Pov Nira:

Me, Leo, Freya, and Jade are on our way to the Trading Guild to collect our payment for the sale of our goods and to buy various things we will need.

During our journey riding in a chariot I notice that this Realm has many nobles walking the streets, I imagine they are from the smaller Realms and must have come here to spend their money or buy expensive things.

I can only think about it since everyone I'm seeing seems to be vying over who's the fanciest or the richest, these kinds of idiotic and incomprehensible people to me.

"We must be careful not to attract the attention of these nobles, people who are so fond of showing off like this tend to do absurd things." (Freya)

"This Realm is very strange, why are there so many nobles like that here?" (Leo)

"This place can be considered the heart of commerce among the Small Kingdoms, so these people end up flocking here." (I)


"Then why don't I remember seeing so many people like that in the city of Valen?" (Leo)

"I thought the Trigan Kingdom was considered the biggest trading Kingdom on the continent." (Leo)

"That's exactly why, in the Trigan Kingdom, those types of nobles who like to think they're very important don't dare to behave as they normally do, that's because there they can be arrested, killed, or even humiliated by nobles from higher Kingdoms." (I)

"But this place is different, this place is basically only visited by people from the lesser Realms, and if they do anything here they can get away with just paying a fine." (I)

"What do you mean by that? Are you saying they won't be punished?" (Jade)

"I talked a bit with Elsaris and found out that this Realm has two types of punishment for criminals, one is to be turned into a criminal slave or killed depending on the crime you committed." (I)

"The other type of punishment they can choose is to pay a fine, the amount of which will depend on the crime they committed, but for successful nobles or merchants there is no shortage of money, so they can basically do whatever they want as long as they have enough money." (I)

"That must attract a lot of nasty people here." (Freya)

"The government should be able to collect a lot of money like that, but anyone with talent in this realm will choose to move to another realm, now I understand why everyone was saying that this realm will never be able to grow beyond that." (Freya)

"In a place like this we're all in danger of getting into trouble if we take off the mask, now I understand why master Zenos made everyone do that." (I)

"Why would going without the mask get us into trouble?" (Jade)


"Look out the window to see the women in the streets, are they pretty?" (I)

Jade looks out the window for a few minutes before turning to me confused.

"There are some very beautiful women." (Jade)

"How much more beautiful are these women than you, Freya, Elsaris, Samira or Érica?" (I)

"I think I'm very beautiful, I even have the impression that I'm more beautiful since I became the master's servant." (Jade)

"But I'm sure the women in our group are much more beautiful, there's no comparison." (Jade)"Exactly, that's the problem, unbridled nobles of this type like to be surrounded by beautiful women, they treat women as objects they can collect to feel superior to other nobles like them." (I)

"That kind of person will cause us a lot of trouble just by seeing Freya's face or hers, and besides, they won't take no for an answer." (I)

"Then we just need to kill them." (Jade)

"This will also attract trouble as the Realm they belong to will come looking for trouble with us." (Freya)

"Not to mention it's going to draw a lot of attention to us." (Freya)

"Human cities are so complicated..." (Jade)

"But make no mistake, what worries me most is not the women in our group, but the master." (I)

"Fortunately he's also wearing a mask." (Freya)

"But the master is a man, he won't have a problem with these nobles." (Jade)

"I think you misunderstood one thing, Jade, nobles are not just men, there are many noble women too." (Leo)

"Even if the number is slightly lower than men, they all have equal rights varying from their social status as nobles." (Leo)

"I'm surprised to see you saying such smart things Leo, I think the studies Caryna forced you to do with Ivan is paying off." (Freya)

"Don't say those things, Freya, it makes me look like someone who only has muscles for brains." (Leo)

"But it is not?" (I)

"..." (Leo)

"Don't make that face, we're just kidding you." (Freya)

"(I'm not kidding, in my eyes Diana, Leo and maybe even Jade are the definition of a muscle brain.)" (I)

"Just like Leo said there are noble women who are just as bad as these incompetent nobles, many people let the power that their social status or the money they have to go to their heads, many of these people were born into successful families and only know how to take advantage of things that they didn't fight to have." (Freya)

