During the meeting we started to better understand the Demons' plans, we also discovered the locations of many of their bases so now we know where we should go now.

"Elsaris, has the Black Market accepted all our demands?" (Irina)

"Your reward is guaranteed, but I have a feeling they believe we're going to fail." (Elsaris)

"If I'm going to do something I'm going to make sure the chance of success is as close to 100% as possible." (I)

"That's why I want Kira and Beatriz to get some information for me from the Assassin's Guild." (I)

"It's just some information for me to get the general idea of โ€‹โ€‹the four great cities of the Makari Kingdom." (I)

"Should our first target be the civil engineer? Let's release him, shall we?" (Samira)


"Yes, he's going to give us important information, plus we still need someone to plan the city's construction here." (I)

"I have a doubt!" (Irius)

"What was it Irius?" (I)

"Suppose we manage to defeat these Demons and the Vampires on their side, what will happen to the Makari Kingdom? The people who don't know anything?" (Irius)

"They will be left without leaders, they will be left without a functioning government in their Kingdom." (Irius)

"There must be some internal conflict in the first few days or weeks, but in the end, the surrounding Realms will divide the Makari Realm's lands and assimilate into their own Realms." (Ivan)

"So the people will be okay?" (Irius)

"Yes and no, it will not be an immediate thing as there will be an adaptation period and there may be some resistance from the people as well, but in a few years everything will be normal." (Ivan)

"I'm glad you care about the innocent population of this Realm, but don't start planning what comes after a victory before the battle has even begun." (I)

"Yeah, that was just a concern that popped into my head." (Irius)

Irius has always had a good heart, he is a fair person, but he gets carried away very easily by his ideals, he has to keep his feet on the ground and know how to prioritize what he should do.

"Vanessa, I heard that holy waterworks on Vampires, is that right?" (I)

"Yes, but it would be more efficient to bless the weapons to do more damage, unfortunately, my blessings will not be useful as I am a Priestess of the Goddesses Selene, no blessing from me will harm Vampires." (Vanessa)

"Then we will have to resort to light magic." (I)

"It will be useful against Vampires, but it won't be very useful against Demons." (Rakan)

"Holy magic will be enough against Demons." (Vanessa)

"For now all of you will make your preparations for battle, but this time it won't be like in the mountain range, it won't be an open war with combat tactics." (I)"I want to end everything as quietly as possible, this will make the enemy not realize what we are doing." (I)

"I don't understand, what do you want to do exactly?" (Jade)

"I want to annihilate the entire city's enemies in one night without alerting anyone." (I)

"..." (all)

"Master, this is madness even for me." (Diana)

"This isn't a movie, how do you think we'd make something of this scale?" (Samira)

"From the information that Elsaris got from the Demon's interrogation, the strongest enemies are in Makari city which is the capital of the Kingdom." (I)

"The ancient capitals of the Three Kingdoms that were conquered do not have a force that is a threat to us." (I)

"I still have to think of a detailed plan, but one thing is for sure, when we go to attack one of the targets in a city, we run the risk of being discovered by others which will cause us to be attacked from behind." (I)

"So to avoid that you want to attack them all at once?" (Kira)

Everyone is looking at me doubtfully, I know I'm saying something difficult to do in practice, but they're thinking like we're going to openly attack these places.

"You don't have to worry, as I said before, the fight this time will not be a direct one, it will be more of a mass murder operation." (I)

"We also have the element of surprise, so I'm going to make the most of that." (I)

"Tomorrow we have another meeting should be enough time for me to think through the details of the plan." (I)

"But I can say that Elsaris, Kira, Beatriz, Jay, Nix, Layla, Lyra, and Jade will have a big part in my plan due to the kind of skills they have, maybe even a few more names on this list after I finish formulating a plan." (I)

"Am I going to fight too?" (Lyra)

"I don't think it's safe, master." (Ivan)

"Don't worry, Ivan." (I)

"As I said before she won't fight head-on and she won't be alone either, wait until tomorrow." (I)

After the Gathering I went to my room to think, I lay down on my beach chair and stayed there until bedtime, Freya showed up to get me something to eat and Layla helped me keep the Fairies away, everyone knew I was thinking about something important so it didn't bother me.


The next day I went to visit some people before arranging a new meeting, the time I spent thinking yesterday helped me to formulate a plan, I also tried to do some simulations in my head to know how safe the plan would be.

After finding the results acceptable it was time to tell everyone my plans, so I told everyone to do some training during this time.As the plan is not about direct combat this time, it needed a lot more preparation, one of those preparations was a stealth-type battle outfit, for that I needed to give Tania a line imbued with the elements of darkness, wind, and thunder.

Elsaris and Beatriz went to talk to Tania about the specs of this stealth outfit, in addition to contributing the materials of the outfit, I advised on what I wanted the outfit to look like when Samira saw the designs of the outfits her eyes lit up.

Samira was very interested in participating in the plan but didn't think she was ready enough yet, so I left Elsaris to handle her training.

Another person who would need different training was Jade, her poison skills would be of great help in the plan, the only big problem was that Jade specializes in direct combat but has no experience in stealth combat or quick assassination.

To help Jade in her training I called in an expert, Beatriz daughter of Elsaris.

Kira also wanted to train and went to the forest along with Jay saying that she would stay there until we reached the Makari Kingdom.

We've already got the information we wanted from the Assassin's Guild, we've been in this Realm for over a week and it's time to leave.

During our stay here, Beatriz and Kira made a big mess with a wave of robberies against scoundrel nobles, some of the most despicable nobles were even kidnapped and killed inside the Dungeon, I now have 8 souls stored inside the Dungeon.

I hope to find some use for these souls and this dungeon soon, but to get the best out of the dungeon you have to get to the 10th floor first.

Now all I want is to relax a little, but before that, I still have one last thing to do, I called Ivan and Nira to plan our way to the Makari Kingdom, we gathered in my room since the ballroom we normally use for meetings it's too big for just three people, plus the library has been taken over by the Wizards I found and Rakan.

Because of that I took Ivan and Nira to my room, got a map that only represents the part of the continent where the smaller Realms tend to be.

"We have to decide which route we're going to travel, we can't count on Nix flying in his Dragon form this time." (I)

"Other Realms would notice her, it could bring us too much inconvenience." (Ivan)

"We have to first mark where we are and where we want to go on the map, so we have a better view of the big picture." (Nira)

Nira takes a pen and marks that Kingdom on the coast of the mainland then marks the Makari Kingdom by dividing it into four and also marks the four cities.

"We're lucky that the city we're going to is the closest, if we went by road it would take a month by carriage." (Ivan)

"That would take too long, isn't there any shortest path?" (I)

"If we were flying it would only take a week as we could follow a straight line to our destination while avoiding detours and mountains." (Nira)

"But I won't." (I)

"Maybe we could use the rivers and travel there by boat." (Ivan)

"It would only take two weeks." (Ivan)

"Two weeks is still a long time." (I)

"But this time will give us space to finish our preparations." (Nira)

"There should also be enough time for last-minute training of the people who are going to participate in the plan." (Ivan)

"..." (I)

I wanted to act faster, the enemies will probably hear about Prince Henry's disappearance until we get there, which might make them more cautious.

"I don't think we have a choice, we only had three options from the start which were to go by land, sky, or water." (I)

"We could teleport too, but it would be impossible for us at the moment, we don't have qualified Mages for that, besides that we would need to set up a ritual magic where we are and in the place where we want to go, this is impossible for us at the moment." (Ivan)

"So let's focus on what we can do, tell Leo to take care of steering the boat, ask Sophia to join him." (I)

"I'll go talk to them." (Ivan)
