The conversation I had with Rakan gave me an insight into how the Makari Kingdom works, but there are a lot of holes in Rakan's information, so I'm going to look for Ivan who has spent the last five days studying the information we've gotten from the Black Market.

After parting ways with Rakan, I met up with Ivan in the mansion's Library, Freya told me he's been spending most of his day here studying Black Market information.

As I entered the library I saw Ivan sitting in a chair by the window looking at a reading crystal, when I entered he looked at me and lowered the reading crystal as I approached to sit at the window.

"Why whenever you have a window nearby you prefer to sit by the window, master?" (Ivan)

"Makes me a little taller, which is good since even Hobgoblins are taller than me." (I)

"So, have you managed to study all of the Makari Kingdom information that the Black Market has given us?" (I)

"Yes, I finished reading it all a second time, I did that to see if the information fit better." (Ivan)


"And did it work?" (I)

"A little bit, a lot of the information is incomplete and it also has a lot of assumptions written into the information." (Ivan)

"I just had a conversation with Rakan about the Makari Kingdom, he told me everything he knew." (I)

"Good thing I didn't know why the master didn't ask these things from the beginning." (Ivan)

"Rakan told me that..." (I)

So I spent about twenty minutes recounting all the information I had just heard from Rakan, I thought that Rakan's information might fill in some holes in what Ivan has already discovered, so he could enlighten me in a better way on this matter.


"So that was it, things start to make a little more sense." (Ivan)

"Among the information, you've been reading, is there anything that adds to what Rakan has already said?" (I)

"..." (Ivan)

Ivan was in his Skeleton form inside the library, he normally stays like that inside the mansion, he only uses his spectral body ability when I left the mansion, so it was a strange sight to see a Skeleton standing looking out the window with faint flames in it their orbits.

"The Black Market information confirmed everything Rakan said, the Black Market already knew about the drugs the soldiers were using, they also already knew about the Kimera soldiers, but they didn't know who was doing these experiments or where." (Ivan)

"The Black Market also assumed that people from the Makari Kingdom government were involved in the drug trade, but they also didn't know that it was the entire government." (Ivan)

"The Black Market didn't know about the King being a Demon either, the only thing I can add to the information the master already has is locations and one of the guesses someone from the Black Market left noted in the information." (Ivan)

"The locations you are going to say we can confirm with Rakan later, for now, say more about that assumption." (I)

"It seems that the capital of the Makari Kingdom and the capitals of the three Kingdoms that were annexed to the Makari Kingdom have many similarities." (Ivan)

"For starters, the streets are made of a beautiful dark stone, another strange thing is that the streets are the same, every street system of these 4 cities in the same and strangely all the renovations were done under the command of the same man, that's just a few of the reforms they made throughout the city." (Ivan)

"What's so weird about this man?" (I)

"He is from an artistic family but works in the construction business, he is someone who was very famous before he was accused of a crime and became a criminal slave who was bought by the Makari Kingdom." (Ivan)

"That smacks of conspiracy." (I)

"The most important issue was that all manual workers always died." (Ivan)

"How do they die?" (I)

"After the rebuilding of the city is over, everyone always dies or disappears." (Ivan)

"In the first city, they died when the building they were in suddenly collapsed." (Ivan)

"In the second city, an epidemic that started a week earlier infected all the workers who died." (Ivan)"In the third city, the workers were attacked on the way to another city after the reconstruction of the city was completed." (Ivan)

"All these times that same man is not present, at first I thought he was killing these people who worked together with him, but it seems that was never the case." (Ivan)

"In the first city, he tried to clear the rubble of the building to try to save any possible survivors." (Ivan)

"In the second city he took care of the sick employees until the end, but he never got infected." (Ivan)

"In the third city he was prevented from leaving the city, but when the bodies of his employees were found, he took care of the cremation of the bodies." (Ivan)

"You said he's also a slave just like Rakan was, right?" (I)

"Yea." (Ivan)

"So we can assume that the deaths of the officials who worked on the rebuilding of these cities were caused by order of the King of Makari." (I)

"It was the same conclusion I came to, it also means that the rebuilding of these cities must be part of the Demons' plan." (Ivan)

"Probably something big is going to happen in these cities, we need to find out what it is." (I)

"So we should wait until we get information from the Demon's interrogation." (Ivan)

