Pov Anton:

Since joining this group I've worked harder than I ever have in my life, but I've been working without having to worry about money or selling the things I've created.

Besides I always have the best materials to work with, I also don't have anyone rushing me which gives me time to do a job well done, I can feel my forging techniques and skills getting better and better.

Since arriving in the mountain range I have had many sleepless nights from overwork, but I have had a lot of help from Orcs and Ogres who seem to be interested in forging.

With the people of the village around it was a lot of fun to forge surrounded by people serious in their work, besides the drink that the Orcs made was very good, they were all excellent drinking partners.

Unfortunately, because of work, I didn't have much time for my wife who was facing similar difficulties to mine, the only time we saw each other was at bedtime.

One thing I'm sure of is that my wife is enjoying it a lot more than I am, with so many different races she can make many more different types of clothes than any other couturier, plus the skills she has to produce her own threads and also the possibility of using Arachne lines in her work makes her very happy.


One thing my wife always tells me is that the master's lines are much better than anyone else's, she says she's never worked with anything so amazing, the master doesn't seem to mind giving her that line either, but she doesn't like to use something so precious unnecessarily.

Right now I'm drinking around a table where there are me, my wife, two Arachnees, three Orcs, and two Ogres.

Everyone was passed out after hours of drinking, they will never beat a Dwarf when it comes to alcohol resistance, drinking alcohol is in my blood, my wife may be a Runic, but she has the spirit of Dwarves.

"I expected more from Orcs, how do people who make such a good drink get drunk just for a few hours of drinking?" (Tânia)

"I don't know, that's quite normal, the strange person is actually you." (I)

"Remember how the other Dwarves reacted in drinking contests whenever they lost to you?" (I)

"Everyone always thought a Runic couldn't beat a Dwarf when it came to booze, they got what they deserved." (Tânia)

"It was when we were tied in one of those contests that I realized how much I liked you for the first time." (I)

"You were always too slow to figure things out, I only entered those contests because of you, but you only paid attention to me when I won." (Tânia)

"At that time I was very focused on my training as a Blacksmith, when I wasn't training I was drinking and vice versa." (I)

"I know, it was this seriousness in what you liked that made me fall in love with you you idiot." (Tânia)

Tânia and I drink another full mug before I pick up the last barrel and see that it's empty.

"Looks like the party's over." (I)

"Yeah, I'll call Alice, Leo, and Nolan later to help carry these people to a more comfortable place to sleep." (Tânia)

"No need to worry, Alice pops in here every hour to check on everything, we just need to wait for her to arrive." (I)

"That means we can relax in the meantime." (Tânia)

"Yes, having a rest day really is a great way to recharge." (I)

"Says the person who needed to be dragged out of the workplace to rest." (Tânia)

"You were also dragged outside by Freya." (I)"I was really excited about the combat outfit designs the master was suggesting, Samira was really excited too." (Tânia)

"Will you be able to create what they asked for? Elsaris asked for very complicated things." (I)

"I asked Rakan for help in building the magic circles and as we were going to add this to the outfit, he seemed very excited when he saw my skill, he must now be creating the magic circles on top of the drawings made." (Tânia)

"I'll have to ask Lyra for some monster core-based reagents and special inks for these outfits, I'll do my best this time." (Tânia)

"I hear we have two weeks until we get to the place where the plan will be put into action, so try to finish your work soon to get back to training." (I)

"How's the construction of the Jade Spear going?" (Tânia)

"Complicated, it's been more difficult than I anticipated, but I've finally finished the design and choice of materials, I'll also have to talk to Lyra later." (I)

"I was talking to Érica about something I wanted to use on the spear when Ivan dragged me out." (I)

"Lyra is also working a lot, did they make her take a forced break too?" (Tânia)

"Of course, Lyra didn't have the same level of help as us in her work, now she might have some assistants, but that still doesn't make up for the sleepless weeks she's worked in hiding." (I)

"The master said that I should take one day a week off work, do you think you can do it?" (Tânia)

"If there's beer around, yes." (I)

"But I can't, even now I can't stop thinking about how I'm going to create those clothes." (Tânia)

"Then I guess we can go to a quieter place so I can help you forget about your work..." (I)

"That seems like a difficult proposition to refuse..." (Tânia)

I pull my wife into my arms and carry her in my arms to our bedroom.