"But make no mistake, there are many competent nobles who do their jobs well and care about their people, I'm just saying that this Realm attracts the wrong kind of people." (Freya)

"But are you saying that those types of noble women who do bad things will go after the master?" (Jade)

"You may have already noticed that Ivan, Leo, Irius, and the master are very handsome, so they will face similar problems to ours." (I)

"But the master is very handsome, besides having an exotic and fragile appearance, the master doesn't know, but there were many women in the city of Valen who tried to approach him." (I)

"I feel sorry for those who tried to do something when Érica was around, unfortunately, I, Vanessa, or Irina couldn't always be there." (Freya)

While we were talking, we finally arrived at a large three-story building that occupies a space equal to that of three mansions, this is the Commerce Guild of that city, from what I talked to the Guild employees at the port, the 1⁰ floor is for free stores for the general public, the 2nd-floor stores only for members of a guild or nobles and the 3rd floor is where the Commerce Guild works.As soon as we get there I use my Guild Card to go straight to the 3rd floor, then I go to the counter to talk to the receptionist.

After a few word exchanges, another receptionist takes us to an empty room where she has some sofas with a table between the sofas, the receptionist makes us sit on one sofa while she sits on the other.

"Good afternoon, what could I do for you today?" (Receptionist)

"Good afternoon, first I would like to receive payment for the goods I sold at the port, here is the document." (I)

The receptionist was a white-skinned human with short blond hair who appears to be in her 30s.

The receptionist takes the document from my hands and then pulls out a reading crystal where she checks a few things before putting the document away and making a new document which she hands to me.

"This is the document that specifies payment made and goods sold, your payment is on its way." (Receptionist)

Just as she's finished speaking, there's a knock on the doors, just as the permission-to-entry receptionist a 40-year-old looking man walks in and leaves a leather bag on the table before leaving the room.

"Would you like anything else?" (Receptionist)

I open the bag and notice that it has spatial magnification magic inside, these bags are cheaper than a storage item, but they are still very useful, I count the money inside and confirm that the value is the same as agreed at the port, is also the same value described in the document.

"I would like to purchase the items on these lists, in the specified quantities if possible." (I)

"Let me check what we have in stock at the moment." (Receptionist)

The receptionist pulls out a storage crystal which she places on the reading crystal, then spends about 30 or 40 minutes checking various things while looking at the list I gave her.

Soon she passes the reading crystal to me, I take it and see a list with the products I want and their prices, I check the prices of each item and took out some products that were priced a little high, the rest was acceptable, so I pass the reading crystal back to the receptionist.

"Prices are acceptable, but do you have the quantities?" (I)

"We have the quantities you requested and we can deliver them all tomorrow." (Receptionist)

"Then you can deliver everything to a boat in the harbor, this is where we are moored." (I)

I pass a paper with where we are standing at the port.

"Do you need anything else?" (Receptionist)

"I need a few other things, I'll let my mate talk about it." (I)

Since I'm going to get everything from the lists the master asked for, so I'm going to let Freya take care of the food and condiment items she asked for.

After some time with Freya discussing the price and quantities of the foods and condiments I wanted, we got everything, what surprised me was that Freya also asked for a large number of seeds from several different plants, but it seems that the Guild only had half of those seeds.

"Do you need anything else?" (Receptionist)

I look at the others and they all shake their heads in denial.

"We don't need anything else." (I)

"So the value of everything they requested will be 43700 gold coins, payment must be made in advance." (Receptionist)

"Here it is." (I)

The master left 100000 gold coins with me, he left a lot more in case the prices were too high, the master was convinced about this Kingdom being very corrupt and the values ​​being much higher than they should, but the truth is that this Kingdom calls many customers here because their trade is very fair and impartial.

It's just the laws that are horribly favoring those with the most money.

After the receptionist checked the payment we said goodbye and returned in the middle of the afternoon to the boat, the goods we just bought will arrive tomorrow morning.
