this body my sister worked so hard to give me." (Samira)

"It's not about your shame, it's about mine." (I)

"It's hard for me to know where to look, so please put some clothes on." (I)

"Here, put these dresses on until Tanya sews new clothes for you." (Vanessa)

"Thank you so much, could you tell me your name?" (Samira)

"I'm Vanessa, I'm also Zenos' daughter, so you can call me sister if you want." (Vanessa)

"I'm so happy, now my family is even bigger, I always wanted to have a big family." (Samira)

"We still have two other brothers, I'll introduce you to everyone later." (Vanessa)

"Aren't you happy Elsaris? We have more people in our family now." (Samira)

"If the sister is happy, then I am happy." (I)

Vanessa comes to me after talking a bit with her new sisters, so she uses some magic to strengthen me, it will help me stand up and walk a little bit at least.

While Vanessa treated my body, Elsaris was introducing her two children to her sister.

After that I went to sleep, when I checked in the room there were dozens of Fairies and Spirits lying sleeping in my bed, I used my non-elemental magic to make them float and put them somewhere else on the bed, it was making a space for me to lie down too.

After so much time living with Fairies and Spirits around me all the time I'm used to them, so I don't care about these little things anymore like them using my bed, I lie down and let myself be carried away by fatigue.



