After a long conversation with everyone to see how they are doing, I learned that Elsaris and Samira started training together to get used to their bodies, in addition, I learned that Jade spends all day helping the people of the village to start paying for their crimes.

During the afternoon I called Ivan and Nolan over for a men's chat, told them what I thought of me stopping avoiding girls' Charges.

Ivan said I should do this today, that's because Diana is being a big problem on full moon nights, it seems her instincts get stronger and it's hard for her to repress her desires.

Nolan told me that on the last full moon night they had to tie Diana up, that's because she looked like a beast without rationality, Nolan said he's going to miss me since I'll be dead when Diana finishes me, I know it was a joke, but the possibility of that happening worried me.

I asked Nolan to warn the others to stop stopping girls when they try to come to me, I'm a little shy about taking the initiative in these things so I'll wait for them to come to me.

I thought it was a good plan, but seeing a pitying look when Ivan and Nolan looked at me, I didn't dare ask what was going through their heads.

Today would be the day so I wanted to be emotionally prepared, but just as I was walking down the hall of the mansion I was attacked by Ibuki who pushed me into an empty room.


Freya who was nearby passed by the bedroom door and closed the door before leaving, after that I spent the next 4 hours trapped in the room with Ibuki.


When I left the room it was already getting dark, my clothes were in pieces and Ibuki was sleeping comfortably in my arms, I left the room carrying her and the first person I see is Freya waiting outside.

"How long have you been here?" (I)

"Just a few minutes master, I figured your activities were ending when I couldn't hear your voices anymore." (Freya)

"..." (I)

I was frozen in place as I imagined what Freya's words meant.

"Did you... did you hear?" (I)

"I think everyone in the mansion heard, now everyone must be making their preparations, so I advise the master to be careful, even with your strength I'm worried if your body will last until tomorrow morning." (Freya)

"..." (I)

I was completely embarrassed, to imagine that everyone heard what I was doing, not to mention that Ibuki was tireless and only stopped when he passed out from exhaustion, I'm covered in sweat now.

"Master, let me take care of Ibuki, I'll help her clean up and then take her to bed." (Freya)

"Wouldn't it be better for me to do that?" (I)

"I don't think the master will have time for that." (Freya)

"I advise you to start running." (Freya)

"What are you..." (me)Before I finished speaking I felt like something was watching me, when I looked around I didn't see anyone but my instincts were screaming that a predator was nearby.

After these hours with Ibuki, I don't know if I'll be able to be with another girl now, I look worriedly at Freya.

"Don't look at me like that, it was one thing to stop them all that was already exhausting work, but now that they know that Ibuki was the first they won't wait any longer." (Freya)

"I just pray that you manage to survive, Leo was worried about you and tried to stop Diana, you don't want to know your current state." (Freya)

Freya takes Ibuki from my arms, soon I see a figure passing by, but when I looked I didn't see anyone, I knew I should keep away to rest, so I used my maximum speed to run.

"(Damn! Damn! I didn't know they would go crazy like that, first Ibuki who didn't even try to talk to me and came aggressively ripping my clothes, now this situation where I'm running...)" (I)

I was going to try to get past the library to escape through the window, but the moment I passed through the library doors a large magic circle made a dome that prevented me from seeing anything outside.

"You don't know how long I waited master, how many times I imagined this moment..." (Érica)

"Érica? Where are you?" (I)

"You were always so busy, so many problems popping up..." (Érica)

"I'm a little tired right now...let's take it too slow please...let me get some rest..." (I)

I was trying to look around but I wasn't seeing anything, I couldn't control my mana here, it felt like this dome was interfering with the flow of Mana inside my body.

Érica's voice sounded like a whisper coming from all directions, she didn't know where she was coming from.

"I'm sorry master, but I can't contain myself any longer." (Érica)

Soon I hear a voice in my ear at the same time that two light blue arms hug my neck from behind, I feel two soft things on my back, when I look down I see a long thin black tail curling around my waist.

