Pov Elsaris:

After master, Zenos told me everything he had discovered I went to Mage Rakan to get some more detailed information, after that Nix and I left the Dungeon.

As soon as we leave the Dungeon she closes the gate before we get off the boat leaving only Jade, Nira, Irius, and Freya on the boat to watch until we get back.

"This is a very useful skill for a spy." (I)

"I know, sometimes the master asks me to do some spying tasks like the time we went to the Slave Market of this Kingdom." (Nix)

"When we get there let me deal." (I)

"Fine with me, but do you think they'll accept the terms we're going to propose?" (Nix)


"I'm sure they would, they would kill the Demon after interrogation anyway, they won't mind sharing their information with us either." (I)

"The real problem is the reward that Irina proposed and that the master agreed to." (I)

"I don't think they will." (Nix)

"Normally they wouldn't accept it, but in this situation, I think they will, their enemies are attacking, they will spare no effort to get rid of them." (I)

"They also can't fight directly as it will draw attention to them, having other people fight in their place is the best thing that could happen for them." (I)

"To guarantee our help they must accept our proposal and they know that they have no choice but to accept to give us the reward we ask for even if it causes them some problems." (I)

"I hope you're right." (Nix)

On the way I was talking to Nix who was hiding in my shadow, but when we were close to the place we were silent until I arrived.

After going through the same entry process as last time, we entered the same room where Nazai was sitting drinking a bottle of a Dwarven beer that is usually strong enough to make a full-grown Human male pass out after a few sips.

"You never let me down Elsaris, ahahahaha..." (Nazai)

"This mess was perfect for us." (Nazai)

"It looks like you're happy, how many from this bottle have you drunk?" (I)

"Few, I only drank five bottles, this drink is too weak for me." (Nazai)

"But for you to come to me it means you have a business, so tell me what you need?" (Nazai)

"I have Prince Henry, you may already know that, I was wondering if you would like to interrogate him together?" (I)

When I say that Nazai stops smiling and drops the bottle-throwing it back on the shelf without breaking it, then she looks at me seriously.

"What do you want in return?" (Nazai)

"We already have a lot more information than I got from you, I'm sure you'll want that too, but I have conditions." (I)

"I'm listening." (Nazai)"After interrogation, he must be killed." (I)

"That's not a problem, you know the way we act, no loose ends." (Nazai)

"Then we can do this together, but after the interrogation, I have another proposition for you." (I)

"I don't like your tone of voice, I can already imagine that the proposal won't be as simple as this one." (Nazai)

"You'll have to wait and see." (I)

"And now tell me, do you have a place where we can interrogate your prisoner or are you going to bring him here?" (Nazai)

"He's already here." (I)

"Nix!" (I)

"..." (I)

Soon Nix starts to step out of my shadow in her human form, she is taller than me when she walks to my side, so she bends down and reaches into her own shadow pulling the Demon who is still unconscious from inside her shadow before letting him drop to the ground.

"We are ready to start at any time." (I)

"A very strong Shadow Spirit you have by your side." (Nazai)

"I know you don't have the qualities to be a spiritualist, so I suppose the person behind this Spirit must be that strange boy?" (Nazai)

"Please don't call my master a stranger, he is a very sentimental person and would be saddened by that if he listened." (Nix)

"Don't call her, let's get down to business, is this room safe?" (I)

"Yes, but we need to better trap this Demon if we want to wake him up." (Nazai)

Nazai leaves for a few minutes, when he returns he takes out an iron pole full of runes and engraved magic circles, he also had black chains with spikes attached to the tower.

"< Enable >" (Nazai)

Nazai cuts her hand and throws her blood on this piece of metal, then she speaks a word that activates this item, soon the runes glow purple and the magic circles light blue, the chains move by themselves grabbing the Demon's body binding him tightly to this iron pillar.

"If he's unconscious we won't get anything, you can wake him up." (Nazai)

"Yes, they left the antidote with me." (Nix)


After two days of continuous torture, we finally got all the information we needed from the Devil, before the torture started I told Nix to go sleep in my shadow since I don't know if she would have what was necessary for what was going to happen.

The iron column is covered in blood, it also has blood smeared around and on my clothes, Nazai is also full of blood on his clothes, the tools on the table we used were also filthy, but the one in the worst condition is now the Demon, he only has one eye left and his body is more destroyed than any potion could heal, he lost consciousness for the 27th time due to pain.

"I don't think we're going to get any more out of him." (I)"He only seems to be responsible for some menial jobs, he hasn't added much more than you told me." (Nazai)

"At least we know a little about his plan now, we also know that he is indeed the son of the King of Makari." (I)

"I think we could use him to our advantage against the Makari King." (Nazai)

"That won't happen, he's going to die today, don't forget our agreement." (I)

"All right." (Nazai)

"For all I know it looks like I'll have to alert all Black Market branches on the mainland." (Nazai)

"Apparently, it won't be long before they start acting, in fact, this would be the best moment." (Nazai)

"But before you do anything, you still need to hear my business proposal." (I)

"What if I told you that we can take care of this problem more directly while the black market only provides us with what we need?" (I)

"That means you're going to ask for something big in return." (Nazai)

"What I'm going to ask for as a reward is..." (I)


Now I'm wearing a different outfit and I've already taken a shower to clean the blood from my body, Nix is ​​taking the Demon with us to kill inside the Dungeon when we get back.

"She accepted our proposal more easily than she expected." (Nix)

"But I expected that, compared to what the Black Market will lose if the Devils' plans continue, it's better to make this deal with us." (I)

"Not to mention that there is always a chance that we will fail and die, if that happens the Black Market won't have to pay anything, and thanks to us they will be able to find out more things by watching the Demons." (I)

"Seeing it that way makes sense." (Nix)

"But I'm surprised that Demon doesn't know much more than Rakan does." (Nix)

"His work wasn't the central plan, it seems the King didn't trust his own son very much." (I)

"But who can blame the King, apart from combat this Prince doesn't seem to be better at anything else, but I must admit he lasted longer than I expected, not many resist Nazai's interrogation that much." (I)

"The Devil's state was really horrendous, but I don't care, I know he probably deserved far worse for the crimes he committed." (Nix)

"He is starting to speak like his master." (I)

"You mean like our master?" (Nix)

"..." (I)

"Come on, you can't keep denying that the master is very good to you and your sister, so stop trying to pretend you're not happy now." (Nix)

"Let's leave soon, we have to get out of this Kingdom and start acting." (I)

"Diverting again, but that's okay, we both know the truth." (Nix)

"Besides, the master will surely come up with a plan, so leave everything in his hands." (Nix)

I veered off-topic, but I must admit that since the sister got better it has been a lot of fun every day, my sister seems to enjoy talking to Caryna even more, plus my sister respects the master a lot for giving her a second life.

I think it's time for me to stop pushing people away or it might piss off my sister, I also admit that I respect the way Zenos completely does things.

While thinking about that we went back to the boat, once we arrived Nix opens the Dungeon gate and we go straight to the mansion floor after taking out the Demon in the middle of the second floor and cutting his head off, then I leave the body there for the Dungeon absorb.

We have to head straight to the mansion to arrange another meeting, Master Zenos will want the others to know what we've found.