"Yes, but I just noticed something else." (I)

"Do you understand the Demons' plan?" (Ivan)

"No, but I just found our second target." (I)

"Second target?" (Ivan)

"We know from Rakan that the King of Makari has found the most talented servants to enslave, we also know that the one responsible for rebuilding these 3 ancient capital cities is the only one the King of Makari has not killed." (I)

"What we need most is someone with this man's skills, we need someone to build a small town as you say, so we have to capture this person." (I)

"That might be a little difficult, as per the information he disappeared after the rebuilding of the third city was over." (Ivan)

"We can get information about him through interrogation, plus he'll be useful in finding out what the Demons are up to." (I)

"But you still haven't said his name." (I)

"His name is Leonardo, he is a White Elf." (Ivan)

"I'll go look for Elsaris to talk to her about what we've discovered, this information will be useful, I'll also get her to talk a little with Rakan to confirm secret locations or hideouts of the Vampires of the demonic faction he knows about." (I)

I didn't know where Elsaris was, so I asked Layla to go look for her, meanwhile, I went to my room on the balcony where I could lean back on a beach chair I made myself enjoy the view of that night sky inside the Dungeon.

After about twenty minutes Elsaris appears at my side, so I tell everything I talked to Rakan and Ivan, I also gave some questions that I would like to be answered by this Demon before Elsaris went to the Black Market with Nix I told him to go talk with Rakan for more information and locations.

As soon as Elsaris left I decided to check the notifications I heard when I drank the Demon's blood.


<[ Her skill leveled up [ Vampirism: 4> 5 ] ]>



<[ Her skill leveled up [ Poison Resistance (Paralyzing / Necrotic / Deadly / Sleep / Hallucinogen): 4> 5 ] ]>



<[ You have acquired the following skills:

• [ Magical Body Enhancement (Thunder): 1 ]

• [ Thunder Demon's Horn Production: 1 ]

• [ Spell Summon: Thunder Sword ]

• [ Demonic Language: 1 ]

• [ Enhanced Reflexes: 1 ]

• [ Mark of Slavery ]

• [ Demon Body ]

• [ Blade of Thunder: 1 ]

• [ Lightning Sword Technique: 1 ] ]>




<[ You acquired the Bloodline [ Demon: 100% ] ]>

It seems that I got a lot of new skills, but that also means that Prince Henry was very strong, I must consider that he must have had many skills that he already had in addition to these, it seems I did well to avoid a direct confrontation.

Luckily I didn't get any titles from him either, any titles he had would be something I wouldn't like to own.

I was lucky that two skills also evolved, I imagine my poison resistance skill leveled up because of the poison we applied to this Demon.

Soon I'll be able to get out of this Kingdom that filled me with problems again, it reminds me that I got some good skills in the brothel that I merged into two skills, one passive and one active.

• [ Eclipse King Stamina: 1 ]

• [ Eclipse King Sexual Technique: 1 ]

My Synthesis skill has even leveled up, this skill is taking a long time to level up lately.

[ Synthesis: 4 > 5 ]

These two skills had good effects, but I needed to learn techniques by watching how the prostitutes worked, but it was all worth it, now none of the girls can last more than two hours.

My goal was accomplished, but I feel sorry for the prostitutes who had the skills and experience but didn't have the physical stamina to keep up with me and the girls.

One thing that scared me was when I realized that the girls, mainly Érica and Kira, had managed to learn a lot of techniques from the prostitutes because that also shortened my uptime.

The first two nights I had to be carried out of the brothel which hurt my pride as a man, plus it had been difficult in the mornings as my body was still weak.

But now that I have these two abilities I can finally take care of these four girls without being on the brink of death, I'm so glad I was able to achieve one of my goals.

"Master, it's time for us to meet, the other three are waiting at the door of the mansion." (Érica)

"Wait, why are you four going today?" (I)

"I noticed last night that the master's stamina is much higher, so we don't need to take turns anymore, and I told the others who agreed." (Érica)

"Now come on, we said your punishment would last as long as we stayed in town." (Érica)

"..." (I)

"(Can I take care of all four at the same time?)" (I)

While I had this concern on my mind, Érica took me to the others who accompanied me to the most expensive brothel in town.

The next day I wasn't able to get out of bed until mid-afternoon.