Pov Érica:

I was in the library with Rakan, it was already dark and the other Mages returned to their tents in the makeshift camp.

I have been helping the new Mages and Rakan to understand more about the books we have here, I also wanted to discuss with Rakan how he would like it to be a place of study for Mages.

"The master is accepting suggestions on what each one will need before building the city, so you can write down what you want to give to him later." (I)

"After seeing the colossal amount of books we have, also thinking that the number could grow more over time, it would be better to build a big library now." (Rakan)

"Master Zenos also wanted me to teach as well as lead and guide the other Mages." (Rakan)

"For this, we would need a structure like the Mages Guild, it would also be good to build it close to the library, so the research will be easier." (Rakan)

"You can think about it, for now, it's going to be a while before we start doing anything." (I)"We need to find that man named Leonardo first." (I)

"Looks like he's trapped in the basement of the Duke's mansion in this town, for all we know he's a Vampire." (Rakan)

"I hear you're helping Tânia create the combat outfit she's been creating." (I)

"Yes, many years ago I thought of a way to create a magic robe using fabric threads to create magic circles, but the difficulty level was too high, this technique needed a level of thread control and a sewing technique very accurate." (Rakan)

"I had to abandon the research as it wasn't yielding results, but with Tânia's skill I can certainly create this type of combat outfit." (Rakan)

"Furthermore, I found that the master can create lines with high mana conductivity, the master can even blend elements into the lines, so we can, in theory, create any kind of high-level combat outfit." (Rakan)

"You look very excited." (I)

"It's been over 20 years since I've researched something I really liked, now I'm feeling the same way I did when I was younger and I started researching magic, I never thought I'd feel this way again." (Rakan)

It seems that Rakan is adapting faster than he expected, I think everything will be fine from now on.


Pov Zenos:

There are many things to solve at the same time, but I think everything is in order, I think I can let everything go the way it is until we reach the Makari Kingdom.

We're already on the way, but it will take a while to get there, I'll take this time to train too, maybe I'll talk to Elsaris so she can train me too.

I have a lot of useful skills for plans like this, but I'm not used to using them, I'll train those skills during the time I have.

I'm starting tomorrow morning, now all I want is to enjoy my bath in this tub the size of a swimming pool.

"You are very relaxed, master." (Layla)

"Now everything is on track, I have nothing else to do until we reach our destination." (I)

"I'm going to take this time to do some training too, but I won't start until tomorrow." (I)

"I'm dying to get there soon, I'm glad you included me in the plan this time." (Layla)

"But you need to do some training too, your attacks are very flashy, use this time to learn more attacks using the Dark element." (I)

"Nix told me the same thing, but the truth is that this element is harder for me to control, so I don't use it often." (Layla)

"But you used the element of Darkness a lot when you were creating this Cradle of Faeries." (I)

"This was different, I wasn't casting a spell, I was using mana directly around me." (Layla)

"Then why don't you ask Nix for some advice, she seems to be able to handle this element well." (I)

"But she's a spirit, she won't be able to help." (Layla)

"I'm not saying learn techniques from Nix, I'm saying learn more about the element itself." (I)

"If you do that maybe you can control him better." (I)

"..." (Layla)

Layla throws herself into the water and stays afloat, she is silent for a while, before getting up and flying to lie on my head.

"I'll try to do as you said, I'm already annoyed that this is the only element I'm having a hard time learning to control." (Layla)

"Nix no longer has to stay outside to get us where we want to go, so you can spend your time with her to train too." (I)

"I'll talk to her tomorrow, thanks for the advice, master." (Layla)
