It was already mid-afternoon when I went to get something to eat, I needed Irius' help to get to the kitchen, my whole body was in pieces, I was so tired that I could spend the rest of the week resting.

As soon as I arrived in the kitchen Freya already had food ready waiting for me.

"I hope the master wasn't upset that I didn't help." (Freya)

"You could have at least tried." (I)

"It wouldn't do any good, none of them wanted to be left behind, since you pleased one you would have to please all of them, but the master did very well for having managed to finish off Kira too." (Freya)

"I had to use various skills to strengthen my body, I also had to use the ability to overcome limits." (I)

"My father was half dead when I took him out of Kira's room, I was with my sister to see if he was still alive." (Irius)


"Irina is taking care of Kira while I came to bring my Father for something to eat after a good shower." (Irius)

"Remind me to thank Lyra for giving Érica and Kira so many suspicious potions." (I)

​ "Lyra didn't have much choice, she wouldn't be able to escape if she refused their request." (Freya)

"From what I hear she has been researching these potions since before we came to the mountain range." (Freya)

"..." (I)

"That means..." (I)

"They were preparing to attack you, they only waited because of the urgent situation in the mountain range." (Freya)

"I thought I was going to die, none of them wanted to give me time to rest." (I)

"Father, you have to know that Demi women shouldn't suppress their desires like Ibuki's." (Irius)

"Érica is even worse, Demons are the race that has the strongest desires, so they have to satisfy their desires somehow or it can become dangerous as you may have seen." (Irius)

"For sure Érica was the craziest of them all, my luck she doesn't have the same physical resistance as Diana or Kira." (I)

"From what I heard it was also Kira's first time, she asked me a lot of advice on this matter to make sure to make the master happy." (Freya)

"It was an amazing night, if it wasn't for the fear of dying from exhaustion every second it would have been even better." (I)

"Usually we Elves don't have that much sexual desire, but you made her repress her desires for a long time." (Freya)

"So they're not going to be like this all the time, are they? I don't think I'll survive if it's like this every time." (I)

"You can learn something to help, for example, men and women in a brothel usually have the skills to give more pleasure to their partners, so they can satisfy their partners faster so they can serve other customers." (Irius)

"..." (I)

"..." (Freya)

Freya and I looked surprised at Irius who always has the Aura of an innocent man, I didn't expect to hear such things from him.

cough cough

"Don't look at me like that, I have my needs too." (Irius)

"With such a pretty face and body like that, I didn't expect you to have to frequent these places." (I)"Before I met you my face wasn't so pretty so I was never very popular, as a warrior I was always on the brink of life and death so when I came back from the Church of Light suicide missions I had to ease the tension somehow." (Irius)

"Does Irina know?" (I)

"Who do you think took me to this kind of place?" (Irius)

"..." (I)

I didn't expect to find out such things about my children, it seems I have to learn more about them.

"But don't worry, Irina doesn't like men, maybe it's because of Archbishop Galaretto, knowing what he did to our mother and what he intended to do to her left a trauma, because of that she has a strong preference for women." (Irius)

"With your story, it doesn't surprise me." (I)

"So the times you two went out at night when we were still in Valen City..." (Freya)

"We don't go to brothels anymore, we always had adventurers looking for us, my sister was even more popular with women than I was." (Irius)

"Many adventurous women prefer to be with other women for fear of getting pregnant by men." (Irius)

Glad to hear my kids are popular with women, they seem to be happy with their lives apparently.

"Well let's wrap this up, the master needs to eat something." (Freya)

I sit at a table in the kitchen, Freya starts bringing out plates of various types of food, Irius puts out five bottles of blood for me to drink as much as I want to.

I clean the dishes one by one until I have a pile of 15 dirty dishes, then drink the last bottle of blood to the bottom.

"I feel alive again." (I)

"Good thing, because that was the last meat we had, sir, you need to hunt for tomorrow's food." (Freya)

"The meat in the village has also run out, we need to organize a hunt tomorrow." (Irius)

"That's not a problem, during the night I talk to everyone to organize everything." (I)

"For the moment nothing will spoil my mood for having survived such a night." (I)

"Now that I've taken care of your food, you can go and rest in the garden, Sophia is training Alice there, Elsaris and Samira are also training there." (Freya)

"If you find Nolan, tell him the cleaning job for the next two weeks is his." (Freya)


"That idiot, betting against Father..." (Irius)

"What bet?" (I)

"Nolan suggested a bet while you were still with Ibuki yesterday, he didn't think the master would be able to take care of the four girls one after the other." (Freya)

"It needed everyone in the mansion to keep them away from you Dad, so to be honest, everyone had their doubts." (Irius)

"But the only ones who bet against you were Leo, Nolan, Lyra, and Elsaris." (Freya)

"Why did Elsaris participate in something like this?" (I)"From what Jay said it sounds like Elsaris has a gambling problem, so I knew there was going to be a bet on which to participate." (Irius)

"What are they going to have to do now that they've lost the bet?" (I)

"Everyone will clean the mansion for the next two weeks in maid clothes." (Irius)

"With clothes like Caryna, hahahahahaha..." (Irius)

"..." (I)

"Hahahahahahahaha..." (me)

I can't believe they made such a stupid bet, that's what they deserve for doubting me, I have to make sure no one ever forgets this moment.


I spent the rest of the day relaxing, but it annoyed me to see Ibuki and Diana training so energetically in the late afternoon when I'm finished, I'd hoped they were at least in a similar state to mine.

"(Guess I'll have to get those skills Irius talked about.)" (I)

"(I don't know what I need to learn these skills, so the next town we go I'll get those skills from the highest level brothel men and women I have in town.)" (I)

"What are you thinking about master?" (Layla)

"Nothing, I was just thinking some silly thing to pass the time, nothing much." (I)

"Where were you, haven't I seen you since yesterday afternoon?" (I)

"I was following you yesterday, it was so much fun watching you being played with by the girls." (Layla)

"You little Demon Fairy... watched me run instead of helping your master..." (I)

"If you are a man then resolve these matters yourself." (Layla)

"Never mind, I'm not in the mood to argue with you." (I)

"I don't want to fight either, I just came to say that Sapphire is asking about you." (Layla)

"Call her, I was going to ask her to come anyway, talk to Diana, Ibuki, Jade, and Sophia to come too." (I)

"All right." (Layla)

After about twenty minutes everyone is present in the garden, we sit at a large table outside to talk about some cut fruits on the table, Safira was also here accompanying her daughter.

"Before I start, Sapphire, did you want to talk to me about something?" (I)

"Just wanted to know what you're thinking of doing about the food that's almost gone." (Sapphire)

"I wanted to talk to all of you about this very matter." (I)

"Tomorrow morning I'm going to ask Nix to stop in an area with a lot of monsters, so I want you to gather people for a day of hunting." (I)

"That would be good, we have many warriors and hunters in our village, one day of hunting in a suitable area will be enough for weeks of food." (Sapphire)

"I'll also hunt, I'll make sure to get the monsters with the tastiest meat." (Jade)

"We could get some more fruit trees too, that would be nice to have more fruit variety." (Sophia)

"Fine with me, ask some Nymphs and the Village Guardian for help, they should be of help with this." (I)

"Will the master hunt with me too? Shall we hunt together like before?" (Ibuki)

"Of course, it would be a good exercise for me." (I)

"I called you here to divide into hunting parties, each of you will be in charge of a group of twenty or thirty people, so choose your group members well." (I)

"You have this night to choose your groups, as soon as the Suns rise tomorrow we will start hunting." (I)

"That won't be a problem, I'm sure we'll all be ready, master." (Diana)
