After separating us at the port I go to the boat to have a last look at it, I look around and see that there are many soldiers around, also notice some archers and mages scattered around, it seems that this port has strong security.

"(I think the boat will be safe, anyway I don't think anyone will be able to take the boat since there's a space magic holding it in place.)" (I)

After checking the boat and seeing how tight security is in this harbor, I leave the harbor with Diana, Jay, Layla on my shoulder, and Nix who is inside my shadow.

"You worry too much, master." (Diana)

"For a city like this, the harbor will be the best-guarded place." (Diana)

When we leave the port, I ask for information to know if there is any transport nearby and they point me to a place where there are some similar carriages, I think this can be similar to a taxi.

I hire the carriage and ask the driver to take us to the biggest slave shop in town, this might be a good way to get some talented people without drawing attention.


As Diana, Jay, and Nix, who is in my shadow, climb into the carriage, Jay seems to pay attention to his surroundings.

"Looks like you noticed them too, don't you?" (I)

"Yes, but I don't think we need to worry, they are just information collectors, I find it difficult to be targeted by someone." (Jay)

"What are you talking about?" (Diana)

"We're being watched." (I)

"The others probably went through something similar." (Jay)

"They know how to take care of themselves." (I)

p "(Layla come back, they are not enemies.)" (I)

"(Are you sure? I was going to take one by surprise now.)" (Layla)

"(Leave the poor spy alone and come back here, don't cause me trouble.)" (I)

"(Okay, master idiot...)" (Layla)

While talking to Jay and Diana I get in touch with Layla who flew off my shoulder before we got into the carriage, soon she comes flying and enters through the open window of the carriage.

"Are they still alive?" (I)

"Yeah, before I could get one you called me back." (Layla)

"You did well." (I)Sigh

"Looks like we almost got into a mess..." (Jay)

"What are you talking about." (Diana)

"You may not be seeing it, but Layla is on my shoulder now, but before she had gone after the people spying on us, luckily Jay spoke to me first, so I warned Layla to come back." (I)

"Why can't I see her and Jay can?" (Diana)

"Because he must have some ability similar to Mari, I asked Layla to remain invisible today." (I)

"There are two abilities I have, one allows me to see Fairies and the other to see Spirits even when they are trying to hide from people's eyes." (Jay)

As the carriage drove I was enjoying the view of this city, the buildings were a little different from what I found in the city of Valen, but it was still something new for me, there were also several races walking around the streets which was similar to what I saw in the city from Valen.

But there was a big difference between this city and the city of Valen, the people of the city of Valen were more warm and friendly, that was something I liked while staying there.

Whereas the people I am seeing walking down the street here were indifferent to each other, it reminded me of my old world where people walked the streets in a way as if all the other people around them don't exist, they are walking with indifference, at least most of them.


"You bastard, how dare you to step in front of my carriage like that, because of you my Golem broke loose and crashed into a wall!"

I hear a sudden knock and when I look I see an all-white carriage with golden details, there was also someone in front of the carriage, a young woman with a crying child beside her, the woman was passed out on the floor.

From inside the carriage, three people come out, one person had a white outfit and wore various jewelry, his face was furious looking at the injured woman on the floor and the small girl crying.

The other two people were a very beautiful woman with a sculptural body and wearing very revealing clothes, this woman was smiling as she looked at the injured woman on the floor, this woman who looks like an upper-class prostitute even in such a situation was rubbing and hugging the man in white.

The third person was a warrior-looking man who as soon as he got out of the carriage started to draw his sword from his waist and stops beside the man in white, then he points his sword at the fainted woman and the child with a proud smile on his face.

Soon I start to hear a useless and irritating monologue from the man in white talking about how special he is, about how a commoner woman dared to put herself in front of his carriage, the man with the sword was just saying that he would kill the woman for the crime she committed and would sell his daughter to pay the damages.

I couldn't bear to see that and I didn't care where these people came from.

"Layla use light magic to dry all these people, Nix want you to swallow the three idiots so Layla will also be swallowed as they are taken to the Dungeon." (I)

"Can I kill everyone?" (Layla)

"Yes, but try not to be seen, I don't want to attract trouble." (I)

"Nix can go through the shadows and attack from below while Layla blocks people's view, but remember to get Layla too so she can finish those three idiots inside the Dungeon." (I)"Come on, Layla." (Nix)

After talking to Nix and Layla I sit looking out the carriage window as they exit the carriage, Layla flew out the window as Nix climbs out from under the door as if part of my shadow were torn apart.

"How dare a commoner to get in my way and ruin the Golem pulling my chariot!"

"Leave this garbage where it is and take this girl, maybe by selling her we can cover some of the concert costs..."

As the idiot in the white clothes spoke a sphere of light appears overhead shining brightly, the glow was so strong that even I couldn't see anything, when the light disappeared there was nothing left, the chariot, the Golem, and the three worms were gone.

The people who were so far silent looked shocked, then the woman who should have been unconscious started to open her eyes and the child who was with her started hugging her tightly.

"Ready master, I also asked for the Golem since we can have a use for him later." (Nix)

"Good job." (I)

"The woman seemed to have hit her head, so I gave her a high-grade healing potion, I hope you don't mind." (Nix)

"You did well, I was very nervous with those three and had forgotten that the woman was injured." (I)

Soon a shadow passes under the carriage door and merges with my own shadow, so I exchange a few words with Nix as the people who were in the way before start walking again now that the show is over.

"Are you sure it was a good idea to do something like this in the middle of a city?" (Jay)

"That was absurd, the worst thing is that nobody said anything about it, people just stood there looking." (Diana)

"Let go of what happened, it's all over now." (I)

"We still have things to work out in the slave market." (I)

While talking to the others Nix's human-shaped head pops out of my shadow and opens its mouth, then Layla pops out of her drool-covered mouth.

"If I'd known you were using your human form I wouldn't have left now." (Layla)

"You're small so that was enough, don't complain about that kind of thing." (Nix)

"Use this liquid soap potion to get the drool off your body." (I)

"Thank you, master." (Layla)

After Layla is out of Nix's mouth I give her a potion which she drops on herself, then she's squeaky clean and sits back on my shoulder.

"I dragged the three of them to the middle of the 1st floor and killed them there, I also stored the carriage in my storage space." (Layla)

"Good job." (I)

Layla had a smile on her face as she told what happened, Jay had his hand on his face as if he didn't understand how things ended up like this, Diana was just looking out the carriage window and sometimes she could smell tasty food asking to eat something.

When we arrived at the store that sells slaves, I discovered that it was a very large mansion, it had three floors and was very large, it seems that this store is close to the Royal Castle as I can see the castle not far away on the same street.

Before entering I pass a food stall close by as I smell a delicious smell coming from there, so I go with the others there to buy what looked like a piece of meat stuffed with some kind of cheese, it was delicious, then from this small snack we go towards the mansion that serves as a slave market.
