Pov Vanessa:

After we left the port, Érica, Irius, and Beatriz followed the main street while wearing hoods and masks.

"We're being watched." (Beatriz)

"Should I kill them?" (Érica)

"No need, I expected that, I'm sure they're doing the same with the others too." (Beatriz)

"You're the expert, what do you think?" (I)

"They're just information gatherers, we're not anyone's targets, for now, they also have no reason to target us." (Beatriz)


"Then let them do what they want, we have nothing to hide." (Irius)

"Irius is right, we're just going to some shops and the Adventurer's Guild, we don't need to hide what we're going to do." (I)

We walk through the streets looking around to familiarize ourselves with this city, after asking for some information we go to a shop near the port where we buy a map of the city.

After confirming the location of the Adventurer's Guild and the part of town where the shops are, we started walking in that direction.

"The map is not very detailed, so let's walk so we can see the shops, it also says on the map that there is a library there." (I)

"We'll stop by later, I might find some interesting books to buy." (Érica)

"We already have so many books and we're still going to have Nira buy a lot of the books you asked for, so why buy more books?" (I)

"I'm buying books from all areas of study and all elements, they're not just for me, we need to think about others too." (Érica)

"(She's talking about the village people, so she's helping the village mages to have books where they can learn more about magic.)" (I)

"I understand, let's stop by the library after the stores." (I)

"We still have a lot of things to buy, have we brought enough storage items?" (Irius)

"We're not going to put the things we buy into storage items, we're going to ask the stores to deliver it on the boat." (I)

"Are you sure?" (Irius)

"Have you forgotten what Nira said about squandering our wealth?" (I)

"It would really be weird that so few people have that many storage items, normally a rich or powerful person would only have one or at most two storage items." (Beatriz)Sigh

"We're starting to lose our common sense, perhaps because of the master's influence." (Érica)

"..." (all)

We all look at Érica, does she not realize that she is one of the craziest people in the group, sometimes we need to watch her prevent her from doing something absurd.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" (Érica)

"Never mind, it's going to be very tiring talking about this with you." (I)

We continue walking through the city and I notice that most of the buildings are a mixture of wood and stone, I also notice that most of these buildings are two or three stories high.

This city is very prosperous, besides I said there are so many races walking around here, but what I didn't like was the number of nobles that are here, now I understand why my Father asked us all to wear masks.

After walking for thirty minutes, we arrived at a street with many shops, this street has a lot of people walking around here.

We go into alchemy stores to buy all the liquid soap potions, my Father asked us to do this because his stock is running low.

I've never seen anyone use this potion as he does, nor do nobles use this potion to clean their teeth every day, not to mention that sometimes he uses it after training to clean himself of sweat, he doesn't realize how much he wastes this potion.

After buying these potions in three alchemy shops, we buy different everyday things like combs, various tools for different professions, etc.

We only buy what wouldn't be bought in large quantities as Nira will take care of it, we asked the stores to deliver everything on the boat while they continued walking around the city.

Irius caught a scent and dragged us to a stall selling fried fish on a stick, I was starting to get hungry so I paid for everyone to eat together.

During our meal Irius started talking about the idiots who bet against our Father, we talked about how they all looked so good in maid clothes.

That day I thought he would die of laughter, I never thought it would be as difficult to breathe as that day.

After that relaxed moment we went to the library, when we got there everyone went looking for the types of books they liked.

I looked for academic knowledge books, after what Érica said earlier I realized that she was right, so I look for books that will help children and some adults to learn knowledge that will be useful in everyday life.

When I went to see Beatriz she took out books about romance stories, I was surprised by her tastes, she seemed very happy emptying the shelves.

When I went to see Irius he was picking up adventure books or journals of famous adventurers.

Érica was getting books that talk about the history of magic and erotic books, she had a big smile on her face as she did it, I wanted to go to her and stop buying this kind of thing, but Irius grabbed my shoulder preventing me after, On second thought, I realize he's right, it would be useless to argue with a pervert like her.

When we showed the hundreds of books we wanted to buy the librarian widened his eyes, he is trying very hard to convince us not to buy so many books, when he couldn't even try to scare us by saying an absurd value of 900 gold coins.I felt sorry for him when I looked back and found that we took 1/4 of the books from the library, so even though I knew the value he said was more than double the true value of those books I paid.

The librarian's face froze in a fake smile as tears streamed from his eyes, so we walked out of there telling him to deliver these books to our boat, just like we did with all the other stores we gave him the location of our boat.

After leaving the library, we head towards the Adventurer's Guild, then we walk for another ten minutes until we reach the four-story building and enter.

There were a lot of people inside, which I found strange since it was mid-afternoon, there shouldn't be so many adventurers here.

In addition, there were a large number of them coming and going all the time, there were lines at every bench to talk to Guild employees.

I walk up to the second floor where the quests are posted, I go to the wall where the quests are displayed to have a look along with the others.

​ I start looking but almost all of them are quests to escort some noble back to the Realm they belong to, escort some merchant to a specified city or escort some goods to another city.

"Almost all are escort missions." (Beatriz)

"But there are also some quests to hunt sea monsters or kill pirates." (Irius)

"I don't think we're going to do any quests in this Realm." (I)

"I think we can go back, nothing here is worth it." (Érica)

Érica starts to walk out of the Guild and I go after her along with the others, it was really a waste of time to come here, the types of quests in this Guild are ridiculous, just from seeing this quest I can say that all these adventurers we have seen are just passing through this city, almost no one should live in this city.

Usually, Guilds try to keep adventurers close by, so in a time of need adventurers who have a strong connection to the city or Kingdom might rise up to help, but this city seems to prefer to be a place where a large number of adventurers pass, through instead of a place where they would be willing to live.

This sort of thing is ridiculous, in a moment of danger these adventurers will not want to risk themselves for a place where they have no friends or family, a place with no connection to them.

While I was lost in my thoughts trying to understand what the rulers of this city are thinking, Érica stops where she is while following someone with her eyes, then Érica pulls Beatriz aside before heading back to where we are alone, her face serious.

"What's going on? Where's Beatriz?" (I)

"I'll tell you when we get to the boat." (Érica)

"Now let's leave as quickly as possible." (Érica)

It looks like something serious has happened, I exchange glances with Irius before following Érica to catch a carriage and get back to the boat faster.

On the way back I noticed that Érica had her eyes closed and a serious face, after ten minutes I hear a knock on the carriage door while she is still walking, then Érica opens the door and Beatriz enters, she sits next to Érica.

"Are you sure he won't notice?" (Beatriz)

"I'm sure, I've been studying this curse for a long time, one of the characteristics of it is that someone with a Curse Affinity like me can use this Curse in an undetectable way and from a greater distance." (Érica)

"Are you sure about him?" (Beatriz)

"Yes..." (Érica)

After Beatriz gets into the carriage, she starts talking to Érica about something that Irius and I don't understand, so Érica looks at me and Iruis, and instead of talking, she moves her mouth so that we understand the word she's saying, but that word only It left me even more confused and with a bad feeling.