"Don't resist master, I promise I will make your time worth it." (Érica)

I feel Érica run her tongue in my ear as she talks to me, then I feel her hands moving over my body.

For the next few hours I discovered that Érica has a very vivid imagination, besides that she is very provocative with her sensuality, she didn't give me time to rest and for some reason, she was always throwing a potion on the floor that evaporates into a pink mist that made me a little dizzy.

If Ibuki could be called aggressive, then Érica was a total pervert who wanted to test out a lot of different positions and sensations.


I didn't know how much time had passed, I only know that when the dome disappeared I was on the floor naked with Érica in her demonic form-hugging me with a big smile as she slept, I was so tired I was having a hard time gathering my strength to get up.

It took a few minutes before the library doors opened and Freya appeared, she came to me and put a pair of pants beside me, then she threw a cloak over Érica and lifted her into her arms."You're doing better than I imagined dealing with two women who have been suppressing their cravings for months and still staying awake." (Freya)

"I didn't expect... aff... aff... that they would be so energetic... aff... aff..." (I)

Freya stops and leaves two potions on the floor, then she walks to the door.

"You lasted five hours this time, so I'll leave a physical booster potion and an energy potion here." (Freya)

"I advise the master to hurry, there are still two people wearing you." (Freya)

Without waiting for me to say anything Freya leaves with Érica in her arms, I do my best to drag myself to the potions and drink them both.

It only took a few seconds to start feeling the effects of the potions, at that moment I see a figure passing in front of the doors, so I close the doors I take the pants that Freya left behind and I jump through the library window, during the jump I put my pants on while I run to the forest.

Before reaching the forest I see the shadow of a beast jumping from the window that comes out looking at me with a fierce look, a look of a predator looking at its prey.

I ran as fast as I could and tried not to run in a straight line, I used the trees to hide and changed direction several times as I ran, I even tried to use my hiding skills.

"(I didn't expect this kind of situation, why can't my first time be normal like in romantic comedy movies?)" (I)

"(Why does it have to be like a survival movie?)" (I)

As I ran, I stopped hearing any sound, so I stopped on the branch of a tree where I hid among the leaves.

"I got you..." (Diana)


When I thought I was well hidden I feel something hitting me from the side and I'm thrown to the ground, falling out of a tree doesn't even scratch someone with my status.

After the impact I feel my body being pressed against the ground, when I look I see Diana on top of me ripping my clothes off.

Diana's eyes were like a beast's, she destroyed my pants that I had just put on while tearing her own clothes, unlike Érica who tried to talk at least, Diana didn't try to talk and just acted wild.

Diana was literally like a beast, she spent the whole night acting wild, my body was covered in claw marks, especially on my back.


The sky was starting to lighten when I finally managed to make Diana swoon, I found out she was the wild type but it took me longer with her I have no idea how long it was but she was nestled in my arms in the middle of the forest I thought that this night would never end.

I was afraid of losing consciousness before Diana, I was afraid that she would continue even with me unconscious, I don't know if my body could resist it, even now I was at my limit, I wasn't even able to move a finger or say anything, my vision was getting very blurry due to exhaustion.

I hear footsteps approaching, but I don't even have the strength to turn my head.

"Looks like the master is still alive, that's a relief." (Freya)

"Diana has always been our biggest concern, you were here for more than 7 hours, Ivan did his best to keep the people of the village away as Diana's roars and screams were heard from afar." (Freya)

I recognize Freya's voice, she gives me three bottles to drink one at a time, by the taste I knew they were a physical boosting potion and an energy potion like the ones I drank before, the third bottle was blood.

After drinking these three bottles I felt much better, but I still couldn't move, but this time I was at least seeing better and I saw Freya carrying Diana away in her arms.

"Try not to kill him." (Freya)

"I would never let the master die, don't worry, I'll take good care of him." (Kira)

I hear Freya saying something, then I hear another voice that I recognize as Kira's coming from somewhere, then I feel something being dripped into my mouth and I fall into the dream world.
